
Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

author:For the historical indicator full high


In July 1864, Zeng Guoquan led the Hunan army to continue to storm the siege of Tianjing City, which had been besieged for two years, but the Taiping army led by Li Xiucheng was extremely tenacious and inflicted a large number of casualties on the Hunan army.

Tunnel warfare and anti-tunnel warfare

The tunnel battle had already kicked off long before Hong Xiuquan ascended to heaven. Speaking of tunnel warfare, everyone will immediately think of the classic film "Tunnel Warfare" of the Anti-Japanese War, and the tunnel warfare to be talked about here is no less intense than the armed struggle on the North China Plain.

Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

In terms of offensive technology, the city is now open, and the focus of the competition is on the urban architecture. At that time, the city was closed, and the key to victory or defeat was the moat.

Friends who have watched costume movies know that there is one of the most conventional weapons in ancient sieges - cloud ladders. As you can see from the name, this ladder is so high that it looks like it is high into the clouds, and it is still used by the fire brigade. It is said that this weapon was invented by the Gong Brigade, and it was a lethal weapon against the ancient city walls, and people loved to use it.

In ancient times, this was indeed an ideal siege weapon, and it was enough to build a ladder and climb the wall to kill the opponent. It's just that this siege method has a relatively big flaw, that is, the casualties will generally be relatively heavy, which is not the best way from the perspective of war efficiency. Before the ladder hand death squad succeeded, the side defending the city would have a lot of "anti-cloud ladder" weapons and tactics, such as throwing torches, smashing with stones (those who have seen the five heroes of Langya Mountain know), heating the tung oil and pouring it down, and what is even more immoral is that they also use urine mixed with tung oil to pour down, this artificial weapon is not only lethal, but can smoke the opponent to death just by smell. Therefore, the cost of a ladder siege is relatively large, and it is generally the side with the advantage of troops to use the tactics of crowds to be effective.

Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

Since the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom successfully explored the "Excavation and Blasting Siege Method" in Quanzhou, the Tuying in charge of this work has been insisting on continuing to study on this basis, innovating and developing many enhanced and upgraded siege technologies, such as "cluster explosives", "remote excavation", "multi-point flowering", etc., which have made great contributions to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom's siege of the city and the capture of the pool.

After the Qing army suffered a lot of losses, it also slowly learned to be obedient, and began to "learn the enemy's long skills to control the enemy", and learned that the Taiping army used the method of digging and blasting to attack the city to deal with the Taiping army, especially the Hunan army was good at this method, Zeng Guoquan used this method to lay down a series of important cities such as Ji'an and Anqing.

The fortifications of Tianjing City are probably second only to Beijing in the country, Zeng Guoquan has been trying to use this method to fight into the city to win the final victory after encircling Tianjing and clearing the outlying strongholds, and the reason why he has repeatedly failed but never gave up this method is because he has not found a better way, so he has no choice but to do it.

The Taiping Army was an expert in digging and blasting to attack the city, so Zeng Guoquan's long-term efforts did not receive good results.

Seeing that the victory of the capture of Tianjing was already in hand, and the reinforcements sent by Zeng Guofan were also endless, Zeng Guoquan, who was besieging Tianjing, had already shook hands with 50,000 Hunan troops at this time. After Hong Xiuquan died, Zeng Guoquan accelerated the pace of digging tunnels. Relying on the large number of people, he began to command the Hunan army to divide into several groups to dig tunnels everywhere, but more than 90 percent of them died.

Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

The reason for his untimely death was that Li Xiucheng led the Taiping soldiers to carry out a-for-tat anti-tunnel war. Li Xiucheng knew very well that in order to prevent the Hunan army from detonating explosives, the key was to destroy the tunnels dug by the Hunan army in time, so that they could not bury the explosives under the city wall smoothly, otherwise even if Da Luo Jinxian descended to earth, he would probably only be able to sigh that he would be weak to return to the sky.

In order to destroy the Hunan army's frantic excavation of tunnels everywhere, Li Xiucheng thought of many ways to carry out anti-tunnel warfare, among which there were two main ones that gave Zeng Guoquan a headache.

