
Badminton star Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and the mysterious prophecy caused heated discussions on the Internet

author:The world is big
Badminton star Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and the mysterious prophecy caused heated discussions on the Internet

Did you know? It was on July 1 a few days ago that the super popular badminton star Zhang Zhijie suddenly left. As soon as this news came out, everyone was frightened, and it also sparked a lot of discussion about prophecy and coincidence. There is a netizen named "Traverser" on the Internet who predicted this as early as June 23rd! This is no joke, it has caused great sadness and made people question the truth of the prophecies on the Internet. I'm going to tell you what's going on here, and see what the prophecies on the Internet are all about, and what we should do with them.

The rise of cyber prophecy
Badminton star Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and the mysterious prophecy caused heated discussions on the Internet

Recently, those prophecies on the Internet have been hyped! Everyone loves to watch it, guess what will happen in the future. However, you have to understand that these are actually nonsense, there is no solid evidence, it is completely blind guessing and luck. For example, the netizen named "KK Future People", he posted a lot of posts on Douban predicting the future, some of which seem to have really come true, but this matter is also quite controversial, because what he said is always ambiguous and can be interpreted several times.

Badminton star Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and the mysterious prophecy caused heated discussions on the Internet
Badminton star Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and the mysterious prophecy caused heated discussions on the Internet

The popularity of online predictions is actually a manifestation of people's fear of the unknown in this fast-paced society. You know? Everyone wants to know what to face in the future, so they can prepare in advance. However, there are always some people who take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, make false predictions, and brag about hype, just to attract attention.

The boundary between prophecy and coincidence

This is a bit strange Last month, before the Zhang Zhijie incident, a netizen who called himself "Traverser" posted on the Internet a week in advance predicting that there would be a tragedy. Netizens watched him guess right, some people thought he was quite godly, and some people suspected that he was hype. But to be honest, it's really hard to tell the difference between prophecy and coincidence. There are also a lot of things in our lives that seem like coincidences. But that doesn't mean that anyone really knows the prophet.

Badminton star Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and the mysterious prophecy caused heated discussions on the Internet

Everyone's opinion on prophecy and coincidence is different. Some people are convinced and think that it is the gods who have descended to earth to give guidance; But there are also people who are more sensible and think that it may just be luck, or someone behind it is deliberately arranged. Anyway, no one's words don't count until there is real evidence.

Badminton star Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and the mysterious prophecy caused heated discussions on the Internet
Badminton star Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and the mysterious prophecy caused heated discussions on the Internet
The social impact of cyber prophecy

Those prophecies on the Internet are really curious. While looking at these, I always want to peek into the future and satisfy the pursuit of novelty; But on the other hand, I couldn't help but feel uneasy in my heart, and there were some inexplicable doubts. Take that 2012 doomsday legend, and all of a sudden, there were a bunch of people on the Internet claiming to have traveled back from the future, predicting that the Earth was going to run out. This kind of casual talk is nothing more than a capture of people's fear and curiosity about the unknown.

The prophecies spread on the Internet are not random guesses, they can also turn our media and public opinion upside down. Sometimes it is just a seemingly inconspicuous remark that spreads on the Internet, and everyone begins to discuss wildly, and gradually forms their own public opinion trend. But this kind of buzz is often superficial, calm down and think about it, most of the time, we just follow the feelings. Therefore, everyone should stay sober and don't let fake news fool you.

Badminton star Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and the mysterious prophecy caused heated discussions on the Internet
How to rationally look at network predictions

Those fantasy prophecies spread on the Internet, we have to look at them rationally. First of all, you have to know that most of them are blind guesses without basis, and you are lucky to guess correctly. Then, don't believe it easily, you have to think for yourself. Second, it is important to understand the reasons for the prophecies given by others, so as not to be taken advantage of by those who have a good heart.

Badminton star Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and the mysterious prophecy caused heated discussions on the Internet

Don't take those predictions online too seriously. It can't be true, but we also have to pay attention to the difficulties and challenges in life. Regardless of the reason, we should respect life and persist in exploring. So how do you ensure the physical and mental health of the players under the high-intensity schedule? Also, if something really happens, how can they better support their relatives and society?

Badminton star Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and the mysterious prophecy caused heated discussions on the Internet
Commercialization of network oracles

Recently, the prophecy on the Internet has become hot, and some people want to use this to advertise. Some of them are fake and nonsense, and they are full of running trains, which not only hurts the feelings of the public, but also smashes the brand of the Internet. So, we have to manage these online prophecies and don't let them become cash cows for merchants.

Badminton star Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and the mysterious prophecy caused heated discussions on the Internet

Some people or companies make a lot of money by guessing on the Internet, deceiving people by saying what they say, and then collecting money by advertising. This kind of behavior is not good, it not only fools everyone, but also greatly reduces the credibility of the online environment.

Badminton star Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and the mysterious prophecy caused heated discussions on the Internet
Internet Prophecy and the Spirit of Science

For those predictions online? We have to be rational and use a scientific perspective to distinguish the true from the false. That said, you can't just believe what you don't have a scientific basis for. In addition, the spirit of science also tells us to care about practical problems and use scientific methods to solve them.

The conflict between online prophecy and the spirit of science is also reflected in people's interpretation of such events.

Badminton star Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and the mysterious prophecy caused heated discussions on the Internet
Future trends predicted by the web

Can the attention of prophecy still increase? After all, social media is super hot now, and the Internet is getting more and more popular! But we need to know that this can also go wrong. Prevent people from using it to do bad things, and you will have to take care of it in the future. Moreover, everyone should learn more scientific knowledge, so that it will be much more rational to look at online predictions.

Badminton star Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and the mysterious prophecy caused heated discussions on the Internet
Badminton star Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and the mysterious prophecy caused heated discussions on the Internet

The things that predict the future on the Internet are actually based on what everyone is paying attention to. Over time, some predictions may be forgotten, but others will be of interest. However, we still have to stay sober and don't be fooled by fake news.


What do you think after reading the article that exposes the truth of the prophecy on the Internet? Some may think that this is a pure coincidence, while others may think that it must have been manipulated. Don't worry, go to the comment area and tell everyone what you think, don't forget to like and collect, let's talk about it together!

Badminton star Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, and the mysterious prophecy caused heated discussions on the Internet

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