
Japanese Pseudo-Drug Abuse and "Anti-Narcotics"

author:Sayan Butha

Liu Jinsheng/text

After the Japanese imperialists invaded China, they wanted to destroy China and turn China's splendid rivers and mountains into their paradise. The Japanese army conquered China by force, and the people always had to resist. But if the Chinese become the "sick man of East Asia", will they not rule forever! The Japanese invaders also copied the traditional methods of the old imperialists, using drugs to crush the Chinese in terms of physical and mental health and spiritual will. They fantasize that every Chinese has become a person who is groggy, unambitious, weak, and intimidating. Their colonial rule over China will be "10,000 years in prison". At the same time, the Japanese aggressors also used the means of selling and selling opium to obtain huge sums of money, so as to achieve the goal of feeding the war with war.

Japanese Pseudo-Drug Abuse and "Anti-Narcotics"

During the Japanese puppet rule, drugs were rampant

In 1940, the Japanese invaders forced the peasants to grow opium through the Xinmin Association and the Township Office. In the Wangzuo area, the enemy at that time stipulated that anyone who had more than 30 acres of land must grow one acre of opium poppy (opium). There is no limit to the variety, and those who refuse to plant will be punished. And there are full-time personnel to go deep into each household to supervise. That year, because my family rented other people's land, I was also forced to plant 5 acres.

The poppy is about a meter high, the leaves are oblong, the edges are notched, the flowers are white at first, then turn yellow, turn pink, and finally turn red, and the fruit is spherical. The harvest period is very short, and starting too early or too late can seriously affect the yield. When harvesting, the bucket cup must be held in the left hand, with a ring on the index finger and a semicircular notch with a diameter of one centimeter. Holding a thin blade in his right hand and making a horizontal stroke on the waist of the fruit, you can see the milky white liquid slowly flowing out. After a pause, wipe it off with your index finger, then wipe it into the small cup in your left hand, gather it and pour it into the bucket. After a little time, it turns black and is processed to become smoked opium.

In order to poison the Chinese, the Japanese invaders vigorously promoted opium and provided various "conveniences" for the smokers. At that time, there were as many as six plaster shops in Changxindian Town and four in Fengtai Town. Whoever wants to smoke a big cigarette, the big smoke house provides smoking equipment and beds free of charge. Even in some private baths at that time, when customers were addicted to smoking while taking a bath, as soon as they greeted them, someone immediately brought smoking equipment and tobacco materials to the bed. As for dirty places such as brothels, in order to attract customers, they are the first to smoke at the beginning of receiving customers. There are countless people who buy opium at home and smoke it.

In addition to opium, there is also a strong drug further extracted from it called heroin (commonly known as white noodles). After smoking, the poisoning is more serious, and some even festered and died. Even Changxin Store has a so-called "white-faced house". As a child, I have seen firsthand the ruins or ruins of my family because of heroin abuse. In the summer of 1942, my father and I were selling melons on the roadside in the east of the village. One day, at about 11 o'clock in the morning, a man named Su Liu from Xiwangzuo Village came back from Changxindian and rested under my melon shed. Because it is an acquaintance in a neighboring village, it is natural to meet and talk a lot. Without saying a few words, the person yawned twice, tears flowed from his eyes, his eyelids sank, and he looked drowsy. I saw that he quickly took out a paper cigarette from his jacket pocket, took out one and knocked it on the nail cover, then pressed the tobacco down into a small pit with a match head, and then opened a small paper bag, which contained egg blue powder, he pressed the paper cigarette to the flour surface, the small pit was full, and then wrapped the paper bag, struck a match, lit the paper cigarette, and took two deep breaths. In an instant, the two of them were like the two of them just now, their eyes were bright, they were full of energy, their spirits were vivid, and they talked about it in a wide air. It only takes two or three minutes at most. Dozens of minutes later, he strode away. I didn't know why, so I asked my father, and I knew that it was "smoking white noodles". Su Liuben was one of the wealthy households of the Western Wang, but after taking drugs, he quickly fell into ruin, and even the basic life was difficult to maintain, so he had to rely on loans to survive.

