
"Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a blowout of word-of-mouth, avoiding the male protagonist Huang Jingyu! But I was amazed by the 185cm male No. 2

author:New New Entertainment
"Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a blowout of word-of-mouth, avoiding the male protagonist Huang Jingyu! But I was amazed by the 185cm male No. 2

Since "Latent", domestic spy war dramas have always been one of the themes loved by the audience. This year, "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" starring Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei quickly won the favor of the audience and a double harvest of word-of-mouth as soon as it was broadcast.

Although Huang Jingyu and Xin Zhilei are not professional spy war actors, they have shown excellent acting ability in the play. Agent Ou Xiao'an, played by Huang Jingyu, faces the identity dilemma after amnesia, showing a calm and resolute agent demeanor. The scene of his duel with the female spy Miao Jiang is vivid, which not only shows the depth of his acting skills, but also adds tension to the plot. Especially in the psychological warfare with the Japanese officers, Huang Jingyu's performance was even more incisive, and through his silent and firm eyes, he successfully defused the crisis and won the trust of the enemy.

Xin Zhilei played Qin Moqing in "Lonely Maze", and the transformation of this role is impressive. From a star in Shanghai to a decisive undercover female agent, this transformation of role not only amazes the audience, but also shows her versatility and performance height as an actress.

"Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a blowout of word-of-mouth, avoiding the male protagonist Huang Jingyu! But I was amazed by the 185cm male No. 2

In the play, Qin Moqing's appearance is not publicized. She is not the kind of character who dazzles as soon as she appears, but through delicate expressions and movements, she reveals the complex emotions in her heart. As an undercover agent, she needs to be patient and vigilant, ready to respond to any danger. Beneath this cold and resolute exterior lies her loyalty to her mission and her mixed feelings about her identity.

In the confrontation with the enemy, Qin Moqing showed her wit and adaptability. In every crisis, she responds quickly and defuses the situation quietly, while maintaining her covert identity as an undercover agent. Her role is not only to carry out tasks, but also to show a unique feminine charm and intelligence in action.

Xin Zhilei portrayed the role of Qin Moqing very plump and three-dimensional through her superb performance. She does not rely on the number of lines, but through every look, every smile, she shows the audience the complexity and depth of the character's heart. Qin Moqing is not just a simple undercover agent, she is a female image with rich emotions and complex personality, which is also the essence of Xin Zhilei's performance.

"Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a blowout of word-of-mouth, avoiding the male protagonist Huang Jingyu! But I was amazed by the 185cm male No. 2

The audience was full of praise for Xin Zhilei's performance in "Lonely Lost City". She not only successfully performed this role to the fullest, but also gave Qin Moqing more humanity and drama through her unique acting style. This role shift is not only impressive, but also adds a lot of excitement and depth to the whole show.

The most amazing character in "Lonely Lost City" is not the male protagonist Huang Jingyu or the female protagonist Xin Zhilei, but Lou Mingyuan of the male number two Xiao Shunyao. Xiao Shunyao, with his affectionate interpretation and role transformation, dazzled the audience. The plot of Lou Mingyuan's heroic sacrifice to protect his friend Ou Xiaoan shows the highlight moment of his acting skills.

In "Lonely Lost City", the character of Lou Mingyuan was not a conspicuous existence from the beginning. He is the kind of character who silently supports in the background, but always pays attention to the direction of the plot. Xiao Shunyao portrayed Lou Mingyuan full and deep through the processing of every detail, making him not only Ou Xiaoan's comrade-in-arms, but also a flesh-and-blood character.

As Lou Mingyuan's storyline gradually unfolds, the audience begins to notice the deep friendship between him and Ou Xiaoan. They are not only comrades-in-arms, but also friends of life and death, and the tacit understanding and trust between them are touching. This kind of comradeship-in-arms is not heroism on the surface, but through Xiao Shunyao's delicate performance, it penetrates into every shot and moves the audience.

"Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a blowout of word-of-mouth, avoiding the male protagonist Huang Jingyu! But I was amazed by the 185cm male No. 2

In the climax of the plot, Lou Mingyuan chose to sacrifice himself in order to protect Ou Xiaoan, and this plot became a turning point in the whole play. This is not only a dramatic display, but also a profound exploration of Lou Mingyuan's character's complex heart. Xiao Shunyao vividly shows Lou Mingyuan's inner world through affectionate eyes and vivid expressions, and the audience seems to be able to feel the heaviness of his inner struggle and decision.

Netizens' reactions to Lou Mingyuan's role are also warm and real. An audience member shared on social media: "Although Lou Mingyuan is the second male lead, his performance is really moving, and every scene can make people feel his true emotions." Another netizen commented: "Seeing Lou Mingyuan's last scene, I can't stop crying, Xiao Shunyao's acting skills are online!" These real audience feedback not only proved Xiao Shunyao's excellent acting skills, but also expressed the audience's affectionate love and emotion for the role of Lou Mingyuan.

Let's take a look at the character evaluation of Guo Qiucheng, the actor of Kazuno Ohashi in the play.

"Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a blowout of word-of-mouth, avoiding the male protagonist Huang Jingyu! But I was amazed by the 185cm male No. 2

In the movie "Wolf Warrior 2", Dr. Chen played by Guo Qiucheng showed an image of a hot-blooded patriot who regarded death as home, and the scene where he swore to defend the motherland left a deep impression on the audience. However, when he incarnated as Hengyan in the new movie "The Patriot", the role completely subverted the previous image, which caused many netizens to discuss and compare.

Some netizens believe that Dr. Chen in "Wolf Warrior 2" is an iron-blooded tough guy, who regards death as home, and is loyal to the country and the people, and his image has deeply inspired a generation of audiences. A netizen commented: "Dr. Chen's performance in "Wolf Warrior 2" is simply a model of a man, dare to fight, dare to sacrifice, and is our hero!" ”

"Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a blowout of word-of-mouth, avoiding the male protagonist Huang Jingyu! But I was amazed by the 185cm male No. 2

When he played the role of Hengyan in "The Patriot", his image was completely different. Hengyan is a ruthless, cunning, cold-blooded and ruthless villain, who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, step by step, completely subverting Guo Qiucheng's previous image in the hearts of the audience. Some netizens have a different opinion on this.

Some people believe that this change in role shows the diversity of Guo Qiucheng as an actor and the deep foundation of his acting skills. One fan said: "I was completely blown away by his performance in 'The Patriot', how amazing he can play a positive character and a negative character so differently!" ”

"Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a blowout of word-of-mouth, avoiding the male protagonist Huang Jingyu! But I was amazed by the 185cm male No. 2

Some netizens also expressed some doubts about this image change. Some people think that the hero image in "Wolf Warrior 2" is impressive, but in "Patriot", the character of Hengyan is too negative and makes people feel a little disappointed. One viewer commented: "Dr. Chen's image brings us positive energy, but Hengyan brings negative energy, and this contrast is a little difficult to accept." ”

"Lonely Lost City" not only has new ideas in the plot setting, but also presents an unforgettable spy war drama with the superb performances of the actors. The audience was full of praise for the performance of Huang Jingyu, Xin Zhilei and Xiao Shunyao, and said that this drama is unique among domestic spy war dramas and has become a hot topic this summer.

"Lonely Battle in the Lost City" has a blowout of word-of-mouth, avoiding the male protagonist Huang Jingyu! But I was amazed by the 185cm male No. 2

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