
"The Story of the Rose": It turns out that this is the true appearance of Su Gengsheng's mother who can't do without her lustful husband

author:Purple said film and television


If you want to say which character in the play is the most infuriating, it must be Su Gengsheng's mother.

Su Mu is really a rotten woman once in a century, and her three views are also shocking.

Originally, Su's mother was also a poor woman, her husband died early, and she took the young Su Gengsheng to seek refuge with her current husband.

"The Story of the Rose": It turns out that this is the true appearance of Su Gengsheng's mother who can't do without her lustful husband

Su's mother thought that remarriage would be a good way out, but she didn't expect that this husband was a womanizer and actually set his sights on her own daughter Su Gengsheng.

As a qualified mother, Su's mother should do justice for her daughter.

But Su's mother was a bad breed, she reprimanded Su Gengsheng, prevented her from reporting the case, and then continued to live with this lustful husband.

Until the lustful husband committed the crime again and molested a 6-year-old girl, he was sent to the cell by Su Gengsheng.

On that day, Su Gengsheng was in a good mood and went home to see Su's mother.

At that time, Su's mother was sitting in the living room unkempt alone, and when she saw Su Gengsheng, she said: "Your father was arrested by them, how should I live in the future?" Your dad was wronged, go and explain it to them. ”

At this time, Su Mu is still deceiving herself, and she really responds to that sentence: Poor people must have something to hate!

"The Story of the Rose": It turns out that this is the true appearance of Su Gengsheng's mother who can't do without her lustful husband

It is estimated that many people don't understand that Su Gengsheng is willing to give Su's mother food money and support her, why she still can't do without that rotten person?

In fact, Su Mu did this for her own reasons.

Reason 1: Thanksgiving

Su's mother often said a sentence on her lips: "Back then, if it weren't for your father, our mother would have starved to death!" ”

From this point of view, Su Mu is really a person who knows how to be grateful!

However, Su's mother's way of gratitude was a bit special, and she actually sent her own daughter Su Gengsheng to the bed of her husband.

"The Story of the Rose": It turns out that this is the true appearance of Su Gengsheng's mother who can't do without her lustful husband

It is understandable that people always have a grateful heart.

But Su Mu used the wrong method and the wrong person.

If Su's mother can stop the loss in time, she will not fall to the point where her children turn against her.

Reason 2: Only men are counted

Su's mother was originally a widow with a dead husband, and she still took Su Gengsheng's oil bottle, and she was very glad that her current husband was willing to accept her and live with her.

This is the so-called feudal idea of "marrying a chicken with a chicken, marrying a dog with a dog".

No matter how lustful or bad this man is, as long as he is there, this home is a home.

"The Story of the Rose": It turns out that this is the true appearance of Su Gengsheng's mother who can't do without her lustful husband

Su's mother used to rely on Su Gengsheng's father, but now she relies on her lustful husband, and she has to rely on men to live all her life.

In fact, even if Su's mother leaves a lustful man, Su Gengsheng will support her, and she doesn't have to die with that rotten man.

But she just doesn't want to let go, why?

If she leaves this man, Su Mu will have to die alone, then she might as well be half drunk and half awake, so that at least she still has someone to accompany her.

Cause 3: Death

Back then, when Su Gengsheng was violated, she begged Su's mother to report the case with tears in her eyes.

As a result, Su Mu's words blocked the back road: "If people outside know, where will I put my face?" You don't want to lose face, I still want to save face! ”

"The Story of the Rose": It turns out that this is the true appearance of Su Gengsheng's mother who can't do without her lustful husband


Su's mother just had the idea that "family ugliness cannot be publicized", and she lived most of her life resignedly.

Come to think of it, Su Mu is also quite pathetic!