
What about the U.S. presidential election? (2024|29th Bullet)

author:The fifth uncle sees the world

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The U.S. presidential election is on November 5, 2024, with 126 days left today.

This article would like to look at the latest developments in the U.S. presidential election in the following three aspects: first, Bannon was imprisoned for four months; second, the Supreme Court's ruling on President Trump's immunity; The third is news from Biden's side.


The first is that Bannon served four months in prison.

On July 1, 2024, Stephen Bannon, known as "Trump's military adviser", was imprisoned and served four months in prison.

Bannon was a key adviser to Mr. Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and served as Mr. Trump's chief White House strategist in 2017, but the two fell out at one point and later reconciled.

Bannon was found by jury guilty of two counts of contempt of Congress:

One is the refusal to testify.

Bannon refused to testify before the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol Hill riot.

The other is the refusal to provide the relevant documents.

The documents suggest that he was involved in Trump's activities after losing to Biden in the 2020 election.

For nearly two years, Bannon was allowed to remain free while appealing, but the appeals court jury upheld the verdict and Bannon was sent to prison before July 1.

After the Supreme Court rejected his last-minute appeal for a postponement of the sentence, he honestly reported to prison.

What about the U.S. presidential election? (2024|29th Bullet)

Bannon will continue to appeal, and House Republican leaders have already expressed support for intervening, claiming that the House Investigative Committee was improperly set up to try to find the subpoena Bannon received illegal.

Public opinion believes that Bannon knows too much, and it is a time bomb that could explode at any time and send Trump to the sky.


The second is the Supreme Court's ruling on President Trump's immunity.

On July 1, 2024, the Federal Supreme Court ruled that the President enjoys absolute immunity from acts in his official duties.

In response to Trump's allegations, the ruling is as follows:

1. Former President Trump is accused of directing the federal Department of Justice in 2020 to force multiple states to replace real electors with fake electors, the Justice Department did not act on orders, and the former president threatened to replace them, which is Trump's use of the president's exclusive in-office authority to order the Justice Department, which enjoys absolute immunity.

2. Former President Trump's accusation of trying to force the vice president to fraudulently revise the election results during the Senate vote count is an act of duty with the right to create immunity, and whether the setting is broken is retried by the district court.

3. Whether former President Trump's alleged acts of various acts with officials, private individuals, and the public in multiple states, including coercing state officials to revise election results (state officials did not comply) and conspiring with others to create false electoral votes, will be retried by the district court.

4. Former President Trump's accusation of inciting the Capitol Hill incident on January 6, 2021 in a public speech after losing the election will be retried by the district court.

This is undoubtedly a verdict in Trump's favor, but it is also good for current President Joe Biden:

On the one hand, Biden can make full use of the president's absolute immunity to do what is good for himself and bad for his opponents.

On the other hand, as he did in his latest campaign ad, he was portrayed as a candidate who was just a little older, and his opponent was a wannabe king. The king is a role that the sages of the American Revolution tried to avoid more than 200 years ago with various systems, and it is also a sign of autocratic rule that is unacceptable to the people. The Biden team gave voters a choice between "getting older" and "wanting to be king", and more people would choose the former.


The third is news from Biden's side.

1. The first lady appeared on the cover of Vogue magazine.

On June 30, 2024, while the Biden family was at Camp David, Vogue interviewed First Lady Jill Biden by phone.

The first lady said the Biden campaign would not let those 90 minutes define Biden's four years as president. The Biden campaign will continue to fight.

Jill Biden's statement clearly announced that Biden did not withdraw from the election. No wonder the foreign media changed the direction of the wind yesterday.

Given the first lady's strong performance over the past three or four days, Vogue chose her as the queen of covers, with the first lady's words written on the cover: We will decide our future.

2. After the first debate on June 27, Biden went non-stop to three states to promote the momentum:

On June 28, 2024, Biden said at an election campaign in North Carolina: "I intend to win this state in November...... We won here, we won the election. "I don't walk as easily as I used to, I don't speak as fluently as I used to, and I don't debate as well as I used to, but I know what I know, and I know how to tell the truth." He added: "If I hadn't wholeheartedly believed that I could do the job, I wouldn't run again because frankly, the stakes are too high." ”

On June 29, 2024, Biden participated in a series of fundraisers in New York and New Jersey and defended his performance in the CNN presidential debate. At one of the events, he said he understood concerns about his performance in the June 27 debate, but pledged to fight harder.

3. Two polls:

According to a poll, 40 percent of the public believe that Biden "told the truth" in the debate, and only 32 percent think Trump "told the truth".

Another poll showed that 72% of Americans believe that Biden's mental and cognitive health is not suitable to lead the United States for another four years. In this regard, former Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi said that the presidential term cannot be reduced to a debate. One medical practitioner believes that Trump suffers from dementia. So if we're just talking about reflexes, then we'd be fair.

4. On June 30, 2024, according to insiders, the White House is trying to arrange US President Joe Biden's work schedule based on his health condition.

Allegedly, different times of the day do have an impact on Biden's work status. Biden, for example, performed reliably between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Outside of this time, however, there will be more frequent slips of the tongue or fatigue. Therefore, the staff will try to schedule his public activities within this time slot.

However, Biden's televised debate with Trump began at 9 p.m. local time, and Biden appeared very flustered at times during the debate.

This, it seems, is to justify Biden's poor performance in the first round of debates.

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