
There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

author:Kageshi Qiji
There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

Southern Medical University can be said to be the focus of the news in the past two days, and the embarrassing things can be said one after another, netizens have not recovered from the previous incident, and another shocking thing happened.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

Dr. Yu Li was punished for being late for class to save people, but there is no specific result of this matter, and it didn't take long for another big incident to happen. The former leader of Southern Medical University was found out for corruption, which made netizens completely blind. Southern Medical University has been in the hot search recently, but it is not a good thing.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

Dr. Yu Li's matter, I believe everyone has a scale in their hearts. Because he saved someone's life, he was 29 minutes late for class. The final result was because of the late punishment, and after the incident was exposed, it immediately caused the dissatisfaction of countless netizens.

Isn't it as important as a lesson when life and death are at stake? If Dr. Yu Li was punished for attending classes, then the attitude of the school leaders is even more unacceptable.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

On the morning of the incident, Dr. Yu Li was 29 minutes late for teaching foreign students in order to save a child who was suddenly in a critical condition. After the course ended, it was reported by foreign students.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

On the one hand, life and death are at stake, and on the other hand, there is a matter of teaching and solving doubts. I believe that there is a standard for which is more important in the hearts of netizens, but the school's handling result is really unacceptable, and the school gave the statement that it did not report in advance, and determined that Dr. Yu Li had a teaching error.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

And in response to this incident, Dr. Yu Li was punished, first of all, the whole hospital circulated criticism, and also withheld a bonus of 2,000 yuan, and the most serious thing was to cancel the qualification for this year's awards. Just when netizens were indignant and upset with Dr. Yu Li, they found that Dr. Yu Li was directly suspended.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

In the face of the public and the official media, the results of the school's handling have been questioned, is a human life less important than a class? In the face of the public's doubts, it is obvious that Southern Medical University is a little embarrassed, and the school's statement on this matter will also be investigated.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

However, after a series of discussions, Dr. Yu Li was directly suspended. Since then, the matter has never been concluded again.

As a doctor, I believe that no one will die without help. Dr. Yu Li's decision shows the professional attitude and humanity of a doctor, putting the patient's life first, and this spirit is the best interpretation of medical ethics. Isn't studying medicine just to be able to save lives?

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

Although the school's rules must be enforced, after all, it is their own job. However, there are two sides to everything, if you just focus on teaching, I believe that these students are also monolithic, after all, the ultimate purpose of medicine is to be able to save people, not to stick to the rules.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

Obviously, when Southern Medical University dealt with this matter, it was obvious that it only took into account the rules and regulations, and did not care about the patients who should be treated. If Dr. Yu Li attends the course on time and gives up treating patients, is there a new change in things?

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

Such a punishment is obviously too heavy for Dr. Yu Li, and Dr. Yu Li's good deeds should be recognized, not punished for being late. What is the fundamental reason for studying medicine, everyone should clearly understand, and this spirit should be propagated.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

If you will be punished for saving people in the future, I believe that no doctor will sacrifice himself to save others. If you want to delve into this problem, Dr. Yu Li also has shortcomings, first of all, she did not communicate with the school, which will lead to such a result. But if the school can clearly reward and punish people, I believe this matter will also be very heartwarming.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

Dr. Yu Li's experience, the school has not replied for a long time, and there is gradually no news about this matter, such an attitude also makes many netizens feel cold. There is no accurate news about the matter, but another major event broke out at Southern Medical University, which made Southern Medical University once again on the hot search.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

The former director of the Infrastructure Division was corrupt

China's so-called "infrastructure madness" is known to everyone, and if there is a problem with the same infrastructure, it is not a trivial matter. On June 29, the Shantou Discipline Inspection and Supervision issued an announcement saying that Deng Changyuan, the former director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University, was under a series of investigations in the province and city on suspicion of violating discipline and law, and the problem was not small.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

Deng Changyuan's design irregularities in the management of infrastructure not only revealed the existing management loopholes, but also intensified the doubts about the school's governance system.

Obviously, the problems involved in this director have also raised questions about the management of the school, and a good medical university must not only have excellent medical skills, but also the most basic thing to be a doctor is to have medical ethics. The ensuing negative news not only damaged the school's reputation, but also undermined the confidence of students.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

The Director of Infrastructure of the University is a middle-level leader of a school. If you fail to stick to your heart, then it is easy to violate discipline and law and slide into the abyss of depravity.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

When Deng Changyuan was investigated, it was clear that Southern Medical University had made a mistake in management. After all, infrastructure is a big investment, and there are problems with the construction of funds, which is obviously a huge impact on the reputation of the school, after all, no one wants this to happen to the school they are studying.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

The things committed by this director of the infrastructure department have obviously touched everyone's bottom line, and I believe that there has been a lot of corruption and bribery over the years. Now that the relevant departments have intervened, it will not be long before the facts come to light, and if there is a real problem, the relevant departments will also deal with it seriously.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

If the final punishment received by the director of the infrastructure department is only minimal, then it is quite unfair to Dr. Yu Li. After all, one saves lives and helps the wounded, the other embezzles and takes bribes, and the family has a result in their hearts.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

Now that Dr. Yu Li has obviously been suspended, such a punishment is very heavy for anyone. The university has not made a clear statement on this point, but the practice has made the public see the results, and a doctor with medical ethics and a sense of responsibility has to experience such a misunderstanding, which many people cannot accept.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

From this, we can see that China despises medical staff, after all, it is not easy to train a good doctor. If Dr. Yu Li resigns directly, it will also be a huge loss for Chinese healthcare.

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

The school is not only a place for teaching and educating people, but also should pay more attention to the cultivation of character, and should cultivate talents with moral character and responsibility. I hope that such things can become less and less, or even disappear, so as not to chill the hearts of doctors with medical ethics.


Xiaoxiang Morning News:

Deng Changyuan, former director of the Infrastructure Department of Southern Medical University, was examined and investigated

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

"Hot discussion|The teacher is late for class to save people, and the punishment + fine of 2,000 yuan will be reported! The latest response from the school! 》

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption

Shangguan News:

"Medical teacher fined for being late for saving people? Southern Medical University's latest response》

There was no follow-up to the Yu Li incident, and there was another accident at Southern Medical University, revealing that the former leader was investigated for corruption