
Stallone and Schwarzenegger: fell in love with the same woman, hated each other for 20 years, and finally released their suspicions

author:Xiao Li talks about the past and the present
Stallone and Schwarzenegger: fell in love with the same woman, hated each other for 20 years, and finally released their suspicions
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Stallone and Schwarzenegger: fell in love with the same woman, hated each other for 20 years, and finally released their suspicions

On an ordinary afternoon in 2012, an unexpected scene unfolded in the hallway of a hospital in Los Angeles. Two Hollywood legendary tough guys, Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger, were unexpectedly killed by the same shoulder injury.

They stood there, their eyes met, and an invisible spark seemed to dance in the air.

However, the expected saber-rattling did not materialize. Instead, meaningful smiles appeared on the faces of the two. At that moment, it was as if twenty years of grievances had vanished.

What made these two film giants fight for 20 years? And what is the magical power that makes them finally let go of their prejudices and rebuild themselves? Let's go back in time and uncover the mystery behind this legendary friendship.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: fell in love with the same woman, hated each other for 20 years, and finally released their suspicions

At the end of the 70s, Hollywood welcomed two bright new stars: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone. These two later giants in the film industry conquered the hearts of the audience with completely different images.

With his perfect muscular lines and the title of bodybuilding champion, Schwarzenegger has become a domineering tough guy on the screen. And Stallone, with his resolute eyes and indomitable spirit, has created countless unforgettable characters.

However, it is this difference that sows the seeds of future competition. At an awards ceremony, sparks flew in the first meeting between the two. Schwarzenegger proudly states that the title of Mr. Bodybuilder is not up to everyone.

Not to be outdone, Stallone emphasized that he is a real actor, not just an athlete. The smell of gunpowder between the words indicates that a protracted contest is about to begin.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: fell in love with the same woman, hated each other for 20 years, and finally released their suspicions

Height has become one of the focal points of the competition between the two. Even if Sylvester Stallone wears 3-inch platform shoes, he still can't surpass Schwarzenegger in height. This seemingly insignificant detail has become a lingering shadow in Stallone's heart.

Appearance has also become another dimension of competition. Schwarzenegger's handsome and dashing appearance made Stallone feel pressured. Stallone was born with facial paralysis and had to turn his face sideways when he spoke, which made him even more inferior when facing Schwarzenegger.

However, Stallone is not without its advantages. He is rumored to have an IQ of up to 160, which gives him the upper hand intellectually. He was good at writing and directing, and these talents later became, and he was a powerful weapon against Schwarzenegger.

The rivalry between the two is not limited to both on and off screen, but even extends to the bodybuilding world. Schwarzenegger's proud title of Mr. Bodybuilder also felt threatened by the rise of Stallone.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: fell in love with the same woman, hated each other for 20 years, and finally released their suspicions

In this way, two tough guys have a fierce competition in Hollywood, and each tries to prove that he is the real king of the film industry. Their competition pushes each other to improve, and also brings one wonderful character and story after another to the audience.

This contest not only shaped the two legendary superstars, but also deeply affected the entire Hollywood landscape.

In the history of Schwarzenegger and Stallone's feud, the name Brigitte Nelson is undoubtedly a key turning point. This beautiful and moving lady inadvertently became the new focus of the contest between the two tough guys, and it was also the fuse for their intensified contradictions.

The story begins with Schwarzenegger's love affair with Brigitte. However, the relationship soon hit a roadblock. Schwarzenegger's real girlfriend, Maria from the Kennedy family, gave a stern ultimatum: "Choose her or choose me."

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: fell in love with the same woman, hated each other for 20 years, and finally released their suspicions

Faced with this choice, Schwarzenegger was in a dilemma. As a member of the Kennedy family, Maria's influence should not be underestimated. Schwarzenegger knew that his future political ambitions would not be possible without Maria's support.

After some trade-offs, he finally decided to break up with Brigitte.

However, it didn't end there. Brigitte is not one to let go easily. Not only is she outstanding, but she also has a certain status in the film and television and fashion industries.

Her feelings for Schwarzenegger are persistent and deep, and even if she knows the truth, she can't accept this result.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: fell in love with the same woman, hated each other for 20 years, and finally released their suspicions

Faced with Brigitte's entanglement, Schwarzenegger was in a difficult situation. Unable to take a strong stance to end the relationship, he comes up with a seemingly ingenious but dangerous scheme.

Brigitte was perhaps too obsessed to believe this ridiculous reason. Under Schwarzenegger's careful arrangement, she and Stallone "met by chance" in a luxury hotel.

Stallone is attracted to Brigitte's beauty and soon falls in love. However, just as the two were about to spend the night together, the paparazzi, who had already been in ambush, filmed this scene.

This well-designed "encounter" not only made Stallone fall into a love trap, but also led to a scandal that caused a sensation around the world. Schwarzenegger seized the opportunity to hype up the scandal of Stallone's love grabbing.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: fell in love with the same woman, hated each other for 20 years, and finally released their suspicions

Stallone's image suffered a heavy blow, and Schwarzenegger took the opportunity to break up with Brigitte on the grounds of empathy.

In this case, Brigitte had to choose to be with Stallone. The two even got married. However, this marriage, which was based on misunderstanding and calculation, was destined to be difficult to last.

Just two years later, they announced their divorce.

The turmoil left deep scars on both tough guys. Stallone feels used and betrayed, and he loves Brigitte dearly, only to find that she has always been obsessed with Schwarzenegger.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: fell in love with the same woman, hated each other for 20 years, and finally released their suspicions

Brigitte even publicly stated that Stallone cannot be compared to Schwarzenegger, which is undoubtedly another blow to Stallone's self-esteem.

