
Li Longji visited his little girlfriend in prison in tears, but he still did not change his mind, stating that the two would get married as soon as possible

author:Grape micro-reading
Li Longji visited his little girlfriend in prison in tears, but he still did not change his mind, stating that the two would get married as soon as possible
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Li Longji visited his little girlfriend in prison in tears, but he still did not change his mind, stating that the two would get married as soon as possible

In the Hong Kong entertainment industry, a relationship that crosses the 36-year-old age gap is experiencing an unprecedented test. The relationship between 73-year-old TVB veteran actor Li Longji and his 37-year-old girlfriend Wang Qingxia has attracted much attention, and now it has fallen into the whirlpool of public opinion due to a sudden legal turmoil.

Wang Qingxia was arrested in Hong Kong for overstaying her visa and is being detained at the Tai Lam Correctional Services Department. This accident not only tested the depth of the relationship between the two, but also made the outside world question this relationship.

In the face of many obstacles, how will Lee Yongji respond? Will their love be able to withstand this severe test? A love story that spans age and legal dilemmas is unfolding in Hong Kong.

When the news came, Li Longji, who was working in Guangzhou, was anxious. Without saying a word, he immediately put down the work at hand and rushed back to Hong Kong. At the Tai Lam Correctional Institution, Lee finally met the long-awaited Wang Qingxia, but the time they spent together was only 15 minutes.

Li Longji visited his little girlfriend in prison in tears, but he still did not change his mind, stating that the two would get married as soon as possible

The joy of reunion is intertwined with the cruelty of reality, and the emotions of the two collapse instantly. Tears poured out of his eyes uncontrollably, telling of silent thoughts and worries.

This brief meeting, although limited in time, brought the two hearts together again.

The moment he walked out of the door of the Correctional Services Department, Lee Yongji was already in tears. The radiant look of the happy time with Wang Qingxia in the past is gone, replaced by a haggard and worried face.

However, even in such a predicament, Lee Yong-gi still showed a firm belief in love.

Li Longji visited his little girlfriend in prison in tears, but he still did not change his mind, stating that the two would get married as soon as possible

In the face of the swarming reporters, Li Longji did not shy away, but chose to express his feelings frankly. He choked up and said, "The moment we met, we couldn't control our emotions.

Although it was only 15 minutes, I could feel that the bond between us was deeper than ever.

Li Longji affectionately said that he had made a promise to Wang Qingxia that as long as she could be successfully released from prison, the two would immediately enter the palace of marriage. He firmly believes that Wang Qingxia's feelings for him are sincere and deep, and he can deeply feel this true affection.

In the face of questions from the outside world about their relationship, Li Longji did not shy away from saying: "She has never asked for anything from me. We are together purely because we love each other.

Li Longji visited his little girlfriend in prison in tears, but he still did not change his mind, stating that the two would get married as soon as possible

If I had sensed that she had any utilitarian motives, our relationship would not have progressed to the point of marriage.

Li Longji also revealed that he actually does not have much wealth accumulation, and he does not have real estate in his name. He confessed that in the previous divorce, he chose to leave the house and gave all his property to his ex-wife.

It is precisely because of this that he is even more convinced that Wang Qingxia really loves him as a person, not for money or material things.

This sincere confession not only shows Li Longji's deep feelings for Wang Qingxia, but also conveys the purity of their relationship to the outside world. Despite the huge age gap and the difficulties he faced, Lee Longji's words and deeds all show his cherishment and persistence in this relationship.

Li Longji visited his little girlfriend in prison in tears, but he still did not change his mind, stating that the two would get married as soon as possible

In this test of love, Li Longji used practical actions to interpret what is the real infatuation.

With the exposure of Wang Qingxia's arrest, her past gradually surfaced, causing many questions and controversies among the public. These controversies mainly focused on Wang Qingxia's academic qualifications, marital history and overstay, casting a shadow on the high-profile lovers.

The issue of academic fraud has become one of the focuses of public opinion. Faced with this sensitive topic, Li Longji was distressed and helpless. He explained: "Qingxia is actually a victim.

