
Why is Han Xin a soldier and Huo Quai's is not? In contrast, Han Xinqiang is still Huo Qu's illness

author:Talking about Xiao Li

Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about the story of two top famous generals in ancient times. Han Xin's "soldier immortal" with superb strategy and wit, and Huo Quzhi's "Maxima" who is brave and good at fighting, wise and brave. Both of them are famous generals of the Han Dynasty, but who is better? Let's take a closer look at their legendary experiences and appreciate the essence of soldiers. Follow my article, appreciate the miraculous skills of the two, and finally judge the superior!

Why is Han Xin a soldier and Huo Quai's is not? In contrast, Han Xinqiang is still Huo Qu's illness

If you want to talk about Han Xin, it can be said that he is a top strategist in the book of war. 234 years ago, as soon as Xiang Ji died and the Six Kingdoms were fighting, Han Xin used all his skills to defeat the Wei State. With both wisdom and bravery, he not only defeated all the Wei, Zhao, and Qi countries, but also set a proud record of conquering and winning.

Why is Han Xin a soldier and Huo Quai's is not? In contrast, Han Xinqiang is still Huo Qu's illness

Fighting a war emphasizes both wisdom and bravery, which can be said to be an artistic work. Han Xin's ingenious tactics are truly amazing. For example, in the last battle, he set up a suspicious array to deceive Zhao Jun into taking the bait; Half-crossing the river to attack, luring the enemy deep and then cutting off the way back. These tactics may seem unpretentious, but in fact they are meticulously crafted and implemented step by step. One by one, the opponent had no way to fight back, and in the end, he restrained and defeated.

However, a famous player like Han Xin also has a fatal flaw. Once an opponent is familiar with strategy, his strategy will not be effective. Back then, he and Li Zuoche faced off, but because the other party saw through the strategy, he almost came to a big disaster. Therefore, Han Xin's style of play is actually very determined by the level of the opponent, and it is safe to be safe, but there is also a hidden danger of being recognized.

Why is Han Xin a soldier and Huo Quai's is not? In contrast, Han Xinqiang is still Huo Qu's illness

Looking at Huo Quai, who was born as a slave, his background and experience are very different from Han Xin's. Huo Qubing has no formal military training since he was a child, and what he learned is self-taught, relying on a natural military talent. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty wanted to teach him the ancient art of war, but he refused, thinking that it was enough to be meticulous, so why bother to delve into those clichés?

Huo Quzhi is a genius general who does not play cards according to common sense. His invincible and impressive achievements have made countless soldiers smack. For example, in the Battle of Monan, he led only 800 cavalry and captured more than 2,000 people; In the battle of Mobei, 50,000 elite cavalry were ordered to take Mobei directly, sweeping thousands of miles and capturing 70,000 prisoners. This is an unprecedented feat, and the common people of the Han Dynasty were shocked when they heard it!

Why is Han Xin a soldier and Huo Quai's is not? In contrast, Han Xinqiang is still Huo Qu's illness

The reason why Huo Qubing was able to achieve such extraordinary feats was all due to his surprising victory and elusive combat methods. He never makes a move according to common sense, and the enemy will never be able to figure out his whereabouts. Even if he finds out, he doesn't have time to react, his elite rider has already descended from the sky to give you a head start. Therefore, Huo Qubing is not like Han Xin's step-by-step camp, but relies on instinct and the power of impromptu adaptation to win directly, and no one can stop it!

However, Huo Quzhi's "do whatever you want" style of play is also based on a foundation. His 800-mile hurried march and 50,000 marches across thousands of miles were a great test of the soldiers' physical fitness and war horses. If he fails to catch him, even if he is smart, he will not be able to implement the brilliant strategy.

Why is Han Xin a soldier and Huo Quai's is not? In contrast, Han Xinqiang is still Huo Qu's illness

Seeing this, do you also have your own top cow? It is really difficult to judge whether Han Xin won by strategy or Huo Qu's illness was surprisingly successful. After all, they are in different situations, different battlefield environments, and even different reasons for fighting. It can be said that Han Xin represents the ultimate use of customary tactics, while Huo Quzhi has opened up a new non-traditional style of play, and both of them are the highest examples of military attainments. Therefore, who to crown the "soldier immortal" is actually a dispute over the name, and the important thing is that they have made great contributions for the country and the people#头条首发大赛! #

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