
Does a 4-dimensional space exist? German mathematicians have proven that what becomes of a person when he enters a 4-dimensional space?

author:Xiaomei said popular science


Since the great German mathematician Volker boldly proposed the concept of four-dimensional space, a new field has led people to carry out a new discussion of time and space.

With the continuous development of modern science and technology, many people have begun to pay attention to the various changes that may occur in the four-dimensional space, and many people think that the four-dimensional space is just a pure abstract concept, so how is this new space realized?

What exactly is four-dimensional space?

Everyone thinks that "four-dimensional space" is a very distant field, but if you dig deeper into it, you will find that it is just a mathematical abstraction, and it is not so mysterious.

There are only three dimensions in traditional space, that is, length, width and height, and people can construct a new four-dimensional space by taking time as the fourth dimension, which not only provides a new perspective for solving mathematical problems, but also provides new ideas for explaining some wonderful phenomena in nature.

Does a 4-dimensional space exist? German mathematicians have proven that what becomes of a person when he enters a 4-dimensional space?

People usually compare the construction of four-dimensional space to a three-dimensional space in a time album, which is like the process of a movie, then each frame is a three-dimensional space, when each picture in the movie is played in order, it can completely show the change of time dimension.

With the help of this abstract concept, people can also solve some complex phenomena that cannot be explained through three-dimensional space, such as the shape of black holes, the growth and change of the human body, and the origin of the universe.

Especially regarding the formation of black holes, if they only exist in three-dimensional space, what exactly is its shape, just like a black curtain, not only can not see the actual shape of the black hole, but even its origin is full of mysteries.

However, in the four-dimensional space, the black hole is likely to form a ring-like structure, which not only makes people have a conjecture about the formation of black holes, but also reveals the mystery of the black hole, which is of great significance for understanding the universe and revealing the mysteries of the universe.

Therefore, many scientists have carried out continuous exploration to unravel the mystery of the four-dimensional space, hoping to solve this unknown mystery through their own efforts.

How human beings will change in the four-dimensional space.

As we all know, the space of human life is only three-dimensional, if people can really enter the four-dimensional space, then what kind of changes will happen to human beings?

This is also what many people are curious about, although the environment in the four-dimensional space is unimaginable, but we can still speculate from a mathematical point of view.

The first is the cognitive ability of human beings, if you live in a four-dimensional space, then you must need a lot of imagination, and in addition this is a new space, people can't feel it from experience, so many people are guessing that people may not be able to feel the passage of time in the four-dimensional space.

Human cognition of time is judged by the heartbeat and the operation of the brain, but in the four-dimensional space, everything is unknown, that is, it is impossible to judge the heartbeat and the role of the brain in the four-dimensional space.

If people can't feel the passage of time in the four-dimensional space, then this will have a great impact on human habits and the development of new technologies.

Probably humans no longer need to learn time management because they can't feel the passage of time.

Does a 4-dimensional space exist? German mathematicians have proven that what becomes of a person when he enters a 4-dimensional space?

The second is the physical changes that people may have in the four-dimensional space.

It is now widely believed that time can change everything, so if humans live in a four-dimensional space, then their bodies may also change over time, which sounds incredible.

For example, if a person in the four-dimensional space can have another identical self as long as it changes over time, is this correct?

Does a 4-dimensional space exist? German mathematicians have proven that what becomes of a person when he enters a 4-dimensional space?

In fact, there is a fish-catching philosophy called the "bifurcation universe theory", which believes that all situations will bifurcate on their own within a large scale, and this theory may lead to some interesting phenomena in four-dimensional space.

This theory that the trajectory of a person's life in the four-dimensional space is like a bifurcated curve, and it may continue to be divided into different situations in the future time, from which people can deduce the possibility of the future, this theory sounds amazing, but it is only a philosophical discussion, and has not been confirmed by scientists.

But from this point of view, entering the four-dimensional space is only a possibility, that is to say, the four-dimensional space only exists in the theoretical model, for scientists, the idea of entering the four-dimensional space is very tempting, but whether this abstract concept really exists remains to be proven.

Hypercube in four-dimensional space.

I believe that many people are very interested in the objects in the four-dimensional space, so the most mutated object in the four-dimensional space is the "hypercube", which attracts everyone to explore its mysteries.

In three-dimensional space, we all know that the cube is composed of many squares, it has six square faces, and the hypercube is composed of multiple cubes combined and extended to a fourth dimension.

We all know that the third dimension of the cube is the cuboid, and the hypercube is also composed of three-dimensional space.

The angle between one of its cubes and another is 90 degrees, and the angle between adjacent cubes in a hypercube is 120 degrees, and each cube in a hypercube is a square, and its opposite side is not a square, it is something more peculiar, that is, an octahedron, that is, an octahedron composed of six cubes in a hypercube.

It looks very bizarre, but it's fun, especially when we spread the hypercube on the table, it looks very flat, but if we stand it up, it becomes very irregular, even irregular to the point that we understand that only that mysterious octahedron remains.

The hypercube looks very mysterious, but its composition is very simple, and as long as we have a clear perspective on the cubic aspect, we can easily understand the composition of the hypercube.

Moreover, the hypercube is also a unique geometry in the four-dimensional space, and its appearance also verifies the existence of the four-dimensional space, and we can also learn a lot of new mathematical knowledge from it.

It not only allows us to recognize the existence of four-dimensional space, but also expands our understanding of space and brings us new mathematical concepts, which will have a great impact on our daily lives.


Although the four-dimensional space can not be observed in natural phenomena, but its existence is undeniable, people's exploration of the four-dimensional space will continue to promote the development of science, but also will enrich our understanding of the world, I believe that in the near future, we will be able to enter this magical and mysterious four-dimensional space, to explore more mysteries.

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