What's more, there was originally a wealthy family in Dongwangzuo Village, and the owner was called Jin Deliang. The family has more than 300 acres of farmland, and there is a store in Changxindian, and the whole family is only four people, and the life is very rich. But Jin Deliang became addicted to opium, and then took heroin and even morphine. The store was sold, the land was sold, the land was sold and the house was sold, and the family road quickly declined, and in more than three years, he became a person who had no place to stand in Dongwangzuo Village! I remember that he was lying on the hill on the side of the road in the south of the village, carrying a luggage roll, and there was nowhere to stay. The trouser legs were pulled up high, and the pieces of rotten flesh all turned black, and the blood and pus kept flowing outward, and even the bones were rotten in some places, and even the bones were black and brown, and many people gathered around to see them. I was too young to look at it, but when I raised my eyes, I saw it. Soon I heard that Jin Deliang died begging for food in a neighboring village.

Of all the people who are addicted to drugs, which one is not bankrupt! The family and career are all ruined here, and this is exactly what the enemy wants!

Japanese Pseudo-Drug Abuse and "Anti-Narcotics"

Japan's counterfeit anti-narcotics are fake, and monopoly sales are real

In 1941, the North China Political Affairs Committee came forward to "ban smoking" and promulgated the "Anti-Smoking Law" in a pretentious manner. Will the enemy really "put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the spot"? Definitely. Originally, their "ban on smoking" was aimed at monopolizing the cultivation, processing, production, and sales of narcotics, and to further plunder the wealth of the Chinese people, so as to "make a fortune in abundance" and achieve the goal of "feeding war with war." The enemy set up a planting base (around present-day Inner Mongolia) to control the supply of goods and supply them exclusively. Although it is "non-smoking", the sellers and smokers remain the same. It's just that the operation of multiple channels has been changed to an exclusive monopoly.

Now that the Japanese have promulgated the "Anti-Smoking Law", they must always pretend. In some major transportation routes, some so-called inspections and anti-narcotics are carried out. As a result of the ban on smoking, the supply channels were monopolized, and the price of drugs rose sharply. The high profits are always tempting some people who want to make huge profits to engage in private trafficking. In a unique way, these people are called "anal teams", in which men use rubber suits to put opium into the anus, and several layers of rubber sleeves are attached to the outside, and they are painfully stuffed into the anus; For women, the same method is used to prepare and put it into the vagina, and apply the menstrual belt outside. During the trafficking process, drinking water should not be entered, so as not to be excreted. Due to exercise, or procrastination for too long, it causes wear and tear, opium leakage, and death from poisoning.

The anti-drug method of the Japanese puppet was also very special, and at that time, in addition to male policemen, there were also female policemen at the railway station. Most of the female policemen are some people with a full face and a fierce and vicious look. There are two small black rooms at the exit of the train station. If they saw anyone suspicious, they were taken into the hut, forcibly stripped naked, and examined naked. or forcing food or laxatives. Once the drug is discovered, it is time for the police to ask for "conditions". If the money can be provided to the satisfaction of the police, they will only be released immediately on the grounds that "there is nothing after investigation"; If there are too many bribes, it is not unique to harbor and transfer on their behalf, and if they dedicate too little, they will have to "do business" and make people suffer lawsuits. In the same way, the police can receive a reward from their superiors, which is called "meritorious inspection". As for those high-ranking officials and giant businessmen, who cares about the whole truckload trafficking and even armed escort!

The use of drugs to kill Chinese is another means of Japan's invasion of China in addition to the use of guns. Although more than 50 years have passed, how can the painful calamity that has been imposed on us not be resentful and painful? The national shame and family feud will never be forgotten!

Selected from "Selected Cultural and Historical Materials of Beijing (Fengtai Volume)"