
Tonight! CCTV5 does not turn, Chinese men's basketball team VS Australia, Yao Ming supervises the battle? CBA players lead

author:Poetry says sports

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Tonight! CCTV5 does not turn, Chinese men's basketball team VS Australia, Yao Ming supervises the battle? CBA players lead
Tonight! CCTV5 does not turn, Chinese men's basketball team VS Australia, Yao Ming supervises the battle? CBA players lead
Tonight! CCTV5 does not turn, Chinese men's basketball team VS Australia, Yao Ming supervises the battle? CBA players lead
Tonight! CCTV5 does not turn, Chinese men's basketball team VS Australia, Yao Ming supervises the battle? CBA players lead

The Chinese men's basketball team went to Australia, Yao Mingdu's battle became a mystery, and CCTV was absent from the live broadcast night

On the summer night that basketball fans are looking forward to, on the evening of July 2, Beijing time, the Chinese men's basketball team embarked on an important journey of their overseas training - a warm-up game with the Australian men's basketball team. However, this high-profile contest was unable to meet with fans across the country on the TV screen as scheduled due to the conflict arranged by CCTV's live broadcast, which undoubtedly added a bit of regret and mystery to this matchup.

The live broadcast situation has changed dramatically, and fans are looking for new ways to watch the game

Originally, the warm-up match between the Chinese men's basketball team and the Australian men's basketball team was an excellent opportunity to test the recent training results of the Chinese men's basketball team and run in the lineup. Unfortunately, the live TV broadcast of this match was cancelled due to the fact that CCTV5 and CCTV5+ were occupied by the European Cup special program and Wimbledon events respectively. For the majority of basketball fans, this is undoubtedly a big blow. However, in the digital age, online platforms such as Live Bar and Weibo China Basketball Team have quickly filled this gap, providing fans with new options to watch the game. Although the screen has become smaller, the enthusiasm of the fans has not diminished, and they have flocked to the Internet to witness every breakthrough and attempt of the Chinese men's basketball team.

Yao Ming's figure became the focus, and whether to supervise the battle or not caused heated discussions

As an iconic figure of Chinese basketball, Yao Ming's every move has attracted much attention since he became the chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association. However, in this crucial warm-up match, Yao Ming's figure is particularly mysterious. It is rumored that Yao Ming may come to the scene to supervise the game and cheer for the team; However, there are also voices that in view of the recent poor performance of the Chinese men's basketball team, Yao Ming may choose to avoid too much exposure in order to reduce the pressure of public opinion. Whatever the truth, Yao Ming's impact on the Chinese men's basketball team is far-reaching. Every decision he makes and every statement touches the hearts of countless basketball fans. In this game without live TV, whether Yao Ming will appear has become a hot topic among fans.

The lineup adjustment is showing clues, and the CBA players are taking the lead

The Chinese men's basketball training roster has undergone many adjustments, and almost all of the 16-man roster that went to Australia is the best in the CBA league. From captain Cheng Shuaipeng to young player Yang Hansen, they will show the style of Chinese basketball on the international stage. It is worth noting that in this training camp, many well-known players failed to be selected or left the team halfway through, such as Zhang Zhenlin, Zhou Qi, Hu Mingxuan, etc. This series of changes not only reflects the prudence and flexibility of the Chinese men's basketball team in selecting talents, but also indicates the strategic adjustment of the team in the new cycle. Under the leadership of CBA players, whether the Chinese men's basketball team can play with spirit in the competition with the Australian men's basketball team is undoubtedly the most concerned issue for fans.

There is a huge disparity in strength, and the Chinese men's basketball team strives to break through

Facing the powerful Australian men's basketball team, the Chinese men's basketball team is undoubtedly facing huge challenges. As a powerhouse in world basketball, the Australian men's basketball team has first-class physical fitness, technical level and tactical literacy. After a series of personnel changes and tactical run-ins, whether the Chinese men's basketball team can show a new look and strength in this warm-up game will become an important criterion for testing their training results. Although the Chinese men's basketball team lost to the Macau Black Bears in the last warm-up game, the loss in that game did not make fans lose confidence. On the contrary, they are more looking forward to the Chinese men's basketball team being able to find their rhythm and confidence in this competition with the Australian men's basketball team, and lay a solid foundation for future games.

