
After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious

author:Aunt Mao looks at the world

The Sino-US financial war has been going on for a long time, and it is more appropriate to say that it is not so much the Sino-US financial war as the US global leek cutting strategy.

After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious

It is obviously the global leek cutting behavior of the United States, so why should it be said that it is a financial war between China and the United States, first of all, it must be because there is a financial game and competition between China and the United States. The United States has taken many measures to curb China's economic growth, which has had a bad impact on the economy and finance.

After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious

When it comes to the Sino-US financial war, the first thing that comes to mind is the Fed's long-term interest rate hikes, which has led to the outflow of Chinese capital and even the return of global funds to the United States. The RMB exchange rate is affected, the mainland currency is depreciated, and investors will transfer their capital to countries where the currency can appreciate or be relatively stable, so as to avoid the shrinkage of their assets.

After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious

The U.S. Federal Reserve's interest rate hike has not only had an impact on China, but also the U.S. dollar, as the WTO's preferred settlement currency, has a huge impact on the world, and the impact on the depreciation of other countries' currencies has led to fluctuations and implications in the bonds and stock markets of other countries. Affect the stability of the global economy.

After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious
After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious
After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious
After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious
After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious
After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious

The Fed's interest rate hikes have also led to debt risks for creditor countries, increasing debt burdens and increasing the risk of default.

After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious

The Federal Reserve's interest rate hike has caused the price of the dollar to rise, and the demand for domestic purchases in the United States has increased, which has increased the price of imported goods and hit the prices of exporting countries, which is irresponsible to the global economy, bringing down the global economy, and harming global trade.

After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious

Some time ago, Japan, which currently has the largest amount of U.S. debt, could not withstand the depreciation of the yen and released 9 trillion U.S. debt. As an American licking dog, Japan, who can't walk independently, what motivates him to go against the will of his American father and behave unethically?

After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious

As mentioned earlier, the US Federal Reserve's interest rate hike has depreciated all currencies around the world except the US dollar, and the yen has continued to weaken against the US dollar. As mentioned earlier, the depreciation of the yen will lead to an increase in Japan's import costs, which will undoubtedly make matters worse for Japanese companies that rely on imported products, and the increase in corporate costs will put great pressure on their operations.

After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious

Consumption has also entered a period of weakness as the cost of imports has increased, product prices have risen, and incomes have not increased. The decline in spending power has had a huge impact on Japan's economic recovery.

After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious

Under so many negative effects of these US measures on Japan, Japan disregarded the stern warnings of the United States, threw away 9 trillion US debts, and even paid the price of being on the US exchange rate watch list, but this did not turn Japan's economy around, and Japan has become an outcast of the United States. Because if the United States does not suck blood by cutting leeks, its own country's economic thunderstorm will explode even more. Regardless of the outcome of the Sino-US financial war, Japan is doomed this time.

After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious

Has the US Federal Reserve's interest rate hike only had a negative impact on the world? Yes, this global also includes the United States itself. The Federal Reserve's interest rate hike increased the cost of borrowing Some time ago, the economic explosion on Wall Street in the United States was caused by this reason, which led to the auction of mortgaged real estate by companies with triple A rating standards because they could not repay the loan, and the mortgaged real estate could not be sold under the premise that the consumption power was suppressed. If the United States still adheres to such a policy, its own country will first fall into such an economic dead loop.

After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious

In the face of the United States' behavior of injuring 7,000 enemies and injuring 10,000 of its own. China has also taken corresponding measures to respond. In order to increase the liquidity of financial funds, the mainland has made interest rate cuts and easing policies to encourage the development of enterprises and increase investment in infrastructure construction. Strengthen the management of cross-border capital flows. preferential tax policies, etc.

After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious

China's Belt and Road Initiative has not only improved the infrastructure of countries along the route. At the same time, it also promotes cultural and economic exchanges with countries along the Belt and Road. While accelerating economic development through trade and investment, it also enhances the friendship between the people of all countries and achieves a win-win situation.

After the 9 trillion bailout, the loser of the Sino-US financial war appeared, and Yellen asked China to be reasonable, and the consequences were serious

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