The first one is more effective in digging tunnels and using tunnel warfare against tunnel warfare. The Hunan army dug from outside the city to the city wall, and Li Xiucheng asked the Taiping army to dig from the city to the outside of the city, first working vertically, and then starting to work horizontally after crossing the city wall to the outside of the city. Zeng Guoquan sent a dozen teams of tunnel working groups to dig, digging and digging to the trench dug by the Taiping army, so they had to give up halfway and go home. Zeng Guoquan thought that he would dig so accurately, so he ordered the Hunan army to constantly change the excavation location, so that the Taiping army could not guess the coincidence, but no matter how the Hunan army changed places, it could always run into the tunnel dug by the Taiping army without coincidental writing.

This is Zeng Guoquan's naivety, of course, the Taiping Army is not a blind cat encountering a dead mouse - luckily, there is a reason why the cross-cut tunnels they dug are so accurate - they are judged accurately, and their skills are also very good. There are special technicians engaged in this work in the earthen camp of the Taiping Army, and there are two main secrets to their method of judging the direction of the tunnel dug by the Hunan army, one is to see where the Hunan army engineers are camped, which is the entrance to the tunnel, and the other is to see which piece of grass on the ground is more scorched yellow than the one next to it. Because the sappers had to light torches or lamps to dig tunnels, the heat would burn the grass on the ground for a long time, and the color would be more yellow than the surrounding ones.

Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

Although the Taiping army was quick to see and move, but because the Hunan army dug too many tunnels, a total of more than 30 relatively fierce tunnels were dug successively, which really suffered the sappers who dug the tunnels.

The biggest danger once appeared in the Shence Gate, there was a tunnel dug by the Hunan army here that was ignored by the Taiping army, and a gap in the city wall was blown up, but the Hunan army who rushed into the gap with joy was soon dumbfounded, and they found a situation that made them extremely depressed - there was a city wall inside!

This is Li Xiucheng's second trick to deal with the Hunan army's digging and blasting siege - building the Moon City.

The so-called Moon City is actually between the two points of the city wall, and then build a solitary city wall, and the new city wall is connected to the original city wall, which looks like a curved moon. The purpose of building the Moon City is very obvious, mainly to prevent the Hunan army from blowing up the city wall and then successfully killing into the city, because it is impossible for them to immediately dig another tunnel under the city wall of the Moon City and bury explosives, so the city wall that was blown up in front is basically equivalent to useless work, and the Hunan army that finally entered the Moon City with a lot of effort will soon be blown up by the powder keg thrown by the Taiping army in ambush nearby.

Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

Li Xiucheng's excellent command made Zeng Guoquan helpless, and after some careful investigation and research, he found that if he wanted to break through Tianjing, he must solve a key location - the dragon's neck.

The last stronghold outside Tianjing City

The strange name Dragon Neck is that it is the location of the last stronghold of the Taiping army outside Tianjing City, Bunker City, which has always been a key defensive fortress for Li Xiucheng.

Just as Zhongshan Mountain, which is also steep in the south of the city, is known as "Tiger Standing", the Purple Mountain in the southeast of Tianjing City is like a dragon because of its dangerous terrain, so it has the title of "Longpan" since ancient times, and it is the focus of contention between the Hunan army and the Taiping army. The southwest foot of the Purple Mountain is connected to the city wall, and the shape is like a dragon's neck, so the common people call it the dragon's neck.

The Taiping army built a bunker city stronghold here, and after the loss of Tianbao City on the Purple Mountain, it was the only commanding height held by the Taiping army. Li Xiucheng knew the importance of this place, and had always sent heavy troops to guard it, built a lookout to observe the siege situation of the Hunan army and took corresponding military countermeasures in time, and the victory of the anti-tunnel war had a great deal to do with the Taiping army's mastery of the bunker city.

After repeated setbacks in the tunnel war, Zeng Guoquan and Zeng Guofan were questioned by the imperial court, why can't they take Tianjing for so long, don't you see that Li Hongzhang and Zuo Zongtang came from behind to take Suzhou and Hangzhou? If you really can't do it, let Li Hongzhang help you?

Of course, the Zeng brothers don't want Tianjing's big fat meat, they have already bitten their mouths and want to share it with others, it's been two years, if they can't swallow their heads alone, wouldn't the blood of thousands of Hunan soldiers be shed in vain?

Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

Fortunately, Li Hongzhang is still well-behaved and sensible, and after several years of tempering, he has rapidly grown into a mature politician, of course he will not let his mentor lose face, so he told the court that Jiangsu's long hair has not been eliminated, and he will not come for the time being, but he just sent a small team to symbolically come to help in the war. The arrogant Zeng Guoquan decided to speed up the pace of siege and take the final nail of the bunker city.

