
The development momentum of export e-commerce at Shidao port is good

author:Weihai News

Since June this year, Shidao Port in Rongcheng City has exported more than 800,000 pieces of e-commerce goods, a year-on-year increase of 40%, becoming an important force to ensure the quality and stability of foreign trade.


In the past few days, the cross-border e-commerce supervision site of Rongcheng Shidao Xingang International Express Supervision Center has been busier than ever, with mobile phone accessories, clothing, small household appliances, toys and other commodities running non-stop on the assembly line, and cross-border export packages being sorted, inspected, and packaged, waiting to be sent overseas.

The development momentum of export e-commerce at Shidao port is good

Li Bowen, general manager of Rongcheng Rong Han Yunda International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd., said that since May, the sales of air conditioners, fans, refrigerators and other refrigeration equipment and outdoor products have been in a state of explosion, and the goods stocked by customers on a large scale have also arrived, and sales are expected to increase greatly this summer.

In the summer of this year, foreign consumers rushed to buy "Made in China", and the volume of cross-border e-commerce export parcels increased significantly. E-commerce companies have stepped up stocking, promotion, and shipment for export, and such a busy scene has been staged almost every day in the past month.

The development momentum of export e-commerce at Shidao port is good

Chu Meihong, manager of the "Shidao-Qunshan" passenger and cargo ro-ro liner route, said that the surge in export cross-border e-commerce goods has also activated the port logistics business.

As early as before the arrival of this wave of cross-border e-commerce export peak, Rongcheng Customs began to take the initiative to connect with e-commerce enterprises and venue operators, understand the promotional activities and warehousing and freight situation in advance, collect and sort out the blockages, pain points and difficulties of the logistics supply chain of enterprises, and prepare for the export peak.

The development momentum of export e-commerce at Shidao port is good

Lin Haiyang, chief of the express supervision section of the Rongcheng Customs Office in Shidao Port, said that we combine the structure of cross-border e-commerce goods in the jurisdiction and rely on the operation mode of "advance declaration, arrival and release" to ensure the convenience of customs clearance and ensure the smooth delivery of summer peak shipments.

Producer丨Xia Ting

Reporter丨Guo Huachen

Editor-in-Charge | Liu Yun