
Zhang Benzhihe won three crowns and is good again! Shouting dad to take a group photo, posting trophies, learning from Wang Chuqin's gestures and saluting!

author:Idle waves come to the ball
Zhang Benzhihe won three crowns and is good again! Shouting dad to take a group photo, posting trophies, learning from Wang Chuqin's gestures and saluting!

At the recent WTT Challenger Tunisia, the Japanese table tennis world caused an unprecedented sensation. Tomokazu Haramoto and his sister Miwa Haramoto won the championship in both singles and doubles with a stunning performance, which became the pinnacle of the history of the Haramoto family.

Tomokazu Zhangmoto's competition process can be called a double battle of skill and will. In the singles competition, he not only relied on excellent skills, but also showed tenacious perseverance and indomitable spirit in every match. In the face of a strong opponent, he remained calm and focused, and finally defeated Yukiya Uda with a thrilling score of 11-9 to win the singles title. This tiebreaker became the focus of the audience, making the audience cheer, and netizens also voiced on social media: "The victory of Zhihe is not only a victory of technology, but also a victory of will!" "It's admirable to see him persevere until the last moment. ”

Zhang Benzhihe won three crowns and is good again! Shouting dad to take a group photo, posting trophies, learning from Wang Chuqin's gestures and saluting!

At the same time, Zhang Benmeihe also won all the applause and cheers in the women's singles final with her unique style and outstanding performance. She showed excellent technique and consistent play in the final against Satsuki Oto, defeating her opponent with a perfect score of 4-0 to win the women's singles title. Netizens praised on social platforms: "Sister Meihe's play is too stable, completely suppressing the opponent!" "Watching her play, it feels like every ball is full of power and control. ”

The amazing performance of the brother and sister not only excited the Japanese table tennis community, but also attracted widespread attention and discussion among table tennis enthusiasts around the world. Some netizens said in the comment area: "This is the glorious moment of the Zhang family, they are really amazing!" "Family power, move forward together!" For this historic moment, the enthusiasm and congratulations of netizens overflowed on major social platforms, showing their infinite support and love for the brother and sister.

Zhang Benzhihe won three crowns and is good again! Shouting dad to take a group photo, posting trophies, learning from Wang Chuqin's gestures and saluting!

This feat of winning both championships is not only a victory in a game, but also a family glory. The Chang family set a historical record in an unprecedented way, a moment that will forever be etched in their careers. At the awards ceremony, the picture of Zhang Benzhihe holding their father on stage to take a selfie became the focus of netizens' attention. Photos and videos of the historic moment appeared on social media, and netizens expressed their congratulations and joy through comments and retweets.

After the game, Tomokazu Zhang stood on the stage of the award ceremony with his family, and in the photo they were smiling and showing the trophy in their hands. At this moment, they are not only champions, but also like a happy family, sharing the joy and pride brought by this victory.

Zhang Benzhihe won three crowns and is good again! Shouting dad to take a group photo, posting trophies, learning from Wang Chuqin's gestures and saluting!

After the award ceremony, Tomokazu quickly shared the moment with the world via social media. In the post, he affectionately wrote: "This is the most important day of my career. Thanks to the support of my family and team, this moment meant a lot to me. He also accompanied a family selfie photo in which he held his parents' hands and his sister smiled brightly, a warm and touching scene.

The statement immediately sparked heated discussions and comments on social media. Fans left messages congratulating them, expressing their appreciation for their family's unity and victory: "Jihwa, you are amazing! Your family is a true legend! "This selfie is so heartwarming, congratulations on winning the championship!" Their kindness and blessings made Tomokazu feel the support and encouragement from fans from all over the world.

Zhang Benzhihe won three crowns and is good again! Shouting dad to take a group photo, posting trophies, learning from Wang Chuqin's gestures and saluting!

However, along with the joy of victory, it also brought comparisons and evaluations with Wang Chuqin's achievements. Wang Chuqin's triple crown achievement at the Saudi Grand Championship is regarded as the top performance in table tennis, and Tomokazu Zhang's victory is to some extent judged on the same scale. Some of the comments focused on the level of competition and the differences between the competitors: "Although they are both great athletes, the intensity of the competition and the level of the opponent are different. "Zhihe did a great job, but the real challenge was to compete with the best players in the world. ”

Previously, some people conducted an in-depth analysis of the technical characteristics of Tomokazu Zhangmoto. His style of play is simple and direct, always very aggressive, and every ball carries a quality threat. This is especially evident in his matchups against top fighters, as he is able to quickly identify his opponents' weaknesses and create a lot of pressure and distress for them. Tennis enthusiast Xiao Li sighed after watching Tomokazu Zhangmoto's game: "Every ball of Tomokazu is like telling the opponent that I won't give you a chance to breathe." ”

Zhang Benzhihe won three crowns and is good again! Shouting dad to take a group photo, posting trophies, learning from Wang Chuqin's gestures and saluting!

However, some commentators have pointed out that Tomokazu did not show a clear advantage against a slightly inferior player. In such competitions, his performance often seems to be a bit difficult, and it is difficult to win easily. Table tennis viewer Xiao Wang commented on social platforms: "Look at him so good against strong opponents, but in the face of average-level players, he doesn't seem so stable." ”

The analysis of this kind of technical characteristics has also triggered an in-depth discussion in the tennis circle about Zhang Benzhi and his technical and tactical response capabilities. Some experts believe that he needs to be more flexible in adapting his tactics to suit opponents of different levels. "Tomokazu has a lot of skills, but he still has room for improvement tactically, especially when dealing with players who can limit his initiative." Table tennis coach Coach Li pointed out in an interview.

Zhang Benzhihe won three crowns and is good again! Shouting dad to take a group photo, posting trophies, learning from Wang Chuqin's gestures and saluting!

Despite this, Tomokazu Zhangmoto's strength and potential have been widely recognized and supported. His fans believe that as he grows and gains experience, he will be able to overcome these challenges and stand more firmly at the top of the table tennis world. "Zhihe is still young, and his future will definitely be even brighter!" One fan wrote on social media.

For Tomokazu Zhangmoto, this victory was not only a success, but also a new starting point for his future table tennis career. He will face even greater challenges and pressures, and how to maintain his form and performance in his competitive career will be a key topic for him in the future. He knows he needs to keep working hard and improving to stay competitive in future competitions and continue to bring joy and pride to his fans and supporters.

The most glorious day in the history of the Zhang family is not only a victory in a game, but also their profound contribution and eternal memory to the world of table tennis. This day will forever be remembered in the annals of table tennis history as a new legend of Japanese table tennis.

Zhang Benzhihe won three crowns and is good again! Shouting dad to take a group photo, posting trophies, learning from Wang Chuqin's gestures and saluting!

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