On July 3, 1864, Zeng Guoquan issued a death order, requiring the Hunan army to overcome all difficulties at all costs and overcome all difficulties to conquer the bunker city.

Li Xiucheng knew that the bunker city was related to how long Tianjing could be defended, so he had already increased reinforcements and strengthened the defense, and he also organized death squads to fight out of the fort, hoping to make Zeng Guoquan retreat from the fort. After a day of bloody battles, the Hunan army, which had absolute superiority, finally got its wish and drove the Taiping army out of the bunker city and took control of this favorable terrain. Li Xiucheng, who lost the bunker city, began to feel the pressure from Zeng Guoquan wave after wave, because the terrain of the dragon's neck was very special. To put it simply, it is high in the west and low in the east, and it is a slope that is inserted diagonally into the city wall, which is very suitable for siege.

Zeng Guoquan began to get excited, and he realized that the breakthrough in the siege was in the dragon's neck!

Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

The Hunan army was divided into three groups by Zeng Guoquan, one of which was responsible for digging tunnels thirty or forty meters away from the city wall, hoping to detonate gunpowder from here. Seeing this, Li Xiucheng hurriedly ordered the Taiping army to rush to repair Yuecheng on the one hand, dig tunnels on the other, and use artillery on the city tower to interfere with the Hunan army, but this time he quickly received bad news from the front line, and these tricks did not work.

Li Xiucheng rushed to the front line and couldn't help but be secretly surprised, it turned out that Zeng Guoquan had already sent a group of men and horses to set up more than 100 mountain artillery pieces on the hillside east of the dragon's neck, and condescendingly bombarded the city tower day and night, and the Taiping army had no way to carry out effective anti-tunnel warfare. He was even more surprised by this, Zeng Guoquan's other group of men and horses were also working overtime with artillery support and cover, they collected a large number of reeds and artemisia grass to fill the low-lying area near the city wall on the west side of the dragon's neck, and covered it with sand, apparently trying to fill it all the way to the city wall, apparently in preparation for the final siege.

The Hunan army was condescending and had an artillery advantage, Li Xiucheng was helpless, and he couldn't think of any good way to counterattack Zeng Guoquan's all-round offensive measures, so he had to deploy the garrison troops to resist the Hunan army's attacks in all directions, waiting for the opportunity to make calculations. The chances are slim, there are only 10,000 Taiping troops who have not eaten enough, which really makes Li Xiucheng not have much way to deal with the 50,000 Hunan troops with plenty of food and grass.

Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

It has been almost half a month in a flash, with many years of battlefield experience, Li Xiucheng estimated that the tunnel of the Hunan army was about to be completed, he knew that the Hunan army would definitely relax its vigilance because of the victory in sight, and this was the best time to launch a counterattack, and he must find a way to make a desperate last fight, destroy the enemy's tunnel, and destroy Zeng Guoquan's tactical deployment, otherwise the destruction of Tianjing City will be just around the corner.

On July 18, 1864, Li Xiucheng organized two death squads, each numbering about a few hundred people, to destroy the siege facilities of the Hunan army in one fell swoop in order to prolong the life of Tianjing. In the middle of the night, a death squad set out from the Taiping Gate and marched along the city wall in the direction of the dragon's neck, and they were responsible for destroying the tunnels dug by the Hunan army; Another death squad set out from Chaoyangmen, disguised as Hunan soldiers and set fire to the forts along the dragon's neck wall, as well as the reeds and artemisia grass piled up under the wall.

Whether or not they can stop Zeng Guoquan's last powerful attack on Tianjing depends on whether these two death squads can successfully complete the sneak attack mission!

It didn't take long for the daredevils to return to the city in pieces and scars. It turned out that Zeng Guoquan had expected that Li Xiucheng would take the risk of such a move, and had already sent the elite of the Hunan army to ambush and attack on the way, but the Taiping army not only failed to succeed, but lost many elite brothers.

On the night when Li Xiucheng sent a daredevils to sneak attack, the Hunan army finally completed the tunnel construction task, all the explosives have been installed in place, and the siege troops have been in place.

Li Xiucheng didn't close his eyes all night, his eyes were bloodshot, he ordered his subordinates to protect the palace of the Celestial Empire, and then began to patrol along the city wall with his own soldiers, while nervously thinking about countermeasures.

Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

It's just a matter of time before the Hunan army comes in, maybe it's tomorrow, maybe it's the day after tomorrow, looking at Zeng Guoquan's posture, it's not long before it happens, and there are two key issues now: first, the little king must not fall into the hands of the Hunan army, otherwise there will be no successor to the kingdom of heaven; The second is what to do after the fall of Tianjing, and how to make the Kingdom of Heaven come back?

The second problem is still a little far away for the time being, whether it can be killed is still unknown, it can't be that far, let's solve the first problem first, keeping the incense of the king is the most tricky thing in front of us.

Zeng Guoquan's general attack was faster and more fierce than Li Xiucheng imagined, and on the morning of July 19, 1864, after the Hunan army had breakfast, the siege troops began to assemble in the area of the dragon's neck outside the Taiping Gate. Li Xiucheng looked at the swarming enemy and knew that the most brutal war was finally coming, so he ordered the elite troops to concentrate in the Taiping Gate, and the rest of the gates were also strictly guarded to prevent the Hunan army from taking advantage of the weakness. Zeng Guoquan also came to the Dragon Neck Camp to personally command the battle, and at noon, he ordered the detonation of tunnel explosives, and the whole army began a general attack.

Hearing only a loud bang, the inside and outside of Tianjing City were shaken, and more than 10,000 catties of strong gunpowder released a powerful shock wave, which blew the huge stones on the impregnable Tianjing City wall into pieces, and scattered them in the surrounding area of dozens of meters with the smoke screen lifted.

Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

The smoke screen has not completely dissipated, a mouth more than sixty meters wide suddenly appeared in front of the Hunan army soldiers, which made their eyes full of anticipation radiate excitement and greedy light, after a moment of hesitation, a huge shout immediately sounded, and the Hunan army began to rush towards the gap like a tide.

Zeng Guoquan's eyes were shining with excitement, he had been struggling under Tianjing City for twenty-six months, thousands of brothers had fallen under this huge and unshakable fortified city, countless battles had exhausted him, and also made him stronger than ever, the flame of revenge burned in his heart, and the suppressed desire rolled in his heart, it was time to completely break it, and it was time for you to pay the price!

Kill all the long hair in Tianjing City, and not a single living mouth can be left, up to Hong Xiuquan, the big long hair, down to the second generation of long-haired little demons!

This was the highest order given by Zeng Guoquan to the Hunan army during the pre-war mobilization.

The final decisive battle came, and Zeng Guoquan prayed silently, because it would be an unprecedented bitter battle, and it would also be an extremely cruel bloody battle.

The ten-year-long grievances and hatreds between the Taiping Army and the Hunan Army will get their final answer in blood and fire!

Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

There is no surrender in our dictionary

Zeng Guoquan's general offensive mobilization order of "killing all the long hairs and robbing all the gold and silver" stimulated the desire on the nerve endings of the Hunan army to the greatest extent, and the elite vanguard troops attacking the city were full of long-accumulated excitement as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and rushed to the gap eagerly and orderly, and their goal was the entire Tianjing City.

The bloody battle inevitably unfolded in the gap first, and the two sides of the match were one in a hundred daredevils, and people with normal IQ knew that whether it was the attacker who charged in the first round or the defender who blocked in the first round, as long as there was no accident, there was basically no hope of survival.

The daredevils of the Hunan army have advanced a generous pension in advance, and those with families have already sent money back to their hometowns, which can be regarded as sacrificing a happy family.

The formation of the Taiping Army death squad is not so complicated, the soldiers who defend the city are basically volunteer daredevils, anyway, the enemy is a death when they enter the city, it is better to fight their own lives to save their brothers and sisters. Under the command of Li Xiucheng, they waited for the gravel to hit the ground and immediately rushed up to plug the gap, and under the attack of the Taiping army's guns and gunpowder, the first batch of Hunan troops who rushed to the gap fell to the ground one by one.

Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

There were a few Hunan soldiers who wanted to slip away when they saw this, they didn't want to be cannon fodder without any suspense, but they were chopped by Zeng Guoquan and several supervisors who came to supervise the formation in person, and the rest had to turn around and rush to the gap.

The powerful charge and firepower suppression were brutally tug-of-war at the gap of 60 meters, and the corpses of the Taiping army and the Hunan army were constantly increasing.

The baton of death was passed strongly under the suppression of the fleeing officials and the temptation of the dream of promotion and fortune, and the manpower of the Taiping army became more and more inferior, and the Hunan army, which was outnumbered, finally broke through the defense line of the Taiping army and stepped into the long-dreamed Tianjing City for the first time.