Someone took advantage of her trust, collected large sums of money, and used the information she provided to create false documents. Lee Yong-ki's tone revealed sympathy for his girlfriend's plight, but also implied anger at the scammers who took advantage of people's trust.

Li Longji visited his little girlfriend in prison in tears, but he still did not change his mind, stating that the two would get married as soon as possible

He also added that the scammer had deceived not only Ms. Wang, but also other victims, and had now absconded with the money.

When asked about Wang Qingxia's marriage history, Li Longji was frank and confident. He mentioned that he had met Wang Qingxia's ex-boyfriend and confirmed that Wang Qingxia had already broken up with him.

Li Longji's eyes were firm, and he said in a firm tone: "I am sure that there is no such thing as stepping on two boats. These words are not only a response to the doubts of the outside world, but also a trust and maintenance of Wang Qingxia.

However, there is nothing more perplexing than the issue of Wang Qingxia's overstay. Lee recalled that they had planned to travel abroad together on several occasions. "Every time I bought my ticket, she canceled it on the grounds that there was something at home.

Li Longji visited his little girlfriend in prison in tears, but he still did not change his mind, stating that the two would get married as soon as possible

This happened twice. There was a hint of self-reproach in Lee Yongji's tone, and he admitted that although he had doubts at the time, he did not ask deeply. I didn't know that her situation was so complicated that she would not be able to re-enter Hong Kong if she left Hong Kong.

Li Longji also mentioned that he had suggested that Wang Qingxia return to her hometown in the mainland and then apply to come to Hong Kong. But his girlfriend said he didn't need it, so he didn't think about it anymore. Speaking of this, Li Longji's brows furrowed slightly, and his tone revealed a little regret: "If I had asked more at that time, maybe I wouldn't have fallen into such a complicated predicament as I am now."

Despite these controversies and doubts, Lee has always remained calm and rational. He believes that after such a huge setback, Wang Qingxia will choose to be honest no matter what situation she is facing now.

There was anticipation and vigilance in his tone: "If she still has anything to hide until now, I won't be able to forgive her." These words both express his trust in his girlfriend and convey the importance he attaches to honesty.

Li Longji visited his little girlfriend in prison in tears, but he still did not change his mind, stating that the two would get married as soon as possible

Mr. Lee also said he understood that Ms. Wang's behavior may stem from concern for him. "She may be worried that she is getting older and wants to be around me more." This kind of understanding and tolerance shows Li Longji's cherishing of this relationship.

However, Lee also showed a certain amount of introspection. He admits that he may have been too trusting to ignore some of the warning signs. "The age gap between us does create some communication barriers," he admits, "but I believe that as long as we can be honest with each other, we can overcome them."

In the face of these controversies, Li Longji has always maintained his trust and support for Wang Qingxia. His attitude not only shows his loyalty to love, but also reflects the responsibility of a mature man.

Despite the constant doubts from the outside world, Li Longji seems to be ready to face all difficulties with Wang Qingxia. This relationship, which crosses the age gap, is undergoing an unprecedented test.

Li Longji visited his little girlfriend in prison in tears, but he still did not change his mind, stating that the two would get married as soon as possible

In the face of complex doubts and difficulties, Li Longji did not choose to retreat or give up, but showed his firm support and deep feelings for Wang Qingxia with practical actions.

First and foremost is legal aid. Li Longji quickly hired a professional lawyer to handle Wang Qingxia's case. "The situation is already quite serious, and we have to rely on the strength of the legal profession to deal with it," he said in a solemn tone.

This move not only reflects Lee Yongji's sanity and decisiveness, but also shows the importance and sense of responsibility he attaches to this relationship.

At the same time, Lee began to actively connect with his network. He contacted many relatives and friends, imploring them to write a letter of plea for Wang Qingxia, hoping to impress the judicial department and win a chance for Wang Qingxia to be lenient.

Li Longji visited his little girlfriend in prison in tears, but he still did not change his mind, stating that the two would get married as soon as possible

Lee Yong-gi said sincerely: "I believe that the power of love can move people's hearts. Perhaps these letters of plea will allow the judiciary to see another side of Wang Qingxia and understand that she is a person who deserves a second chance.

