
Zhao Ke: I bet that more than 90% of families in China can't come up with 100,000 yuan!

author:Hearts shine

Recently, a topic that has been circulating on the Internet has made people feel mixed. Media person Zhao Ke, he ruthlessly tore open the fig leaf of society: "I bet that more than 90% of families in China are so tight that they can't even pay 100,000 yuan!" As soon as these words came out, they immediately blew up on the Internet, and everyone talked about it, some said that this was a portrayal of reality, and some felt that it was a bit exaggerated.


Zhao Ke's words are not groundless. If you think about it, these days, the problem of money bags is a common topic of conversation after tea and dinner. According to the data of the China Household Finance Survey, in 2019, the per capita financial assets of our country's families were only tens of thousands, and the per capita savings were about 25,000. You do the math, a family of four, even if they don't eat or drink, they can barely afford 100,000 yuan. But in these days, who can really do it without spending a penny?

Zhao Ke: I bet that more than 90% of families in China can't come up with 100,000 yuan!

Besides, our lives are not a small stress. Housing loans, car loans, children's education, pension for the elderly, and medical expenses that pop up from time to time, which one is not piled up with money? Especially those middle-aged friends who are old and young, they are simply the pillars of the family and the most stressed group. Sometimes when you think about it, it's already good to be able to maintain your daily expenses, so how dare you expect to have a lot of savings?

Zhao Ke: I bet that more than 90% of families in China can't come up with 100,000 yuan!

Moreover, young people's consumption concepts are also changing. They pursue quality life and like to spend in advance, and the financial tools such as credit cards, Huabei, and Baitiao are used so much. Although I enjoy the happiness of the moment, in the long run, the ability to save will naturally decline. This can't all be blamed on them, after all, times are changing, and consumption patterns are also changing.

Zhao Ke: I bet that more than 90% of families in China can't come up with 100,000 yuan!

But having said that, Zhao Ke's words did hit the pain points of many people. Especially those ordinary people who are running for life and working hard. They may get up early every day to make a little more money, but in the end, they find that the small goal of "100,000 yuan" is still far away. This is not only a matter of numbers, but also a kind of helplessness and emotion about the current situation.

Zhao Ke: I bet that more than 90% of families in China can't come up with 100,000 yuan!

Of course, there are quite a few people who oppose it. They think Zhao Ke's words are too pessimistic, China is so big, there are always some families who are more nourishing. Indeed, we cannot deny the diversity and complexity of society. But then again, those families who can easily come up with 100,000 yuan are still a minority after all. For most ordinary households, this number is quite weighty.

Zhao Ke: I bet that more than 90% of families in China can't come up with 100,000 yuan!

So, at this point, you might be asking, "So what do we do?" Actually, there is no standard answer to this question. Every person's and family's situation is different, and you need to make a suitable financial plan according to your actual situation. But one thing is certain: that is, we must plan our consumption rationally, strive to increase our income, and actively save and invest. Only in this way will we be able to face various challenges and opportunities more calmly in the days to come.

Zhao Ke: I bet that more than 90% of families in China can't come up with 100,000 yuan!

In addition, I would like to say this: no matter what the state of the economy is right now, we should not lose faith and hope. Because life is like a marathon, it is not about who can run fast at the starting point, but who can persevere to the end and have the last laugh. As long as we maintain a positive attitude, continue to work hard, and believe in our own ability and potential, we will be able to create a better future!

What do you think of Zhao Ke's words? Do you think he has a point, or do you think he's too pessimistic?

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