Rushing into the gap is equal to half of the success, and the Hunan army, whose excitement index is still soaring, seems to have seen the dawn of victory, and they shout to kill their respective goals according to the tasks assigned by Zeng Guoquan in advance.

The Hunan army that rushed into the gap was divided into four teams in the middle, and the attack sequence was as follows: the middle was divided into two teams, and the first team was led by Zhu Hongzhang, the chief soldier, who was responsible for penetrating the Tianwang Mansion and capturing Hong Xiuquan alive. Another team of Taoists, Peng Yuju, led the team, interspersed from the gap in the dragon's neck to the south, responsible for seizing the Tongji Gate; On the right side, Liu Lianjie, the registered envoy, led the team, responsible for seizing the Shence Gate and Yifeng Gate in the north of Tianjing City; On the left side, Admiral Xiao Fusi led the team, responsible for capturing Chaoyang Gate and Hongwu Gate in the east of Tianjing City.

Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

Zeng Guoquan obviously wanted to focus on the middle road, and the left and right roads blossomed everywhere to cooperate with the siege troops outside the city to seize the major city gates and completely occupy Tianjing City.

The palace of the Celestial Empire is the heart of Tianjing, and it is also the heart of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and Hong Xiuquan, the "No. 1 Long Hair", is the key object to be solved in this siege, and the burden of Zhu Hongzhang in the middle road is not light. Although the Hunan army has already entered the city, if it cannot successfully capture the major city gates, the Hunan army that rushed into the gap is likely to be divided and eliminated by the Taiping army, and once the gap is re-blocked, the Hunan army will be wasted, and the bloody sacrifice of half a month will be staged again.

The four elite teams of the Hunan army did not dare to underestimate the enemy, and each attacked and advanced according to its own marching route, in order to quickly achieve the battle goal.

Although there were only about 10,000 combat troops in Tianjing City, and the combat effectiveness had dropped a lot due to continuous fighting and lack of military rations, the Hunan army still encountered unprecedented strong resistance.

The street fighting in Tianjing City was extremely fierce from the beginning. The morale of the Hunan army was high, and they had accumulated rich combat experience in places such as Jiujiang and Anqing, while the Taiping army had the home advantage of being familiar with the terrain, and the Hunan army in the away place was particularly difficult to push forward.

Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

A steady stream of Hunan troops rushed into Tianjing from the gap, gradually gaining an overwhelming advantage in numbers and slowly grasping the initiative on the battlefield. Zeng Guoquan saw that the city had been successful, and immediately ordered the water and land departments outside the city to take the opportunity to attack the gates, the Taiping army's position began to waver, and the bloody battle was fought until the evening, and all the gates of Tianjing had been occupied by the Hunan army, and the loss of Tianjing was irreversible.

But the brutal battle did not end, the resistance of the Taiping army continued, they or hundreds of people in a team, or dozens of people in a team, or a team of several people, relying on every line of defense and every building in Tianjing, and the Hunan army did the final desperate struggle, they had to make the enemy pay a high price for every piece of land they occupied.

The casualties of the Hunan army exceeded pre-war expectations, and the most casualties were the vanguard of the vanguard of the middle route army Zhu Hongzhang, because they were the most fierce counterattack, and by the time Zhu Hongzhang reached the palace of the Celestial Empire, more than half of the 3,000 Hunan soldiers had been killed by the Taiping army. When Zhu Hongzhang revisited Tianjing many years later, he recalled this bloody battle, and still had palpitations in his heart, and sighed for a long time: "It was not easy to conquer this city back then, but it is very sad today." Four hundred elite soldiers were wiped out, and three thousand strong men were only half alive. ”

Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

Many of the Taiping troops guarding Tianjing are old brothers from Liangguang, they live in the heart of the kingdom of heaven, they have received the fullest political edification, and they have also shown the greatest loyalty to the kingdom of heaven, the Hunan army was deeply shocked by their combat effectiveness and will, none of them surrendered under the white flag, nor did they become deserters, and even those old and weak women and children who had lost their ability to resist could not see a trace of panic in their eyes, let alone begging for mercy and survival, they sat around and set themselves on fire, Unwilling to be a prisoner and suffer from the humiliation and torture of the enemy, and unwilling to leave half a piece of rag cloth for the enemy, they shouted the slogan "Leave half a piece of rag in the city and enjoy it with demons" (Zhao Liewen's "Diary of a Neng Jing Jushi") (if it weren't for the fact that Tianjing City had been without food for many days, otherwise the slogan would have been "not a grain of grain for the enemy").

