
The national youth men's basketball team suffered a tragedy: it was difficult to get past half of the 84-point shooting in the United States, and the coaching of the famous man caused controversy

author:Eager to learn the spring breeze

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The national youth men's basketball team suffered a tragedy: it was difficult to get past half of the 84-point shooting in the United States, and the coaching of the famous man caused controversy
The national youth men's basketball team suffered a tragedy: it was difficult to get past half of the 84-point shooting in the United States, and the coaching of the famous man caused controversy
The national youth men's basketball team suffered a tragedy: it was difficult to get past half of the 84-point shooting in the United States, and the coaching of the famous man caused controversy

Opening: The dream was shattered, and the national youth men's basketball team suffered an unprecedented setback

In the temple of basketball, every game is a double test of the athlete's will and skill. However, when the smoke of the U17 Men's Basketball World Cup rose in the matchup between the Chinese men's basketball team and the United States, an unprecedented fiasco was chilling. 62-146, this is not only a score, but also a visual embodiment of the huge gap between dreams and reality of the national youth men's basketball team. Every detail of this game is like a sharp blade, cutting the heart of every fan who cares about Chinese basketball.

Section 1: The place where the dream begins, but it is also the prelude to the nightmare

As soon as the whistle blew in the game, it should have been the beginning of the evenly matched and passionate collision between the two sides, but it unexpectedly became the prelude to the nightmare of the national youth men's basketball team. The frontcourt of the U.S. team is like an airtight net, making every dribble of the national youth men's basketball team extremely difficult. In just half a quarter, the national youth men's basketball team only had two more pitiful points on the scoring board, while the opponent already led with a disparity of 24-2. At that moment, the air on the court seemed to freeze, and the sighs in the audience came and went. Finally, with the joint efforts of the whole team, the national youth men's basketball team scored the second goal with difficulty, but this weak spark did not ignite the team's fighting spirit, and in the entire first quarter, they only scored 10 points, trailing the opponent by as many as 28 points. This is not only a gap in scores, but also an overall backwardness in technology and tactics, mentality and experience.

Midfield: Struggle in despair, but it is difficult to hide the gap in strength

Heading into the second quarter, the U.S. continued to show their dominance, and the game was almost a one-sided slaughter. Under the pressure of the opponent, the national youth men's basketball team made frequent mistakes, and by the end of the half, they had a staggering 23 turnovers, which was almost half of the opponent's score. What's even more distressing is that the team's top scorer only scored 6 points, which makes people question, is this really the hope for the future of Chinese basketball? At halftime, the score of 30-73 made it clear to everyone that the game had lost its suspense. However, for the boys of the national youth men's basketball team, they still tried their best on the court, although every offense seemed so weak and every defense seemed so pale.

Struggling in the last quarter: Although the defeat is still glorious, there is still a long way to go

Heading into the second half, the U.S. team seemed to deliberately reduce the defensive intensity, which gave the national youth men's basketball team some respite. Players such as Xun Sinan and Li Yuezhou began to show their individual ability, and the continuous scoring gave fans a glimmer of hope. However, this short-lived bounce did not change the eventual course of the match. The U.S. team is still relying on its strong overall strength to continue to widen the difference. At the end of the game, although the offense of the national youth men's basketball team improved, its skills were not as good as others, and they could only watch the opponent win the victory. In the end, the score was fixed at 62-146, and a painful loss was unacceptable to everyone.

Conclusion: Reflection and Forward, the Future of Chinese Basketball

After the game, head coach Li Xiaoyong's coaching ability sparked widespread controversy. Some questioned whether his tactical arrangements were reasonable, and others criticized his command from the sidelines for being too calm. However, regardless of who is responsible, the fiasco has become a fact. For Chinese basketball, this is undoubtedly a heavy blow, but at the same time it is also a valuable lesson. It allows us to see the huge gap between Chinese basketball and the world's strongest teams, and it also makes us realize that there is still a long way to go before we can have a place on the international stage.

As fans, of course, we will be disappointed and sad, but it is more important to learn from our failures and learn from our experiences. Only in this way can Chinese basketball continue to make progress and continue to narrow the gap with the world's top teams. We believe that in the coming days, Chinese basketball will usher in a more brilliant tomorrow. And this fiasco will be the driving force for us to keep moving forward.

The Heart of the Fans: From Broken Dreams to Awakening - Deep Reflections on the U17 Men's Basketball World Cup Defeat to the United States Team

Standing on the edge of that familiar field, my heart beat faster as the whistle blew, and every breath was filled with the desire to win. Today, as one of the thousands of Chinese basketball fans, I witnessed the U17 men's basketball team's competition with the United States team on the World Cup stage, but I also reluctantly witnessed an unprecedented fiasco. 62-146, this is not only a cold score, but also a heavy blow to the basketball dream in our hearts.

1. The shock of the opening and the spread of despair

At the beginning of the game, I was still immersed in the excitement of playing at home, fantasizing that the national youth men's basketball team could show their style in this international competition. However, reality was like a basin of cold water, which instantly extinguished all my illusions. The frontcourt of the U.S. team is like an invisible net, trapping the national youth men's basketball team firmly. Halfway through the first quarter, the dazzling 2-24 on the scoreboard was like a hammer, hitting my heart hard. At that moment, I felt more despair than I had ever felt before. The boys of the national youth men's basketball team looked so helpless on the court, and every dribble seemed to be struggling to move forward in a struggle against fate.

