
Yao Bi, a post-90s beauty: Served the state banquet three times in succession, and now has become a "gold medal waiter for the state banquet"

author:Butterfly Quest
Yao Bi, a post-90s beauty: Served the state banquet three times in succession, and now has become a "gold medal waiter for the state banquet"
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Yao Bi, a post-90s beauty: Served the state banquet three times in succession, and now has become a "gold medal waiter for the state banquet"

Behind the banquet where international dignitaries gathered, a post-90s girl quietly became the focus. Yao Bi, a seemingly ordinary name, is now closely associated with the title of "Gold Medal Waiter at the State Banquet".

In just a few years, she has transformed from an ordinary college student to a core member of the state banquet etiquette management, and has participated in the state banquet service three times, creating remarkable achievements.

Facing the camera, Yao Bi's eyes flashed with confidence and determination. One can't help but wonder, what makes this young girl stand out in the highly competitive service industry? How does she show the style of Chinese service on the international stage? Let's uncover the secret of Yao Bi's success and explore her growth path from a grassroots waiter to a state banquet service elite.

Yao Bi's story began in 1995, a seemingly ordinary but determined choice that kicked off her extraordinary life. When filling in the college entrance examination, in the face of her parents' suggestion that she become a teacher, Yao Bi resolutely chose to major in hotel management.

Yao Bi, a post-90s beauty: Served the state banquet three times in succession, and now has become a "gold medal waiter for the state banquet"

With a sparkle of determination in her eyes, she said to her parents, "I want to carve out my own niche in the service industry." Although the decision came as a surprise to the parents, they ultimately chose to respect their daughter's choice.

After entering the university campus, Yao Bi showed a different attitude towards learning. While many of her classmates were immersed in the relaxed atmosphere of university life, she chose a more difficult path.

She can often be seen in the library focused on learning, and she actively looks for internship opportunities every vacation to put what she has learned in class into practice. Her roommate often joked: "Yao Bi, you are working so hard, do you want to be a hotel owner?" Yao Bi always smiled and shook her head, but her eyes flashed with the pursuit of excellence.

On the occasion of graduation, Yao Bi once again made a surprising choice. Faced with the temptation of a management position, she resolutely chose to work as a grassroots waiter at the InterContinental Changsha Beichen Hotel.

Yao Bi, a post-90s beauty: Served the state banquet three times in succession, and now has become a "gold medal waiter for the state banquet"

When asked why, Yao Bi confidently replied: "Only by starting from the most basic work can we truly understand the essence of this industry."

At the InterContinental Beichen Hotel, Yao Bi quickly stood out for her diligence and carefulness. Whether it's tidying up the room or serving guests, she always strives for perfection. Colleagues are often amazed by her dedication to detail, and sometimes even tease her: "Yao Bi, are you building a presidential suite?" In the face of jokes, Yao Bi always responds with a smile: "Every detail is the embodiment of the quality of hotel service."

Yao Bi's professionalism and outstanding performance quickly caught the attention of the hotel's management. Not only does she excel in her day-to-day work, but she also takes the initiative to learn new knowledge and improve her professional skills.

Even in the face of guests with a bad attitude, she can remain calm and professional, and resolve conflicts with high-quality service.

Yao Bi, a post-90s beauty: Served the state banquet three times in succession, and now has become a "gold medal waiter for the state banquet"

In this way, Yao Bi uses her focus and enthusiasm to write extraordinary stories in ordinary positions. Her efforts have not only won the appreciation of her colleagues and superiors, but also paved the way for her future glory.

In the field of service, Yao Bi is gradually growing into a dazzling new star, fully prepared for her upcoming state banquet service experience.

The turning point in Yao's career began in 2016. When she learned that the G20 Hangzhou Summit needed to select service personnel, she did not hesitate to sign up.

The selection process was extremely rigorous, but Yao Bi stood out for her outstanding business ability and composure performance. The following two-month intensive training was a great test of her willpower and professionalism.

Yao Bi, a post-90s beauty: Served the state banquet three times in succession, and now has become a "gold medal waiter for the state banquet"

The 14 hours a day of standing training left her legs sore and painful, but Yao never flinched. Late at night, when others have fallen asleep, she will still carefully record the day's learning experience and prepare for all kinds of unexpected situations that may arise.

In September 2016, the G20 summit was held as scheduled. Yao Bi, who stood in a corner of the venue, focused her eyes and precise movements, completed every service task perfectly.

After the summit, she received unanimous praise from the organizers. This experience strengthened Yao Bi's professional beliefs: "We are not only a representative of the hotel, but also a window to show the level of service in China.

In 2017, the BRICS Xiamen Summit once again provided a stage for Yao Bi to showcase her talents. This time, she not only successfully completed the service work, but also successfully solved the dining problem of a South African VIP with her keen observation and flexible adaptability.

Yao Bi, a post-90s beauty: Served the state banquet three times in succession, and now has become a "gold medal waiter for the state banquet"

When she noticed that the VIP was hesitant about the dishes, she took the initiative to ask and offer suitable suggestions. This episode not only allowed Yao Bi to gain praise from international friends, but also gave her a deeper understanding of the importance of cultural differences in international exchanges.

In 2018, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Qingdao Summit took Yao Bi to new heights. This time, she was appointed as the manager of the ballroom area, responsible for the overall arrangement of services.

