
Outburst! Missile raid on Ukrainian trains! 20 domestic sharp weapons suffered

author:The Great Thousand Worlds


Ukraine is still in the midst of a conflict with Russia, and on the eastern front of Ukraine, a train carrying various domestically produced weapons was attacked by Iskander-M missiles launched by the Russian side.

As an important country in the world today, Ukraine also has a certain military strength.

However, judging from the "Iskander-M" attack this time, there are also deep-seated problems within the Ukrainian army, which may make it impossible to effectively complete the next Ukrainian battle plan.

The major blow to Ukraine this time is that the scope of logistics assistance has been cut off, thus creating a very big crisis on the eastern front of Ukraine, so how did Ukraine counterattack and how did it interrupt the logistics supply line?

At the same time, what important arms has the Ukrainian side lost?

The logistical supply lines of the Ukrainian army were cut off.

Stationed in the eastern front of Ukraine is a Ukrainian First Army, and almost all the officers and men of the First Army of the Ukrainian Army were born in Ukraine and have participated in the military and studied in Ukraine.

This unit can be said to be a force that understands Ukraine's national conditions very well and is very emotional.

The Ukrainian army is mainly equipped with domestically produced "Walter" pistols and "Mi-8" helicopters, and these two equipment have also been used together many times during the operation.

Although foreign troops have not been to Ukraine, Ukraine's own military industry is taught by word and deed, and it can also be tempered to a certain extent in the process of fighting itself.

This time, he was also on the train on the way to fight on the eastern front of Ukraine, preparing to launch an armed attack on the ground defense battalion of the people's militia unit of the Russian army stationed in the eastern Ukrainian region and eliminate it.

Because this people's militia battalion is interfering with the actions of the Ukrainian government's army and launching an artillery bombardment on the Ukrainian government's army, which is occupied by the people's militia in this extremely important strategic position, the Ukrainian government army regards it as a very serious rebel army.

The Ukrainian government also has a humanitarian rescue team composed of people from international aid organizations in the Ukrainian region, and this team was later issued some military use permits by the Ukrainian government, which can play a certain role in the military intervention of the people's militia.

The humanitarian rescue team is mainly carried by Ukrainian civilian self-defense forces and some rebels, and the equipment in the humanitarian rescue team is inferior compared to the government army.

In areas where security requirements are not high, these field guns, amphibious tanks and other equipment towed by convoys of cars are used, but if someone launches an artillery attack on these areas, it will cause casualties, so the safety is much worse.

Therefore, after this incident, several Russian aviation units preparing for war on the Eastern Front began to monitor the Ukrainian side to ensure that the actions of the Ukrainian side can be detected at any time.

This aviation unit was on alert to the Ukrainian side from the beginning, but the Ukrainian side did not notice the combat-ready Russian aviation unit, so the Ukrainian side distributed heavy weapons to this aviation unit only ten kilometers away from the incident area in the logistics support line, and at the same time smashed out these seventy or eighty pieces of equipment.

However, due to the weather at that time, the Ukrainian side retreated at this time, and the arrival of the Ukrainian army at the front line could only wait until the next day.

At that time, members of this artillery regiment received an order from the Ukrainian government army to launch an attack on the ground defense positions of the people's militia and destroy them.

At the same time, a serviceman from the Ukrainian army said in a statement that the units of the Ukrainian army had suffered almost no losses.

Russian missiles inflicted a fatal blow on the Ukrainian side.

However, during the repeated shelling, the Ukrainian side did not conduct reconnaissance and did not wait for the artillery unit to load the shells before attacking.

Instead, he directly let go of the bullet in his hand and fired, which allowed the Russian army to find a favorable opportunity to snipe this group's artillery unit.

So taking advantage of the distraction of the Ukrainian side by the clouds and fog in the sky, the Russian army immediately sent a reconnaissance drone to reconnoiter the Ukrainian artillery unit.

The officers and men of the Ukrainian artillery unit, who are highly concentrated, are scattered on the mental reconnaissance drone, which allows the Russian army to discover the location of the Ukrainian artillery unit.

