
She is comparable to Na Ying's queen of songs, married abroad and was boycotted, and she grew old naturally without plastic surgery at the age of 54

author:Xiao Moe*

"Na Ying in the north, Chen Ming in the south", Na Ying and Chen Ming were the top performers in the mainland pop music scene back then.

However, time has passed, Na Ying is still the leading singer in the music industry and the "darling" of major music variety shows. On the contrary, Chen Ming has long since "disappeared", and he only hears his voice and does not see his person.

She is comparable to Na Ying's queen of songs, married abroad and was boycotted, and she grew old naturally without plastic surgery at the age of 54

Chen Ming is a girl born in Shanghai, because her parents went to Luoyang, Henan Province to work as an engineer, so Chen Ming actually grew up in Luoyang. When he grew up, Chen Ming also entered the tractor factory under the arrangement of his parents and became a female worker in the workshop.

"What can a female worker do?" As the only female worker in the workshop, Chen Mingming was secretly excluded, and his work was particularly bad. Every time after work, Chen Ming went to his brother's song and dance troupe to watch performances, and slowly fell in love with singing.

That year, Cantonese songs became popular, and with the encouragement of his brother, Chen Ming decided to break into the music industry. Shenzhen, a paradise for music dreamers at that time, started his musical journey in a place.

Chen Ming was a bar-singing club at the beginning, and he was unfamiliar with the place and could not speak Cantonese, so Chen Ming was struggling at that time. After 3 years of hard life, my career finally improved a little.

She is comparable to Na Ying's queen of songs, married abroad and was boycotted, and she grew old naturally without plastic surgery at the age of 54

Chen Ming ran to participate in the Guangdong Singer Competition, passed five levels and killed six generals all the way, and won the first place. Immediately afterwards, Chen Ming signed a contract with the company to become a singer and released his first album.

Unfortunately, it backfired, and Chen Ming's album sales were dismal. The time is also fate, Mao Ning and Yang Yuying, who debuted at the same time, have already opened up their well-known and started the tour mode.

Comparison between people is the most taboo, because comparison is useless, and it is the most reliable to improve yourself.

Two years later, Chen Ming signed up for the CCTV Youth Song Contest and won an Excellence Award. On such a large-scale stage, it is very good to achieve such an achievement, and this show has a high degree of attention, which has a great bonus to Chen Ming's career.

With the help of composer Liu Tong, Chen Ming's second album was a huge success, and the song "Loneliness Makes Me So Beautiful" was a smash hit, and basically all major TV stations across the country broadcast the song on a loop.

She is comparable to Na Ying's queen of songs, married abroad and was boycotted, and she grew old naturally without plastic surgery at the age of 54

Chen Ming succeeded, and his future career path is a smooth road, with considerable album sales and soft awards. However, Chen Ming gave up his domestic career for the sake of a Japanese man.

For a while, public opinion was overwhelming, and Chen Ming became the target of public criticism, and even some netizens began to boycott Chen Ming.

However, Chen Ming has no regrets. After marrying her Japanese husband, she signed a contract with a Japanese brokerage company and stayed in the local area to develop. It's a pity that she didn't develop there, and in the end, she mostly taught her husband and children at home.

In 2013, Chen Ming appeared on the program "I Am a Singer", which surprised many people. But in this competitive music program, Chen Ming was defeated by other powerful singers after all, and regretfully left.

You can't have both, and you have to be responsible for your own choice. Since then, Chen Ming has rarely appeared in the public eye.

She is comparable to Na Ying's queen of songs, married abroad and was boycotted, and she grew old naturally without plastic surgery at the age of 54

But Chen Ming has always done what she wants, and not long ago she shared a recent photo, dressed simply but with a very casual temperament. Time has made her face notched, but it has also added to her calm and elegant temperament. Who would have thought she was 54 years old? doesn't have plastic surgery, doesn't behave like a demon, but is more attractive.

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