
BMW's "price for volume", the new car dropped from 299,900 to 165,900, and the domestic new energy is still fragrant?

author:Hearts shine

Recently, there is a big news in the automobile circle, BMW has played a "people-friendly style". The original 299,900 has become 165,900 in the blink of an eye, which is more exciting than riding a roller coaster! At this time, are you also beginning to wonder, are those domestic new energy vehicles still fragrant?

BMW's "price for volume", the new car dropped from 299,900 to 165,900, and the domestic new energy is still fragrant?

The current new energy vehicle market is called a hundred flowers blooming, and domestic cars are desperately rushing forward, technology, design, and service, and everything is not falling behind. BMW, as a representative of the old luxury car, also feels a lot of pressure in the face of this menacing wave of new domestic forces. After all, consumers are becoming more savvy and have more choices, and who wouldn't want to spend less and enjoy a better car?

BMW's "price for volume", the new car dropped from 299,900 to 165,900, and the domestic new energy is still fragrant?

As a result, BMW offered a "price flag", and the iX1 model directly came to a "diving price". This time, it attracted the attention of many people. Everyone is discussing, is this BMW crazy? But the logic behind this is actually quite simple - sales are king. In the face of sales data, whatever face is not faceless, you have to put it first. After all, cars can't be sold, and even luxury brands have to worry.

BMW's "price for volume", the new car dropped from 299,900 to 165,900, and the domestic new energy is still fragrant?

However, the price reduction is a price reduction, and the effect is not as popular as everyone expected. Although the sales of the iX1 have increased, it is still far from the "explosive model". The reason behind this is complicated and simple. First, although the iX1 is a brand of BMW, it is the product of "oil to electricity", which is somewhat congenital in the world of new energy vehicles. Second, today's consumers are not so easy to fool, they not only want to be affordable, but also have excellent performance, rich configurations, and first-class experience. These three are indispensable, and if they are missing, they may make consumers turn around and leave.

BMW's "price for volume", the new car dropped from 299,900 to 165,900, and the domestic new energy is still fragrant?

Let's talk about domestic new energy vehicles. In the past few years, they have really made rapid progress, from the initial "imitation show" to the current "independent innovation", every step has been firm and powerful. In terms of price, domestic new energy vehicles have always had an advantage; In terms of performance, the cruising range, acceleration ability, intelligent driving and other aspects are also getting better and better; In terms of service, it has launched a variety of intimate after-sales service policies, so that consumers can buy with confidence and use comfortably.

BMW's "price for volume", the new car dropped from 299,900 to 165,900, and the domestic new energy is still fragrant?

Therefore, when the BMW iX1 is reduced in price and together with the domestic new energy station, you will find that they have their own charm. BMW has its brand aura and quality assurance; Domestic new energy vehicles have its cost-effective advantages and innovation vitality. When it comes to choosing, consumers will naturally weigh the pros and cons according to their needs and budget.

Speaking of which, I can't help but ask: if you were a consumer, what would you do when faced with such a choice dilemma? Is it for the brand and quality of BMW? Or do you value the cost-effectiveness and innovation of domestic new energy vehicles?

BMW's "price for volume", the new car dropped from 299,900 to 165,900, and the domestic new energy is still fragrant?

In fact, no matter how you choose, there is no absolute right or wrong. After all, everyone's needs and preferences are different. But one thing is for sure, with the continuous development of the automotive market and the increasingly fierce competition, we consumers will enjoy more and more better products and services.

Finally, I would like to say that whether it is BMW or domestic new energy vehicles, they are promoting the progress and development of the entire automotive industry in their own way. As consumers and witnesses, we might as well maintain an open and inclusive mind to appreciate their respective advantages and characteristics. After all, in this age of diversity, it is these different voices and forces that come together to make up our rich and colorful lives.

BMW's "price for volume", the new car dropped from 299,900 to 165,900, and the domestic new energy is still fragrant?

So, what do you think of BMW's price reduction strategy? What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of domestic new energy vehicles compared with the BMW iX1? Welcome to leave a message to discuss!

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