In the case of knowing the enemy's location, several aviation units of the Russian army are also about to come to the air to carry out a surprise attack on the Ukrainian artillery, but before the Russian planes take off, the Ukrainian government army has found two Mi-8 helicopters that are taking off and decided not to give up.

However, due to weather conditions, the Mi-8 took off too long when it took off, which not only wasted time, but also did not have the effect of attacking and falling.

As a result, in the final missile attack, the Mi-8 helicopter that had just taken off on the Ukrainian side during take-off was attacked and crashed by enemy missiles.

And after the successful take-off of the aircraft unit in the air, the officers and men of the Ukrainian artillery units naturally began to attack with concentrated fire, and eight people were injured.

Outburst! Missile raid on Ukrainian trains! 20 domestic sharp weapons suffered

At the same time that eight people were wounded in the artillery units of the Ukrainian army, several aviation units of the Russian army had a clear division of labor and had begun to snipe the artillery units of the Ukrainian army.

In this round of missile attacks, the heavy equipment of the Ukrainian army was directly affected, resulting in the destruction of one of the missiles fired by the artillery, and almost all of the seventy or eighty pieces of equipment were blown up, and the losses of the Ukrainian artillery units this time were very heavy.

The main equipment of the Ukrainian artillery unit is also from domestic production, which makes it easier for the Russian army to knock down the Ukrainian army with sniping.

But although today's Ukrainian army has been on the road of self-reliance very well, the equipment in the army is basically domestic.

However, there is no guarantee that if the Ukrainian government army encounters a shortage of materials again, the Ukrainian side will go to the West to seek foreign aid as before, which is also a problem for the Ukrainian government.

The Ukrainian battle plan could not continue.

Therefore, if the Ukrainian government wants to allow the Ukrainian First Army plan to continue, then the Ukrainian government should, on the one hand, replenish health and medical supplies, and at the same time specify that the officers and men of the army should be expelled from the army if they have any more cases of firing artillery without permission.

The second is to do everything possible to recover the equipment of this convoy, after all, in the Ukrainian army's counteroffensive plan, the loss of equipment this time is very large, and a large supply shortage will be the deep-seated main cause of the greater crisis.

On the territory of Ukraine, the Ukrainian army was able to recapture equipment and materials, but as the war developed, it had to fight outside Ukraine.

As a result, some high-level units and a small number of tactics will be used in this war, and some new equipment and tactics will also be sacrificed.

Therefore, the victory or defeat of this war is not only a matter between the two countries, but also the third country is involved in this war.

Outburst! Missile raid on Ukrainian trains! 20 domestic sharp weapons suffered

Therefore, after the final victory, Ukraine must not only guard against stronger enemy forces, but also guard against the possibility of third countries using Ukraine to infiltrate.

There has always been an extreme ideology in Ukraine, believing that only with independent research and development of military strength can Ukraine be truly independent.

Outburst! Missile raid on Ukrainian trains! 20 domestic sharp weapons suffered

There are constant attempts to make the Ukrainian army a larger defense system, but this is not the case in the case of Ukraine.

As a naïve and reckless child, Ukraine is trying to integrate into the big family of this world, while at the same time mocking others for not truly integrating themselves with the world.

Because the Ukrainian army as a whole is independently developed, but only in the skeleton and shell, and it is full of Western elements.

Ukraine's military strength mainly relies on self-developed equipment, and at the same time, some of it is imported from other countries, and imported equipment accounts for a part of the proportion.

However, among the imported and independently developed military equipment, the most important thing for Ukraine to participate in the military field is probably the equipment that is independently developed.

Therefore, between self-struggle, they are all fighting, so that all this is going astray, and at the same time, it is constantly creating contradictions, and Ukraine is constantly changing on these issues, so that it is gradually sobering up.


The role played by logistical support in modern warfare is universally recognized, and in the process of waging wars, logistical support lines are like powerful caravanserais.

The instability of the logistics support line is likely to be broken by the enemy army in one fell swoop because of the little missing supplies, which will affect Ukraine's war plan.

In the course of fighting a war in the future, the Ukrainian army must always keep in mind the importance of logistical support.

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