
50 million to join the Mavericks in 3 years! Thompson! Cow break! Really want to take revenge on the entire NBA

author:Irelia watches the ball
50 million to join the Mavericks in 3 years! Thompson! Cow break! Really want to take revenge on the entire NBA

Thompson's recent transfer news has caused quite a stir among NBA fans. He will reportedly join the Dallas Mavericks on a three-year, $50 million contract, ending a 13-year partnership with the Golden State Warriors. The Warriors had previously offered him a two-year, $50 million contract, but in the end, Thompson chose to leave.

Over the course of 13 years of cooperation, Thompson and the Golden State Warriors have written a glorious chapter together. From the time he joined the Warriors, the team began their dynastic journey, sharing the glory of four championships. Thompson is known for his excellent scoring skills, and has repeatedly contributed key threes to the team in key moments. Not only was he a scoring machine for the Warriors, but he also showed great ability on the defensive end and became an integral part of the team's system.

50 million to join the Mavericks in 3 years! Thompson! Cow break! Really want to take revenge on the entire NBA

Injuries are inevitable in your athletic career. The Warriors have been consistent with Thompson's support throughout his injury. This support is not only on the field, but also on the contract. Despite the fact that Thompson was plagued by injuries and could only play on the court for less than three seasons, the Warriors did not hesitate to offer him a contract extension with a maximum salary worth up to $190 million.

Fans online are talking about it. Some believe that the Warriors' contract extension is a well-deserved reward for Thompson's years of service, after all, his performance on the court is indispensable. A netizen named Fan Hi commented: "Thompson is a legendary shooter in the history of our Warriors, and his three-point shooting and defense are the team's guarantees. Renewing his contract is not only about his past, but also about his future returns. ”

There are also some netizens who questioned the Warriors' move. A netizen who claims to be the trend of basketball expressed his opinion: "Renewing a contract with a maximum salary is too risky for a player who is often injured. The Warriors should perhaps think more rationally about the future of the team, rather than just looking at the immediate results. ”

50 million to join the Mavericks in 3 years! Thompson! Cow break! Really want to take revenge on the entire NBA

Although both sides sought the hope that both Thompson and the Warriors trio would retire in the same city, that hope eventually vanished after a brief burst of fireworks. Thompson's arrival with the Mavericks means he will take on new roles and responsibilities. He is no longer the defensive core of the backcourt, but he will continue to contribute to the team with his unique attacking skills and accurate shooting.

The Mavericks' pursuit of Thompson so eagerly was largely due to the team's failure to counter Green Kai's offense in the recent Finals, mainly due to the team's missing shooting crosshair. As one of the league's top scorers, Thompson will give the Mavericks more advantages, especially with the Eastern European combination on the court, and he is expected to have more quality shots, thus reducing the volatility of form.

Fans online are talking about it. Some believe that the Mavericks' pursuit of Thompson was a wise decision, as his shooting skills and game experience will give the team more offensive options. A netizen named Basketball Devil wrote on social media: "Thompson's joining is like finding a long-lost piece of the puzzle for the Mavericks, and his excellent shooting ability will add a lot of firepower to the team." ”

50 million to join the Mavericks in 3 years! Thompson! Cow break! Really want to take revenge on the entire NBA

There are also some netizens who have expressed concerns about Thompson's new role in the Mavericks. A netizen who calls himself a basketball fan expressed his opinion: "Thompson is no longer the core of the defense, which is a challenge for the team. He's been great with the Warriors, but it's still unknown whether he'll be able to maintain his form in the new environment. ”

Although Thompson could get a better contract in the market than a three-year, $50 million, he chose to lower his price to join the Mavericks. This may be his determination to prove that he can still win a championship with another team after leaving the Golden State Warriors. In the NBA, where competition and business coexist, Thompson's decision reflects his expectations for personal challenges and a career in basketball.

50 million to join the Mavericks in 3 years! Thompson! Cow break! Really want to take revenge on the entire NBA

The online discussion ignited the enthusiasm of the fans. Some praised Thompson's choice as an opportunity to show his abilities and guts. A netizen named a basketball fan commented on the social platform: "Thompson didn't go for the biggest contract, but chose to challenge. This spirit is truly respectable. ”

But some netizens expressed concern about Thompson's decision, worried about his health and basketball career. A netizen who calls himself a fan wrote: "Thompson has played well with the Golden State Warriors, but his injury history cannot be ignored. Hopefully, he can continue to maintain his form with the Mavericks and not be affected by injuries again. ”

Thompson's decision was not only a turning point in his career, but also an affirmation of the competitive spirit of basketball. What kind of change will his joining bring to the Mavericks? Will he be able to show his prowess as a goalscorer again in his new environment?

50 million to join the Mavericks in 3 years! Thompson! Cow break! Really want to take revenge on the entire NBA

And Thompson's latest transfer news has caused quite a stir among NBA fans. He will join the Dallas Mavericks on a three-year, $50 million contract, ending a 13-year partnership with the Golden State Warriors. The news sparked a lot of discussion among fans, with a variety of opinions and expectations emerging online.

On social media, fans expressed their expectations and concerns about Thompson. Some optimistic fans believe that Thompson's arrival will bring new offensive options to the Mavericks, especially with the loss of shooting crosshairs, and his excellent shooting ability will be a great addition to the team. A netizen who calls himself a basketball maniac excitedly said: "Thompson's three-point shooting skills are well-known in the NBA, and his addition will undoubtedly improve the offensive firepower of the Mavericks, and I look forward to him continuing to shine on the new team!" ”

However, there are also some fans who have expressed concerns about Thompson's injury history. A netizen who has followed the NBA for many years said: "Thompson's performance with the Warriors is undeniable, but his injury has affected his form and game time. Hopefully he can find a new opportunity with the Mavericks, but also worry about whether he can stay healthy. ”

50 million to join the Mavericks in 3 years! Thompson! Cow break! Really want to take revenge on the entire NBA

For Thompson personally, the move is also considered a new venture in his career. Some fans expressed understanding and support for his decision. An avid Warriors fan wrote on social media: "As a Warriors fan, I am grateful for the contributions Thompson has made to the team. He chose to leave, and we will miss his time with the Warriors, but also hope that he will find a new chapter of his own in his new team. ”

Some netizens expressed their understanding and support for the Warriors' decision to renew their contract. A fan commented: "The Warriors' contract extension for Thompson is a well-deserved reward for his years of service. His performance on the field is indispensable, and this contract extension is not only based on his past, but also on his future returns. ”

50 million to join the Mavericks in 3 years! Thompson! Cow break! Really want to take revenge on the entire NBA

However, some fans have questioned the Warriors' contract extension with a maximum salary. A netizen who focuses on the future construction of the team expressed his opinion: "A contract extension with a maximum salary is too risky for a player who is often injured. The Warriors should perhaps think more rationally about the team's long-term development rather than just looking at the immediate results. ”

In the future, we will look forward to seeing how Thompson performs in his new environment, how he adapts to his new roles and challenges, and what he brings to the Mavericks. In any case, Thompson's basketball legend has left a strong mark on the Golden State Warriors, and his future basketball career may once again write a new glorious chapter.

50 million to join the Mavericks in 3 years! Thompson! Cow break! Really want to take revenge on the entire NBA

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