What's even more touching is that Li Longji has always maintained a deep understanding and tolerance for Wang Qingxia. Although Wang's actions have brought great challenges to their relationship, Li Longji still believes that he can help her re-establish the right values.

He explained softly: "She took these actions largely out of concern for me. She may be worried that she is getting older and wants to spend more time with me.

Li Longji's words not only expressed his understanding of Wang Qingxia, but also showed his keen insight into people's hearts. Rather than simply condemning or criticizing Wang's actions, he tried to understand her motives and inner world, an attitude that undoubtedly laid a deeper emotional foundation for the relationship between the two.

Li Longji visited his little girlfriend in prison in tears, but he still did not change his mind, stating that the two would get married as soon as possible

In the face of doubts and incomprehension from the outside world, Li Longji has always remained calm and firm. "I believe that everyone makes mistakes at some point, and the key is to recognize them and try to correct them," he said.

I will continue to support Qingxia and help her through this difficult time.

Li Longji's actions undoubtedly explain what true love is. He is not afraid of difficulties, always stands by Wang Qingxia's side, and proves his sincerity with practical actions.

This kind of support and understanding, which is even more precious in difficult situations, may be the key to the continuation of this love that crosses the age gap.

Li Longji visited his little girlfriend in prison in tears, but he still did not change his mind, stating that the two would get married as soon as possible

Li Longji's attitude and actions not only show his deep feelings for Wang Qingxia, but also reflect the responsibility and courage of a mature man. In this test of love, Li Longji used his own way to interpret what is the real infatuation.

In the face of the uncertainty of the future, Lee Yongji showed rare determination and courage. Although Wang Qingxia is currently behind bars and may even face the fate of being repatriated to the mainland, Li Longji still sticks to their marriage plan, showing a strong belief in the relationship.

Lee Yong-gi solemnly announced to the media: "No matter how difficult the road ahead is, we will enter the palace of marriage as soon as possible." These words are not only a powerful response to the doubts of the outside world, but also a promise and encouragement to Wang Qingxia.

There was a determined glint in his eyes, and his tone was full of anticipation for the future.

Li Longji visited his little girlfriend in prison in tears, but he still did not change his mind, stating that the two would get married as soon as possible

Considering the current special circumstances, Li Longji said that they are likely to choose to register their marriage in the mainland. Although there was a little helplessness in his tone, it was more of a yearning for future life: "Maybe this is not the scene we originally envisioned, but as long as we can be with her, we will be happy to get married anywhere."

Li Longji also expressed his determination to help Wang Qingxia re-establish correct life values. "I will use my love and tolerance to influence her to understand the importance of honesty and law-abiding," he said gently but firmly.

I believe she has the determination and ability to turn over a new leaf. These words not only reflect Li Longji's trust in Wang Qingxia, but also show his sense of responsibility for this relationship.

When it comes to specific future life plans, Li Longji seems confident. He said that he would continue his acting career, and at the same time fully support Wang Qingxia to start her life again.

Li Longji visited his little girlfriend in prison in tears, but he still did not change his mind, stating that the two would get married as soon as possible

"We will face the challenges of the future together and grow together," said Lee with a smile, "The age gap is not a problem, the important thing is that we understand and support each other."

These future plans not only show Li Longji's loyalty and persistence in this relationship, but also reflect his trust and expectations for Wang Qingxia. Although the road ahead is full of challenges, Li Longji chooses to walk hand in hand with his lover to face the wind and rain of the future together, and interprets the true meaning of "holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son" with practical actions.

The story of Li Longji and Wang Qingxia shows the powerful power of love to transcend age and overcome difficulties. In the face of a 36-year-old age gap and severe legal challenges, Lee has always maintained tolerance, understanding and unconditional support.

His actions illustrate the essence of true love: to be consistent despite difficulties.

Li Longji visited his little girlfriend in prison in tears, but he still did not change his mind, stating that the two would get married as soon as possible

This love story that spans time and space may become a good story in the entertainment industry, interpreting the power of love and the brilliance of human nature. It tells us that sincere feelings can cross the age gap, and sincere dedication can overcome the difficulties of life.

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