
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look
Don't eat these before driving, it's easy to be caught drunk driving, so collect it and take a look

In ancient times, there was a place called Yunyin Town, where mountains and rivers depend on each other, and the people are simple, but there is also a secret that no one knows. The protagonist of the story is a young scholar named Liu Yifeng, who is talented and mild-mannered, and yearns for the imperial examination in the capital in order to glorify the lintel. However, the wheel of fate quietly turned on the eve of his departure for the capital, leading to an ancient story about "drunk driving".

At night in Yunyin Town, the moonlight is like a wash, and the silver glow is sprinkled all over the bluestone alleys. Liu Yifeng stood in his small courtyard, looking at the hazy mountain shadows in the distance, with both a longing for an unknown journey and a deep attachment to his hometown. He gently stroked the scroll that had accompanied him for many years, and silently recited in his heart: "When I am named on the gold list, I will definitely live up to this land and water, and live up to the grace of my parents." ”

At this time, a crisp bell broke the silence of the night, and it was the daughter of the town's winemaker, Su Wan'er, who walked slowly with a pot of home-brewed "Drunken Moon Fragrance". Su Waner and Liu Yifeng have been childhood sweethearts since childhood, and the two have a deep friendship. She smiled like a flower, and handed over the wine jug: "Brother Yifeng, tomorrow you are going to travel far away, this pot of 'Drunken Moon Fragrance' is specially brewed for you, I wish you a smooth future and high school in one fell swoop." ”

Liu Yifeng was moved, but he was also a little hesitant. He knew that the "Drunken Moon Fragrance" was worthy of its name, with a strong aroma and stamina, but thinking of the journey he was about to embark on, he finally took the flask and decided to have a few drinks to make a big move.

Act 1: Drinking alone under the moon, the love is deep and long

Under the moonlight, the two sat side by side under the old locust tree in the courtyard, Liu Yifeng gently opened the wine jug, and a clear and mellow aroma of wine came to the nose. He took a sip and felt refreshed, as if the fatigue of the past few days had dissipated. Su Wan'er looked at him quietly from the side, her eyes full of reluctance and expectation.

"Wan'er, when I come back from high school, I will marry you." Liu Yifeng made this heavy promise through the wine.

Su Wan'er's cheeks were slightly red, and she lowered her head shyly, but her heart was as sweet as honey. She replied softly, "I believe you, Brother Yifeng." I'm here for you at any time. ”

However, after three rounds of drinking, Liu Yifeng gradually felt lightheaded, and his consciousness began to blur. He tried to stay awake, but he couldn't.

Act II: Choices in the Morning Mist

The next morning, when the first rays of sunlight broke through the mist and shone into the small courtyard, Liu Yifeng suddenly woke up and found that he had slept all night in a drunken state. He hurriedly got up, a sense of foreboding in his heart. According to tradition, today is the day he departs, but at this moment, he is dizzy, his limbs are weak, and he is obviously unable to go on the road immediately.

Su Wan'er heard the sound, and when she saw this, she hurriedly prepared a sobering soup for him, and persuaded him to do it another day. But Liu Yifeng knows that the road to the imperial examination is highly competitive, and if he misses this opportunity, he doesn't know how many years he will have to wait. He endured his discomfort and decided to take the plunge.

Before leaving, Su Wan'er tearfully handed him a jade pendant engraved with the word "peace", and instructed him: "Brother Yifeng, be careful on the road, don't be greedy for a cup." ”

Act III: Trials on the Way

Liu Yifeng rode out of Yunyin Town and embarked on the official road to the capital. However, he was still drunk, and he looked extremely tired under the scorching sun. When traveling to a mountain road, I suddenly encountered the government to set up a card for inspection, it turned out that there were frequent "drunk driving" accidents near the capital recently, and the government specially set up this card just in case.

When it was Liu Yifeng's turn, he tried to stay calm, but the confusion in his eyes and the smell of wine on his body were difficult to hide. Seeing this, the official in charge of the inspection immediately stopped him and conducted a strict inspection. As expected, Liu Yifeng was judged to be "drunk driving".

In the face of this sudden change, Liu Yifeng's heart was like a knife, and he knew that this not only meant that he would miss the imperial examination, but also could affect his reputation and future in his life.

Act IV: Repentance and Rebirth

During the few days he was temporarily detained, Liu Yifeng experienced unprecedented suffering and reflection. He was deeply aware that his momentary greed not only disappointed Su Wan'er's expectations, but also almost ruined his future. He began to devote himself to the study of the Book of Virtues, learning how to control his desires and how to stay sober in the face of temptation.

At the same time, he also expressed his remorse and determination to Su Wan'er through letters, promising never to make the same mistake again in the future.

Epilogue: Homecoming and Rebirth

A few months later, Liu Yifeng was finally released, but instead of returning to the capital immediately, he chose to return to Yunyin Town first. When he stood in front of Su Wan'er again, there was no longer the confusion and impetuousness in his eyes, but instead of firmness and maturity.


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