
The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", choose one of them every day and stick to it for 30 minutes to live a long and healthy life

author:Mingjie Health Chinese Medicine

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Li Ming is a chemical engineer in his fifties, and his work is busy and stressful.

Despite his successful career, he often felt exhausted and his health began to decline.

In order to improve his health, he decided to have regular medical check-ups. On this day, he walked into a general hospital in the city center to prepare for a comprehensive health check-up.

In the waiting area of the hospital, Li Ming sat in a chair, his heart full of anxiety about the test results.

The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", choose one of them every day and stick to it for 30 minutes to live a long and healthy life

Although he knew he should pay more attention to his health, his busy work always took up most of his time, and exercise and healthy eating had long been forgotten by him.

"Mr. Li, please come with me." A young nurse approached with a smile and led him into the examination room. Li Ming underwent blood, electrocardiogram, ultrasound and other examinations in turn. Soon after, he was directed to the physician's office.

Behind the desk was a senior internist, gray-haired but radiant. The doctor carefully examined Li Ming's examination report, and a serious expression appeared on his face.

The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", choose one of them every day and stick to it for 30 minutes to live a long and healthy life

"Mr. Li, according to your test results, your blood pressure and blood lipids are high, and you also have some heart problems. It is necessary to pay attention to your daily lifestyle, especially to increase the amount of exercise. ”

Li Ming felt a little confused, "Doctor, I'm usually very busy with work, and it's really hard to find time to exercise. Do you have any suggestions? ”

The doctor nodded and said, "I understand your situation. Just 30 minutes of exercise a day can make a significant difference in health.

The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", choose one of them every day and stick to it for 30 minutes to live a long and healthy life

Recent studies have shown that there are four types of exercise known as 'longevity exercises', and if you can choose one for 30 minutes a day, it will have great benefits for both health and longevity. ”

Li Ming's curiosity was stimulated, "What are the four sports?" The doctor smiled and replied, "The four exercises are brisk walking, swimming, cycling and yoga." Let me elaborate on their benefits. ”

The doctor explained that brisk walking is a simple and efficient aerobic exercise that not only strengthens the heart and lungs, but also promotes blood circulation and lowers blood pressure and blood lipids.

The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", choose one of them every day and stick to it for 30 minutes to live a long and healthy life

Swimming, on the other hand, is a full-body exercise that can exercise every muscle in the body, especially for those with bad joints because it puts less pressure on the joints.

Cycling is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that burns a lot of calories and helps to lose weight and stay in shape.

As for yoga, it not only enhances the flexibility and balance of the body, but also helps mental health by reducing stress through breathing and meditation.

The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", choose one of them every day and stick to it for 30 minutes to live a long and healthy life

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Li Ming nodded and said that he was willing to try. "But, doctor, how do I get started?"

The doctor patiently advised, "You can start with a 30-minute brisk walk every day, choose a park or neighborhood that you like, and gradually develop the habit of exercising."

Once you're comfortable with it, you can try swimming, cycling or yoga depending on your interests. It's important to stick to the idea that exercise is about continuity rather than momentary excitement. ”

The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", choose one of them every day and stick to it for 30 minutes to live a long and healthy life

Li Ming left the doctor's office thoughtfully, already having a plan in mind.

When he got home, he decided to take a 30-minute brisk walk every morning starting the next day. To push himself, he even bought a smartwatch to record his steps and heart rate.

Time flies, and a month later, Li Ming was pleasantly surprised to find that his physical condition had improved significantly.

I lost weight and my spirits were much better than before. The brisk walk every morning not only makes him feel happy, but also marks a good start to his day.

The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", choose one of them every day and stick to it for 30 minutes to live a long and healthy life

On a sunny morning, Li Ming met Mr. Wang, who was walking briskly on the same road, and the two quickly chatted.

Mr. Wang, a retired teacher, also started a daily brisk walking habit for his health. They shared their sports experiences and became partners on the morning exercise road.

Over time, Li Ming gradually tried his hand at swimming and cycling.

The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", choose one of them every day and stick to it for 30 minutes to live a long and healthy life

Discovering that each exercise has its own unique charm and benefits, brisk walking makes him feel good, swimming stretches his whole body, and cycling brings him back to his childhood joy.

One weekend morning, Li Ming decided to attend a yoga class in a nearby community. During the course, he learned many ways to relax and feel calm and comfortable like never before.

The teacher explained that yoga is not only a sport, but also a way of life, and by regulating the breath and mentality, the quality of life can be greatly improved.

The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", choose one of them every day and stick to it for 30 minutes to live a long and healthy life

Li Ming gradually integrated yoga into his daily life, doing a simple set of yoga movements on the balcony every morning and using yoga in the evening to relieve the fatigue of the day.

Both physically and mentally are greatly relaxed, and the quality of sleep is significantly improved. During the physical examination a few months later, the doctor looked at Li Ming's indicators and showed a relieved smile.

"Mr. Li, your health has improved a lot, your blood pressure and blood lipids have returned to the normal range, and your heart is much healthier than before.

The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", choose one of them every day and stick to it for 30 minutes to live a long and healthy life

It seems that your consistent exercise has worked well. Li Ming felt very satisfied and deeply experienced the changes and benefits brought by sports.

By exercising for 30 minutes a day, he not only improved his physical health, but also found balance in his busy life.

Li Ming's story teaches us that sticking to 30 minutes of exercise a day and choosing a way that works for you, whether it's brisk walking, swimming, cycling or yoga, can bring significant health benefits.

The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", choose one of them every day and stick to it for 30 minutes to live a long and healthy life

Exercise not only strengthens the body, but also improves mental health and quality of life. The key is to find a form of exercise that works for you and stick to it to form healthy habits.

Through Li Ming's experience, we can see that health and longevity are not unattainable dreams, but goals that can be achieved through daily efforts and perseverance.

Everyone can be like Li Ming, start from a small change, and gradually move towards the road of health and longevity through scientific and reasonable exercise.

The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", choose one of them every day and stick to it for 30 minutes to live a long and healthy life

I hope that Li Ming's story can inspire more people to pay attention to their health, actively participate in sports, and enjoy a healthy and happy life.

Actively involved in sports, I chose to jog in the morning and walk in the evening. I feel that my body is gradually becoming lighter, and my joint pain is greatly relieved.

Exercise not only helped him control his gout, but also improved his overall health.

The 4 types of exercise are called "longevity exercises", choose one of them every day and stick to it for 30 minutes to live a long and healthy life

I began to enjoy the joy and vitality brought by sports, and my mood became happy and I loved life more. Insisting on exercise has made Li Ming's life full of health and happiness.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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