
Oppose US sanctions against China! The Chinese side taught the United States a lesson at the UN General Assembly, and the resolution was unanimously adopted

author:Yang Menzhi saw Liu Yang

In recent years, with the continuous development of China's science and technology, the United States has stepped up its containment of China in the field of science and technology, often imposing unilateral sanctions on Chinese companies under the guise of so-called "national security". On July 1, the United Nations convened a general assembly and unanimously adopted a resolution proposed by China aimed at strengthening international cooperation with artificial intelligence technology.

Oppose US sanctions against China! The Chinese side taught the United States a lesson at the UN General Assembly, and the resolution was unanimously adopted

General Assembly

The resolution calls on the international community to provide and promote a fair, open, inclusive and non-discriminatory business environment in the field of AI technology. In June this year, the US government released a draft rule restricting US companies from investing in China in the field of artificial intelligence technology.

Earlier, U.S. semiconductor companies were also interviewed by the country's Commerce Minister Raimondo, requiring that high-end AI chips should not be exported to China, and only some "improved" low-end chips should be exported to China. Even the United States has spared no effort to suppress some of China's high-tech enterprises, and they have been included in the export control list at every turn.

In this regard, Fu Cong, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, directly stated China's position at the public occasion of the United Nations General Assembly, stressing that "we firmly oppose these sanctions". In fact, it is not only China that opposes it, but many Chinese countries in the world can be said to have "suffered from the United States for a long time".

Oppose US sanctions against China! The Chinese side taught the United States a lesson at the UN General Assembly, and the resolution was unanimously adopted

Ambassador Fu Cong, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations

For example, the Netherlands, following the United States to restrict the export of lithography machines to China, the result of which domestic companies complained, ASML CEO bluntly said that the United States' move may be counterproductive, not only can not limit China's scientific and technological development, but also will promote China's self-reliance in the field of semiconductors, out of an independent path.

Japan and South Korea are also worried about cooperating with the United States to restrict chip exports to China. Although these two countries are "loyal allies" of the United States, especially South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol, a typical "pro-American" faction, following Washington's weather vane in foreign policy, they also have to pay attention to the voice of domestic business people.

It is precisely on the basis of this fact that the resolution proposed by the Chinese side at the UN General Assembly has been adopted by consensus among all member states. This is also illustrated once again. The US uses ideological lines to build a "small circle", seeks monopoly in the field of superior technology, and suppresses the scientific and technological development of other countries, which is unpopular.

Oppose US sanctions against China! The Chinese side taught the United States a lesson at the UN General Assembly, and the resolution was unanimously adopted

The United States wields the stick of sanctions

In a narrow sense, the US move is aimed at containing China, but in a broader sense, the US is not only undermining the rules and standards in the field of artificial intelligence, but also creating a division in global governance. Since the 90s of the 20th century, the information technology revolution has led to cross-regional exchanges, making the world economy more and more integrated as a whole.

In this process, developed countries and some large multinational enterprises have reaped huge benefits, and at the same time, a small number of developing countries have also been given an opportunity to catch up with developed countries, and China has also achieved rapid economic development during this period, however, this has aroused the vigilance of the United States and Western countries.

In recent years, the United States and the West have frequently wielded the stick of sanctions against Chinese companies, especially high-tech enterprises, and some voices in Europe have also appeared calling for "getting rid of dependence on China", which is essentially an "anti-globalization" approach, through the erection of "trade barriers", to achieve technological blockade and economic isolation.

Oppose US sanctions against China! The Chinese side taught the United States a lesson at the UN General Assembly, and the resolution was unanimously adopted

Busy Chinese ports

But in fact, China's development has brought great opportunities to the world, not challenges. It is unrealistic for the United States and the West to put themselves in a high position in a multipolar world and regard other countries as their "economic colonies." Even some people in the United States do not agree with this practice.

Recently, for example, an old friend from the United States came to visit China and was met by the vice foreign minister of China, who was the chairman of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations. I have visited China several times in the past year, and I met with Foreign Minister Wang Yi last time I visited.

At that time, in the face of Foreign Minister Wang Yi's concern about some issues between China and the United States, Orlens made a clear statement in person, saying that the practice of "decoupling and breaking the chain" and imposing tariffs is not conducive to the common development of China and the United States. He also pledged to continue to play an active role in promoting mutual understanding and strengthening exchanges between China and the United States.

Oppose US sanctions against China! The Chinese side taught the United States a lesson at the UN General Assembly, and the resolution was unanimously adopted

Chairman of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, Mr. Ollens, and Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, Ma Zhaoxu

This also just confirms the saying that "the foundation of China-US exchanges lies in the people", and the Biden administration should not ignore the voices of people in the American business and economic circles. China's solemn statement at the United Nations can be seen as a lesson to the US side, and the hegemonic practice of wielding the big stick of sanctions can be put to rest.


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