And Schwarzenegger, although he managed to get out of the predicament, this disgraceful method also filled his heart with guilt. This episode became the most bitter page of their 20-year feud, and also planted the seeds of deeper hatred for future competition.

After the Brigitte affair, the rivalry between Schwarzenegger and Stallone extended from a personal feud to the screen, evolving into a fierce competition for acting. The two tough guys continue to break through in their respective fields, trying to prove that they are the real kings of Hollywood.

Schwarzenegger was the first to make his mark in The Hunger Games, winning the Golden Globe Award for Best Newcomer for his outstanding performance. This award is undoubtedly a great recognition for an actor who is known for his bodybuilding.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: fell in love with the same woman, hated each other for 20 years, and finally released their suspicions

However, Stallone is not willing to fall behind. He was well aware of his advantages in acting, and decided to do it himself, writing, directing and acting in "Rocky". This film not only made Sylvester Stallone famous in one fell swoop, but also won the Academy Award for Best Picture, setting off a whirlwind in Hollywood.

The two of you come and go, and they don't let each other go. When Stallone rose to fame with "Rocky", Schwarzenegger didn't stop. He rose again with "The Terminator" and created another classic screen image.

When he was proud, Schwarzenegger even publicly mocked Stallone: "Even if you act until you are 100 years old, you can only hand me a pipe in front of the camera." This remark undoubtedly angered Stallone and made the rivalry between the two even more intense.

Over time, the duo's work has continued to evolve. From action movies to comedies, from science fiction to war, they compete fiercely in various genres.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: fell in love with the same woman, hated each other for 20 years, and finally released their suspicions

Every contest touches the hearts of the audience and industry insiders, and the media is also happy to report on the competition between the two.

This screen showdown is not limited to the movie itself, but also extends to the competition for box office and popularity. Whenever a new work is released on one side, the other side keeps a close eye on its box office performance.

Their fans are also divided into two factions, with heated discussions and debates on social media.

The flames of competition have even spread beyond the film and television industry. Rumor has it that Schwarzenegger's involvement in politics is also related to Stallone. It is said that Stallone helped write a "biography of Schwarzenegger", which was so powerful that Schwarzenegger could not continue to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry, so he had to turn to politics.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: fell in love with the same woman, hated each other for 20 years, and finally released their suspicions

Although this statement lacks conclusive evidence, it reflects that the rivalry between the two has extended beyond a simple on-screen battle to all aspects of life.

This on-screen showdown, which lasted for two decades, not only created two legendary tough guys, but also brought a golden age to Hollywood. Their work has led the trend of action movies, influencing an entire generation of audiences, while also pushing each other to continue to evolve and create more classic characters and stories.

In the eyes of others, the twenty-year feud between Schwarzenegger and Stallone seems to be full of gunpowder and hostility. However, if we take a closer look at this journey, we will find a surprising fact: it is this fierce competition that pushes the two to constantly surpass themselves and ultimately achieve each other's brilliant careers.

Schwarzenegger later confessed in an interview: "It is this fierce competition that stimulates my endless potential and leads me to the pinnacle of glory!" Whenever he sees Stallone launch a new work, a strong sense of crisis swells up in his heart.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: fell in love with the same woman, hated each other for 20 years, and finally released their suspicions

This pressure pushes him to constantly push himself, try more diverse roles, and challenge more difficult performances.

Similarly, Stallone acknowledges the positive impact of competition: "Every time I see his new film, I feel pressured. This pressure forced me to constantly push myself and try new roles and types.

It is this kind of catch-up posture that has allowed Stallone to gradually develop from a single action movie star to an all-round filmmaker, not only improving in acting, but also making great achievements in writing and directing.

The healthy competition between the two not only promoted each other's acting careers, but also brought a golden age to Hollywood. Their work has led the trend of action movies, portrayed countless classic characters, and influenced an entire generation of audiences.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: fell in love with the same woman, hated each other for 20 years, and finally released their suspicions

From "Loki" to "The Terminator", from "First Blood" to "True Lies", each work has become a milestone in the history of cinema.

Over time, the two gradually realized how precious their true opponents were. It is precisely because of the existence of each other that they can continue to surpass themselves and create more classics.

This kind of competitive relationship has gone beyond simple hostility and has evolved into a special kind of sympathy.

Time flies, time flies. As they grew older, Schwarzenegger and Stallone gradually learned the true meaning of competition. They realize that it is not the external strife that can really drive the cause of their careers, but the inner driving force.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: fell in love with the same woman, hated each other for 20 years, and finally released their suspicions

In 2012, fate arranged an unexpected reunion. Two former rivals were unexpectedly killed in the hospital with the same shoulder injury. In the face of each other, they did not have the tension of the past, but instead had a knowing smile.

At that moment, twenty years of grievances seemed to have turned into smoke.

This experience is not only a personal legend of two tough guys, but also a moving story of growth, competition and friendship. It teaches us that even the fiercest of opponents can be the most precious of friends.

The baptism of the years has made them understand that real success is not to defeat each other, but to achieve each other in the competition and make progress together.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: fell in love with the same woman, hated each other for 20 years, and finally released their suspicions

The story of Schwarzenegger and Stallone shows the complexity and maturity of human nature. It reminds us that in the long course of life, enemies can become friends, and adversaries can become close friends.

This kind of transformation is the most precious wisdom that time has given us.

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