We don't have the word "surrender" in our dictionary!

This is the integrity and courage of those who dare to rise up against the pole, and it is also a declaration that they are willing to abandon their lives for the sake of faith. Now that you have embarked on a path from which there is no way back, you should leave everything behind, including life, but the only thing that cannot be abandoned is faith and backbone.

A tree lives a skin, and a man lives a breath. The flesh can be destroyed, but faith cannot be erased!

The Hunan army, which was subjected to a strong counterattack and suffered heavy casualties, implemented Zeng Guoquan's "three-light policy". First of all, kill everything, whether it is the military and civilians in Tianjing City, or whether it is men, women or children, as long as they are caught, they will be killed. After the killing, there is robbery, and the gold and silver treasures in Tianjing City, as long as they can be moved, have been collected and looted by the Hunan army. In the end, it is burned out, and if it is burned out, it will be a hundred, and the evidence will be destroyed, which can not only avoid being scolded by future generations, but also escape the court's investigation.

There is no more heaven in the world, and there is no heaven in the world!

Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

More than 10,000 Taiping troops, 100,000 Tianjing soldiers and civilians, once turned into white bones and dust, the small heaven has become a big hell, this is a gruesome disaster, Tianjing, the iconic city of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the charm of the worship of God, instantly collapsed in the powerful violence and hideous blood, and those who were once determined to pursue the dream of heaven, their faith was mercilessly buried together with their lives!

After more than two years of bloody battles and the cost of nearly 10,000 people, tens of thousands of Hunan troops led by Zeng Guoquan finally conquered this huge city, a famous Chinese capital that is incomparably huge in terms of both the scale of urban construction and the political significance.

The victory is already in hand, the living can revel in the huge victory, and the next thing is to ask for credit and reward, but at this time, Zeng Guoquan is facing a problem that makes him extremely depressed.

The first thing that made him depressed was Hong Xiuquan. At this time, Zeng Guoquan learned that this old long-haired man actually died of illness before he entered the city, and the credit for capturing or killing him was in vain, and the palace of the Celestial Empire was also set on fire by those "diehards", and was buried with them in the flames, and the alluring huge wealth of the legendary Heavenly King's Mansion did not come to an end.

Zeng Guoquan had no choice but to order someone to find Hong Xiuquan's tomb from the ruins, pull the king who had returned to heaven out of the coffin and whip him, finally venting his endless regret and long-term hatred. But this can't solve their own troubles, if the court asks, how did this Hong Sect Master die, do you want to report that he died of illness, and it has nothing to do with him?

Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

After two years of trouble, the family still died, thinking of missing out on this great achievement, Zeng Guoquan couldn't help but be both depressed and angry.

Fortunately, it is always easier for dead people to toss, after whipping the corpse to vent their anger, Zeng Guoquan and Zeng Guofan's brothers decided to draft a death appraisal for Hong Xiuquan, which said that Hong Xiuquan did die before the siege of the city, but after investigation, it was found that he committed suicide by taking poison, because the Hunan army was attacking too fiercely outside the city, and Hong Xiuquan reported to his father in advance in despair.

This fake document concocted by the Zeng brothers is mainly used to deal with the imperial court, Hong Xiuquan, the No. 1 "chaotic minister and thief", can be regarded as an indirect elimination by my Zeng family, no matter how you say it, it is a miracle!

The death certificate does not solve all the problems, this trick works against the dead, but it is powerless against the living, such as the little king Hong Tianguifu. Tianjing has beaten down, why don't you see this little long-haired figure? Even if the "No. 1 Thief Leader" was forced to commit suicide due to the powerful offensive of the Hunan Army, as long as people with a little historical knowledge will ask: Where did the second generation of the "No. 1 Thief Leader" go?

Tianjing, Zeng Guoquan vs. Li Xiucheng, tunnel war and anti-tunnel war, why is the dragon's neck the most critical?

This question related to whether the attack on Tianjing could be a complete success, and soon there was a very valuable clue.

Zeng Guoquan, who was depressed, got a piece of information that made him feel sad and worried, just when the Hunan army was fully capturing Tianjing, a long team of Mao had already taken advantage of the chaos to break through the Taiping Gate and go out of the city!

Zeng Guoquan is keenly aware that the fact that Longhair does not surrender does not mean that he will not break through, there must be a big fish in it that he wants, and he must intercept this mysterious Longhair that broke out of the city!