
"Revealed! When the ancient princess meets the modern Internet meme, how does Li Rong laugh at the audience? "


[Prologue: The ancestral hall is back in the storm, and the road to the guardian does not stop]

Speaking of the Great Xia Dynasty, there is such a legendary figure - the eldest princess Li Rong, she not only attaches equal importance to beauty and wisdom, but is also famous for protecting her husband.

"Revealed! When the ancient princess meets the modern Internet meme, how does Li Rong laugh at the audience? "

No, I heard that in order to maintain the dignity of her husband in her ancestral hall, she staged a big drama of "tongue war and group Confucianism" with the Pei family, which is called a wonderful one, which makes people shout "Waiting for 10,000 years, it's worth it!" ”

"Revealed! When the ancient princess meets the modern Internet meme, how does Li Rong laugh at the audience? "

Netizens said: "The eldest princess is using the ancestral hall as a debate venue? Remember to call me next time you live! There are even jokers who ridiculed: "The Pei family is estimated to be full of 'Who am I?' Where am I? What am I doing? ’”

"Revealed! When the ancient princess meets the modern Internet meme, how does Li Rong laugh at the audience? "

[Act 1: The early dynasty has changed, and the royal court has reached a new height]

Do you think the battle in the ancestral hall is over? Too young, too simple! The next day, our eldest princess went directly to the court, and with a royal paper, she was so shocked that the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty looked at each other. Seeing this, the Pei family naturally couldn't sit idly by, and outside the main hall, a group of "old foxes" surrounded the eldest princess, trying to overwhelm everything with the numerical advantage.

"Revealed! When the ancient princess meets the modern Internet meme, how does Li Rong laugh at the audience? "

But who is our eldest princess? It was someone who had seen strong winds and waves, and I saw her smile slightly, and said lightly: "Can't get used to it?" Come on, come on, you can also hit me twice. As soon as these words came out, the Pei family was instantly dumbfounded, and netizens laughed in the comment area: "Is the eldest princess inviting a group fight?" Does the Pei family dare to fight? ”

"Revealed! When the ancient princess meets the modern Internet meme, how does Li Rong laugh at the audience? "

[Act II: The ultimate showdown in front of the Imperial Study, the bold words of carrying out one]

The Pei family was unwilling to fail, and actually wanted to hold a demonstration at the door of the imperial study, trying to use public opinion pressure to force the eldest princess to comply. As a result, the eldest princess said directly: "Today, you and I must carry one out." This domineering declaration instantly ignited the passion of the audience.

"Revealed! When the ancient princess meets the modern Internet meme, how does Li Rong laugh at the audience? "

Netizens blew up: "Is the eldest princess going to stage a realistic version of 'palace scheming'?" Ask for the live link! Some people also ridiculed: "Pei family, you are killing yourself, don't you know that the eldest princess's eloquence is sharper than a sword?" ”

[Act III: The pickled affair is exposed, and the Pei family is disgraced]

The eldest princess was not ambiguous, and directly held the "Pei Family Scandal Press Conference" at the door of the imperial study, and the pickled things were shaken out, and everyone present was dumbfounded. The Pei family wanted to defend themselves, but they found that they had already fallen into passivity, and could only shout in vain, "I can't afford to kneel for a long time."

"Revealed! When the ancient princess meets the modern Internet meme, how does Li Rong laugh at the audience? "

The eldest princess looked innocent: "Didn't you just say that you were killed by a head-butt?" Why don't you talk now? A woman can't argue, it seems that the Pei family has no reason to talk about. As soon as these words came out, the laughter of netizens almost toppled the roof: "The eldest princess is complaining with her life!" Pei family, are your faces okay? ”

[Controversial ending: The glory and controversy of the Guardian Maniac]

With the eldest princess's sharp counterattack, this turmoil seems to be over, but the discussion left behind is far from over. Some people praise the eldest princess's wisdom and bravery, and she is a real husband protector; Some people also questioned whether her approach was too radical and whether she should save some face for the Pei family.

"Revealed! When the ancient princess meets the modern Internet meme, how does Li Rong laugh at the audience? "

"Eldest princess, I give full marks for this wave of operations! The guardian has to be so rigid! ”

"But then again, isn't it a little too faceless for the Pei family? After all, they are all important ministers of the DPRK. ”

"Revealed! When the ancient princess meets the modern Internet meme, how does Li Rong laugh at the audience? "

Netizens quarreled in the comment area, but it is undeniable that this "tongue war group of men" incident caused by the eldest princess has successfully attracted everyone's attention and has become a hot topic after tea and dinner in the Great Xia Dynasty.

"Revealed! When the ancient princess meets the modern Internet meme, how does Li Rong laugh at the audience? "

And our eldest princess Li Rong once again proved a truth with her actions: in the face of love, nothing is impossible. Even in the face of the siege of the entire Pei family, she can rely on her own strength to protect the happiness and dignity that belongs to her.

"Revealed! When the ancient princess meets the modern Internet meme, how does Li Rong laugh at the audience? "

So, dear readers, what do you think? Do you support the eldest princess's domineering husband, or do you think her approach is debatable? Come and leave a message in the comment area, and let's draw an end to the legendary story of this "tongue battle group of men"!

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