2. Hope in the struggle and the cruelty of reality

Although the performance of the national youth men's basketball team in the first half was disappointing, I did not give up. I believe that as long as they can adjust their mentality and find a way to break down the opponent's defense, they will be able to recover their slump. However, the reality is always more cruel than imagined. In the second quarter, the U.S. team continued to expand its lead, and the mistakes of the national youth men's basketball team were still frequent, and every offense seemed to hit an iron wall. At halftime, the score was 30-73, and I completely lost confidence. I know that there is no suspense in this game, but deep down I still hold a faint hope that the national youth men's basketball team can create a miracle in the second half.

3. The struggle of the last quarter and the prospect of the future

Entering the second half, the U.S. team seemed to deliberately reduce the defensive intensity and give the national youth men's basketball team some respite. The continuous scoring of players such as Xun Sinan and Li Yuezhou made me see the fighting spirit of the team that has not completely given up. However, this short-lived bounce did not change the eventual course of the match. As the U.S. team made another effort, the point difference was further widened. At the end of the game, although the offense of the national youth men's basketball team improved, its skills were not as good as others, and they could only watch the opponent win the victory. At that moment, my heart was like a knife, and I was saddened by the team's loss.

4. Reflection and Forward: The Future of Chinese Basketball

After the game, I didn't want to leave for a long time. Standing in the middle of the empty court, I fell into deep thought. The fiasco was hard to accept, but it was also a wake-up call. The gap between Chinese basketball and the world's top teams is obvious, and there are obvious deficiencies in terms of technology, tactics and psychological quality. As fans, we will certainly be disappointed and saddened, but it is more important to learn from this defeat and learn from it.

First, we need to face up to the gaps and acknowledge the shortcomings. Only by recognizing their own shortcomings can they make targeted improvements and promotions. Second, we need to strengthen the cultivation of young basketball talents and the construction of a selection mechanism. Only by allowing more young players to have the opportunity to receive professional training and competition training can we lay a solid foundation for the future of Chinese basketball. In addition, we also need to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with international basketball, learn from the world's advanced basketball concepts and technical methods, and continuously improve the overall level of Chinese basketball.

5. Discussion: How to revive the glory of Chinese basketball?

In the face of this fiasco, we can't help but ask: where should Chinese basketball go? Will it continue to sink or will it catch up? In my opinion, reviving the majesty of Chinese basketball is not an overnight effort, but requires the joint efforts and long-term persistence of the whole society. As fans, we need to give more support and encouragement to the team; As the media and public opinion circles, we must look at the gains and losses rationally and create a good public opinion environment for the team; As practitioners and managers in the basketball industry, we must have the courage to take responsibility and actively promote the reform and development of basketball. Only in this way can Chinese basketball move towards a more brilliant tomorrow in the future.

In conclusion, although this fiasco has left us with heartache, it has also provided us with a valuable opportunity for reflection and learning. Let's go hand in hand and contribute to the future of Chinese basketball!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Sub-heading: "Dream of Breaking the Basketball Arena and Thinking of Pain and Strength"

Dream of breaking the basketball world, thinking about pain and trying to be strong

The basketball world is blazing, and the dream of ambition is empty.

The heroes of the national youth went into battle together, but they were overwhelmed by a strong enemy.

The first quarter was broken before half of the heart, and the two points could not hide the expectations of the public.

Under the pressure, he lost his soul, and made frequent mistakes.

At half-time, the chasm appeared, thirty against seventy-three.

The young man's blood has not decreased, and his skills are difficult to return.

Although Xun Li stood up and showed his sword, it was difficult to support the boat alone.

After three quarters, one hundred and eight, the difference between the points became more and more wide.

Although there is a counterattack in the last section, the gap is difficult to fill.

Although the three-point retreat is wonderful, the violent dunk counterattack is even more awe-inspiring.

However, he was exhausted, and he was full of tears on the court.

The famous coach caused controversy, and the calm command seemed to be a bystander.

The painful experience is not dead, and the dream of basketball is never over.

Although the defeat is not the end, we will regroup for the next year.

The youth training system must be perfected, and talent training is the root.

International exchanges are indispensable, and advanced ideas must be absorbed.

All sectors of society work together to build the dream of a strong basketball country.

The media should be rational and not let victory or defeat obscure their eyes.

Fans need to be heard, and support and love are indispensable.

Managers should be more responsible, and the road to reform must be courageous.

After thinking about the pain, it is Tuqiang, and then set sail where the dream is broken.

The young national youth is not idle, he will be able to shine in all directions one day.

The situation on the basketball court is changing, and China's power is rising.

Don't forget today's shame and forge ahead to create brilliance.

This poem summarizes the scene of the national youth men's basketball team's defeat to the United States team in the U17 World Cup, expresses the pain and unwillingness in the hearts of fans, and also pins on the hopes and blessings for the future of Chinese basketball. The poem not only vividly depicts the process of the game, but also has a deep reflection on the reasons for the failure, as well as a firm belief and beautiful vision for revitalizing the glory of Chinese basketball. It is hoped that Chinese basketball can learn lessons from this, continue to work hard, and realize the dream of becoming a basketball power as soon as possible.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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