
Unbelievable, unheard of! How dare there be a missile maintenance professional? I opened my eyes, and netizens commented and laughed to death

author:Crazy snails

I believe that many high school students are filling in their ideal university, in fact, choosing a university and choosing a major is undoubtedly the most headache for parents, and parents need to consider their children's future employment problems

Even some parents will spend a lot of money to find a special agency to choose a major for their children, so what major is better to choose for the market is very saturated?

Choosing a major is no longer just as simple as following the hot trend or blindly pursuing a high salary, it is necessary to pay more attention to future development trends

Some niche areas are gradually discovered by parents, of course, everything still has to be done if the children are willing


I have to say that this missile maintenance major is really niche, it is not that it was exposed this year, and it is estimated that many parents do not know that there is such a major

So the question is, is this dangerous?

It is estimated that this is a routine inspection, such as the computer version and other instruments, will not be like firecrackers, after all, once the explosion is estimated to have unimaginable consequences

If it is broken when launched, it is estimated that it will not be repaired, and it may be directly detonated with another missile [laughs and tears]

Unbelievable, unheard of! How dare there be a missile maintenance professional? I opened my eyes, and netizens commented and laughed to death

Big brother, these things are assembled, so if there is a problem with the assembled parts, there will be corresponding manufacturing personnel, and maintenance is to troubleshoot circuit problems one by one, and this is how the mentor came

Unbelievable, unheard of! How dare there be a missile maintenance professional? I opened my eyes, and netizens commented and laughed to death

After all, this thing also involves confidential issues, and it should still need militarized teaching, but ha, your brother's salary is estimated to be not low, at least five insurances and one housing fund are very high

Unbelievable, unheard of! How dare there be a missile maintenance professional? I opened my eyes, and netizens commented and laughed to death

Don't play with memes, it's impossible to think about it, even if that's the case, then no one will dare to study, a major of 50 people, it is estimated that there will be one person left in a year [sneer]

Unbelievable, unheard of! How dare there be a missile maintenance professional? I opened my eyes, and netizens commented and laughed to death

The direction of people's research is different, just like the leader in real life, the leader goes out to talk about business, and the employee is responsible for production

Unbelievable, unheard of! How dare there be a missile maintenance professional? I opened my eyes, and netizens commented and laughed to death

I don't know if it's a step at a time, at least it's a martyr [laughing and crying], it's you guys who have to play the stalk, and if it goes on like this, it is estimated that the school will send an announcement letter overnight to explain the situation

Unbelievable, unheard of! How dare there be a missile maintenance professional? I opened my eyes, and netizens commented and laughed to death

This is really an iron rice bowl, it is estimated that even if you are idle to play with your mobile phone, it is estimated that everyone will not report it, but the profession is a little too dangerous [awkward laugh]

Unbelievable, unheard of! How dare there be a missile maintenance professional? I opened my eyes, and netizens commented and laughed to death

How good were you when you were studying? Such a joke can be thought of, it's really a stomachache from laughter, there is a saying like this: culture can't work, nonsense is the first [covering face]

The above content is for entertainment only, do not be more serious, reasonable interpretation, true and false self-identification!

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