
Why can't Lei Jun use his 9.9 billion to develop chips? What is the current progress of Xiaomi chips?

author:Diary of a Little Monster

Xiaomi, the Internet giant, has long been not satisfied with being a mobile phone brand. Their ambition is to set off a revolution in the field of chips.

Why can't Lei Jun use his 9.9 billion to develop chips? What is the current progress of Xiaomi chips?

Recently, it was reported that Xiaomi is working on a new smartphone chip called "RING". This chip uses a 5nm process and integrates two APs, which can be called the most powerful mobile processor in China. If the news is true, then Xiaomi will once again shake the chip rivers and lakes and have a far-reaching impact on the domestic smartphone market.

Why can't Lei Jun use his 9.9 billion to develop chips? What is the current progress of Xiaomi chips?

It requires huge investment of manpower, material and financial resources, and faces many technical problems and market risks. Xiaomi's previous abandonment of the "surging" plan is also due to these considerations. On the one hand, the chip R&D cycle is long, the cost is high, and the uncertainty is large; On the other hand, it remains to be seen how receptive consumers will be to the new brand of chips, which may affect the competitiveness of Xiaomi phones.

Why can't Lei Jun use his 9.9 billion to develop chips? What is the current progress of Xiaomi chips?

Instead of going it alone, it's better to use your strength. Xiaomi chooses to cooperate with chip giants such as Qualcomm to obtain mature and reliable solutions, save R&D costs, and speed up the process of getting products to market. It's a pragmatic choice. But Xiaomi has not completely given up on chip self-development. They are secretly accumulating strength and waiting for an opportunity.

Why can't Lei Jun use his 9.9 billion to develop chips? What is the current progress of Xiaomi chips?

The exposure of the "RING" chip heralds the rekindling of Xiaomi's chip ambitions. This time, they may be playing a bigger game: not only mobile phone chips, but also cutting-edge fields such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence. Xiaomi is fully evolving from a mobile phone company to a technology company. Chips are just a microcosm of this evolution.

Why can't Lei Jun use his 9.9 billion to develop chips? What is the current progress of Xiaomi chips?

At present, Xiaomi's business has already expanded to many fields such as "people, cars, and homes". From smart homes to smart cars, they can be seen everywhere. And all of these fields do not need powerful chips as support. If Xiaomi can make a breakthrough in chips, it will undoubtedly greatly enhance its ecological strength and accelerate its transformation from a mobile phone company to a technology company.

Why can't Lei Jun use his 9.9 billion to develop chips? What is the current progress of Xiaomi chips?

Of course, we can't expect too much from Xiaomi's chip path. After all, the barriers to the chip industry are so high and the competition is fierce that ordinary companies can imagine. Even a communication giant like Huawei is not easy in the field of chips. If Xiaomi wants to make a difference in this field, it will need to put in a lot of effort, courage and determination.

Why can't Lei Jun use his 9.9 billion to develop chips? What is the current progress of Xiaomi chips?

But Xiaomi's courage to challenge the "no man's land" of chips is worthy of recognition in itself. This demonstrates the company's innovative spirit and pioneering courage. In the context of the current urgent need for domestic chips to break through, we should applaud Xiaomi's attempt.

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