
Putin never expected it! Overnight, the situation between Russia and Ukraine has changed dramatically? Major news was exposed within the Ukrainian army

author:The Great Thousand Worlds


"No, don't brag so much, how can so many local tyrants in Russia lose to you poor dicks."

Russian President Vladimir Putin received a piece of information about the manufacture of aircraft carrier power banks, which made Putin not know whether to believe it or not.

According to this intelligence, in the war in Ukraine, the drive unit of the Russian aircraft carrier actually needs to be repaired by a bankrupt company, and the Ukrainian side in the war, after the drive unit of the Ukrainian aircraft carrier "Varyag" failed, it submitted a request to the United States to repair the aircraft carrier, and the United States said that if Ukraine agreed to participate in the war on a large scale, then it would help repair the aircraft carrier.

Putin never expected it! Overnight, the situation between Russia and Ukraine has changed dramatically? Major news was exposed within the Ukrainian army

Eastern and Southern Fronts of Ukraine.

As the war in Ukraine enters a new phase, the situation on the battlefield is becoming more and more complex, and various forces are constantly wrestling.

The situation has become confusing as there have been some changes on the eastern and southern fronts of Ukraine.

Ukraine and Russia have also begun to make some adjustments at the tactical level, and the Ukrainian military hopes to resist the Russian offensive through some flexible maneuvers and let the war end early.

The Russian side also has a headache for the flexible mobility of the Ukrainian army, because in this case, they can only encircle and intercept the Ukrainian army, and they are prone to various problems when they move, and they will even "squeeze toothpaste" for the Ukrainian army.

Putin never expected it! Overnight, the situation between Russia and Ukraine has changed dramatically? Major news was exposed within the Ukrainian army

In addition, there is also the fact that the Ukrainian army's logistical support capabilities are very strong, which makes the Russian army feel very tricky, because only by attacking these key points can the Ukrainian army be caught off guard.

Not only that, but in order to achieve a certain advantage on the battlefield, the Ukrainian army even let the "uncles and aunts" across the country give him a little power and let these Ukrainian troops do whatever they want.

Putin never expected it! Overnight, the situation between Russia and Ukraine has changed dramatically? Major news was exposed within the Ukrainian army

This situation not only increases the difficulty of the Russian army's operations, but also allows Russia to constantly strengthen its own defense system, striving to achieve something on the battlefield and save the defeat of the Ukrainian conflict.

When the Ukrainian army learned that the drive device of the Russian aircraft carrier still needed them, it even ridiculed Putin in various ways, but in these "icing on the cake" measures, some of Ukraine's military points were also faintly unsupportable.

And most of Ukraine's support is due to the equipment provided to them by the United States, and most of the equipment provided to Ukraine by the United States and some NATO countries is some new weapon systems.

This has given Ukraine a huge leap forward in military strength, and the tactical confrontation with the Russian army can close the gap.

At the same time, the Russian side is not idle, the Russian army has also upgraded its own equipment, and at the same time strengthened the local military production, so that the equipment produced in the country has been greatly improved.

In terms of equipment, Ukraine and Russia are constantly upgrading, which also makes the confrontation on military equipment more intense.

In the conflict in Ukraine, in addition to the confrontation of military forces, information warfare also plays an important role, and the two sides also engage in fierce contests in public opinion warfare and psychological warfare.

In this context, the international community is even more worried about the future of this conflict.

Putin never expected it! Overnight, the situation between Russia and Ukraine has changed dramatically? Major news was exposed within the Ukrainian army

The conflict in Ukraine is heading towards a complex geopolitical contest.

Although the Ukrainian army has received so much support, the conflict in Ukraine has evolved from a local conflict to a contest of complex geopolitical patterns.

In this conflict, many countries have intervened, hoping that through their own efforts, this war will end as soon as possible and no more lives will be affected.

However, in the eyes of the neutral countries in the world, this conflict has different ideas, and they want to rebuild a new pattern through this war, so as to gradually become a more vocal country in future wars.

In this case, these internationally neutral countries are just spectators, and they want to change the current situation with their own hands, but there are some overly idealistic ideas in them.

Because Ukraine is not only confronting Russia, but also has the support of the United States and other countries and NATO allies, which makes this war more complicated and it is not easy to make compromise decisions.

In the past, many countries would often lend a helping hand in the face of disasters, but now, in this conflict in Ukraine, this situation has not changed.

Especially on the cusp of the conflict in Ukraine, only interests are absent, and interests make these countries just want to stand in a place that is beneficial to them, regardless of the impact of this war on their countries.

As the so-called "iron pestle into a needle", with the efforts of people, there is unlimited imagination, many countries are holding this idea, wanting to build Ukraine into a new country, but there are also a lot of difficulties, which also makes Ukraine finally embark on this road of no return.

At the same time, neither these people nor the government of Ukraine realize where this tragic path of Ukraine will eventually go, and it is this self-righteous thinking that has led Ukraine to this detour.

As the country of Ukraine gradually becomes a hot topic in the international community, every move in this regard is noticed by the international community.

And the matter of Ukraine is not only a war between Ukraine and Russia, behind this war, not only the grievances between Ukraine and Russia, but also the manipulation of some powerful people.

Not only the military command, but also the people at home are holding grievances about this war, and the government is under such pressure, and personnel changes are also very frequent.

Conflict has far-reaching implications for the global security landscape.

The conflict in Ukraine is constantly changing, not only causing great harm to its own people, but also exposing some of its own problems, which not only need to be solved by itself, but also need the assistance of the international community.

However, having such assistance from the international community does not mean a good thing, it is just that these countries of the international community are tied up with greater interests and let Ukraine be used by them.

The current war in Ukraine is not only the interests of some people, but also the responsibility of some people, and if we want to resolve this conflict in Ukraine, we must abandon interests and make a contribution to the peaceful development of the country.

In this matter, there are many rumors, some people say that Putin has passed away, and even caused some riots, but this also makes many people confused, what is true and what is false.

Ukrainians are a very good kind of people, as long as they want to believe something, even if there is no basis, they are willing to believe it, which also surprises many people, why Ukrainians believe rumors so much.

Putin never expected it! Overnight, the situation between Russia and Ukraine has changed dramatically? Major news was exposed within the Ukrainian army

The conflict in Ukraine not only poses a threat to the security of Ukraine and neighboring countries, but also profoundly affects the global security landscape.

In this case, not only this conflict, but also many problems cannot be solved so far, and the Ukraine incident has also seriously hurt the international community and made it have strong doubts about its ability to handle international affairs.

Putin never expected it! Overnight, the situation between Russia and Ukraine has changed dramatically? Major news was exposed within the Ukrainian army


In this era, apart from peace, there is still peace, but there are some people who want to break this peace and create war, and they are ready to fight, but they never think that the ultimate victim is themselves.

The war in Ukraine is not a matter for Ukraine alone, it affects not only its neighboring countries, but also countries around the world, so it is also in the global stability, and it will only make things more complicated.

This is no longer just a matter for Ukraine, but also for the world, and the international community should discuss the future of these matters and seek global peace even more.

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