In the face of greater responsibility, Yao Bi did not dare to relax at all. She always pays attention to every detail and coordinates all aspects of the work to ensure that the service is foolproof.

In her management role, Yao Bi has demonstrated outstanding leadership skills. Not only does she have to make sure her work is flawless, but she also directs and coordinates the performance of the entire team.

Yao Bi, a post-90s beauty: Served the state banquet three times in succession, and now has become a "gold medal waiter for the state banquet"

She is well aware that as a manager, her every decision can affect the success or failure of the entire banquet. As a result, she is more demanding of herself and strives to be a role model for her team.

Yao Bi's management style is both rigorous and humane. She is strict about her work standards, but she is also good at encouraging and guiding her team members. She often shares her experience with her team members to help them improve their service skills and adaptability.

Under her leadership, the service level of the entire team has been significantly improved.

Looking back on the three state banquet service experiences, Yao Bi is full of emotion: "Every time is a challenge, but also an opportunity for growth. They have strengthened my determination to strive for excellence in the service industry.

Yao Bi, a post-90s beauty: Served the state banquet three times in succession, and now has become a "gold medal waiter for the state banquet"

These three experiences have witnessed Yao Bi's transformation from an ordinary waiter to a manager, and also opened a new chapter in her career. Her story not only shows her personal growth, but also reflects the increasing professionalism of China's service industry.

Yao Bi's outstanding performance has won her numerous accolades. She has successively won the titles of "Hunan May Day Labor Medal", "Hunan Provincial Technical Expert", "Hunan Youth Post Expert" and "Hunan Provincial Women's Meritorious Service Model".

In the face of these honors, Yao Bi maintained a humble attitude: "These awards are an affirmation of my past efforts, and they are also the motivation for me to continue to move forward.

With the accumulation of experience and the improvement of ability, Yao Bi's career development has entered the fast lane. She was promoted to manager of a well-known restaurant with greater responsibility.

Yao Bi, a post-90s beauty: Served the state banquet three times in succession, and now has become a "gold medal waiter for the state banquet"

In this role, Yao Bi not only has to manage day-to-day operations, but also to train new people and inherit her service philosophy. She often says, "Management is not only about control, but also about stimulating everyone's potential."

At the same time, Yao Bi also serves as a hostess consultant for several hotels, passing on her experience and insights accumulated in state banquet services to more people. Her curriculum not only covers basic service skills, but also emphasizes the importance of cultural understanding and international etiquette.

What's even more remarkable is that Yao Bi has successfully become a core member of the state banquet etiquette management team, participating in the overall planning and management of the state banquet service. This role gives her the opportunity to apply her insights to a broader stage and contribute to the promotion of China's international image.

In the face of these achievements, Yao Bi did not stop. Her eyes still sparkle with the pursuit of higher goals: "My next goal is to become the chief conductor of the on-site service of the state banquet."

Yao Bi, a post-90s beauty: Served the state banquet three times in succession, and now has become a "gold medal waiter for the state banquet"

I believe that nothing is impossible with consistent efforts.

Yao Bi's story is not only a trajectory of personal growth, but also a microcosm of the continuous progress of China's service industry. Her experience proves that as long as there is a firm belief and unremitting efforts, ordinary people can create extraordinary value in ordinary positions.

When asked about the secret of success, Yao Bi smiled and said, "It's actually very simple, it's to insist on doing every little thing well." She always adheres to the belief of "don't do it, do it and do it best", and strives for perfection in every detail.

Whether it's the angle of the tableware or the posture of pouring water, Yao Bi strives for perfection.

Yao Bi, a post-90s beauty: Served the state banquet three times in succession, and now has become a "gold medal waiter for the state banquet"

In her day-to-day work, Yao Bi demands far more than conventional standards. She believes that high-quality service is not only a reflection of skills, but also a responsibility and mission.

"We stand for the quality of China's excellent service," Ms. Yao said, "and every smile, every gesture is showing the world the image of China."

Yao Bi's spirit of pursuing perfection is not only reflected in her work, but also extends to her learning attitude. Even in her busy schedule, she continues to learn new knowledge and improve her professional skills.

She believes that only by continuous learning can we remain competitive in the rapidly changing service industry.

Yao Bi, a post-90s beauty: Served the state banquet three times in succession, and now has become a "gold medal waiter for the state banquet"

It is this dedication to perfection and unremitting efforts that have allowed Yao Bi to create extraordinary achievements in an ordinary position. Her story has become a vivid illustration of "360 Lines, Champions in Action", showing how focus and passion can shine in any profession.

Yao Bi's growth process has brought us a profound enlightenment: no matter what position you are in, as long as you have love and perseverance, you can bloom your own brilliance. She proves that there is extraordinary value in ordinary work, and the key lies in how we treat it.

From the grassroots waiter to the core member of the state banquet etiquette management, Yao Bi is steadfast and firm in every step. She tells us that success is not an accident, but the result of accumulation.

It requires us to persevere in ordinary positions, study hard, and have the courage to innovate, in order to finally create an extraordinary life.

Yao Bi, a post-90s beauty: Served the state banquet three times in succession, and now has become a "gold medal waiter for the state banquet"

As Yao Bi said: "As long as we have dreams in our hearts and strength under our feet, we can create an extraordinary life even if we are ordinary." "Her story inspires every ordinary person and tells us the importance of being brave enough to pursue our dreams.

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