
Many places encourage college entrance examination candidates to study medicine: issued a proposal to promise to arrange positions, and netizens in the comment area are hotly discussed

author:Ethereal nothingness

With the official launch of the national college entrance examination voluntary filling work, local health departments have sent "proposals" to college entrance examination candidates to encourage candidates to choose medical majors. As soon as this initiative came out, it immediately sparked heated discussions. As a frontline healthcare worker, I am deeply aware of the importance of building a healthcare workforce, but at the same time, I am also very concerned about the hidden problems and challenges.


The importance of the medical profession is self-evident. In recent years, medical conditions on the mainland have been improving, but the ratio of doctors to patients is still huge, and medical personnel in various places are also under pressure. The original intention of encouraging more outstanding young people to choose medical specialties and the size of the medical team to provide better medical security for the people is correct.

However, we cannot ignore that the training of medical professions is also very difficult and the investment cost is also very high. Not only do medical students need to study for up to 5-7 years, but they also need to face a rigorous national examination. This is a great burden on young students' growth and families. What's more, after completing the undergraduate program, the demand for doctors' academic qualifications continues to increase. Many majors require a Ph.D. This is difficult for students and parents.

Many places encourage college entrance examination candidates to study medicine: issued a proposal to promise to arrange positions, and netizens in the comment area are hotly discussed

In addition to the difficulty, the profession of doctor itself faces many difficulties. For a long time, there have been problems in the attraction and incentive mechanism of medical teams in mainland China, and there is no choice in the treatment and career prospects of medical staff at different levels. First-tier hospitals especially lack mid-to-high-end medical talents.

This doomed the "initiative" alone to be unworkable. Relevant departments must start to improve the employment policy and salary incentive mechanism for medical personnel, so as to provide long-term development guarantee for doctors. Only when the working environment and policies are guaranteed can we truly attract and retain outstanding talents.

Many places encourage college entrance examination candidates to study medicine: issued a proposal to promise to arrange positions, and netizens in the comment area are hotly discussed

In addition, to solve the problem of "insufficient supply" of medical personnel, comprehensive planning is required. In addition to increasing the training of medical students, it is also necessary to set up diversified talent circulation channels. Encourage outstanding young and middle-aged doctors to choose rural areas and small counties to work and participate in rural poverty alleviation projects.

At the same time, we can also introduce overseas senior medical personnel to work together to build a talent team. This requires strong and sustained financial support. It is difficult to produce tangible results by simply relying on the "initiative".

Many places encourage college entrance examination candidates to study medicine: issued a proposal to promise to arrange positions, and netizens in the comment area are hotly discussed
Many places encourage college entrance examination candidates to study medicine: issued a proposal to promise to arrange positions, and netizens in the comment area are hotly discussed

The original intention of encouraging more people to choose medical specialties is understandable. However, the relevant departments need to think deeply about not only the node of "enrollment", but more importantly, the weak links in the "training", "use" and "incentive" of medical talents.

Only by comprehensively and systematically adjusting various systems and policies can we truly solve the difficult problems in the construction of medical personnel and promote the sustainable development of the cause. We hope that the relevant departments will take a long-term view and provide a more comprehensive and elaborated strategy and guarantee for the infusion of new blood into the medical team.

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