On this night without CCTV live broadcast, the Chinese men's basketball team will face the challenge of a strong opponent alone. Regardless of the outcome, they have become heroes in the hearts of countless basketball fans. Because on this battlefield without gunpowder, they used their sweat and hard work to write a glorious chapter of Chinese basketball.

Fans' voices: The Chinese men's basketball team went to Australia, a night of challenges and hopes

As a fan who loves Chinese basketball deeply, my heart was full of anticipation and excitement when I learned that the Chinese men's basketball team was about to go to Australia to play a warm-up game with the host. This is not only a test of the team's recent training results, but also a cool comfort for our fans in the hot summer. However, with the announcement of the live broadcast of the game, the pure joy was mixed with a hint of regret - the absence of CCTV made our viewing experience a little more inconvenient, but it also stimulated our enthusiasm to find new ways in the online world.

The search outside the live broadcast, the persistence and persistence of the fans

In this age of information explosion, the absence of live TV doesn't mean we can't witness every moment of the game. Online platforms such as Live Bar and Weibo China Basketball Team have become our new positions. Although the screen size is limited, that love of basketball is infinitely magnified. I set a reminder in advance for fear of missing any of the opening shots. When the game footage was transmitted to me through the Internet, I felt as if I was in that distant arena, breathing and sharing the fate with the players. This kind of connection across time and space through the Internet made me deeply feel the power and persistence of the fans.

Yao Ming is a mystery to the battle and the invisible power of the team leader

As a banner figure of Chinese basketball, Yao Ming's every move tugs at my heartstrings. The news about whether he will be there to supervise the game has become a hot topic before the game. I know very well that Yao Ming's existence is not only a person's strength, but also a spiritual symbol. His past achievements, his deep understanding of basketball, and his sense of responsibility as president of the Basketball Association all make us have high hopes for him. Whether he's on the sidelines or not, I'm sure he's watching the team in some way, using his experience and wisdom to guide the team. This invisible power cannot be replaced by any live TV.

The lineup adjustment shows wisdom, and the responsibility and growth of CBA players

The training list of the Chinese men's basketball team has undergone many adjustments, and almost all of the 16-man roster that went out is the best in the CBA league. This is not only an affirmation of young players, but also an expectation for the future of Chinese basketball. I noticed that the team pays more attention to the actual combat ability and teamwork spirit of the players in the selection and appointment of personnel. Some of the youngsters who have excelled in the league have been entrusted with the task of putting them to the test even more on the international stage. At the same time, the absence of some veterans also shows us the determination and courage of the team in renewal. This wisdom of lineup adjustment makes me full of confidence in the future of the Chinese men's basketball team.

There is a huge disparity in strength, but hope will live forever

Facing the powerful Australian men's basketball team, the Chinese men's basketball team is undoubtedly facing huge challenges. However, there are always challenges and opportunities. In this game, I was more concerned about the team's mentality and attitude towards the game. I want to see the spirit of the players who dare to fight and challenge on the field; I want to see their willpower to remain calm and firm in the face of difficulties and setbacks. Although we were a bit disappointed by the defeat in the last warm-up game, I believe it was only a temporary setback. The Chinese men's basketball team has a long history and brilliant achievements, and they have the ability and confidence to prove themselves in future competitions.

Discussion: What is the future of the Chinese men's basketball team?

With the end of the game, we can't help but ask: what is the future of the Chinese men's basketball team? Will we continue to use the current tactical system and staffing, or will we carry out drastic reforms and innovations? In my opinion, the Chinese men's basketball team needs to actively absorb the advanced concepts and technical and tactical playing styles of international basketball on the basis of maintaining its traditional advantages. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the cultivation and selection of youth basketball talents to lay a solid foundation for the long-term development of the team. In addition, we also need to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with international basketball to improve the influence and competitiveness of Chinese basketball on the international stage. Only in this way can the Chinese men's basketball team go further and more steadily in the international basketball arena.

As fans, we will continue to support the Chinese men's basketball team. No matter where they go, no matter what challenges and difficulties they face, we will be there for them, cheering them on and cheering them on. Because we believe that the future of the Chinese men's basketball team will be even better!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Sub-heading: "Men's Basketball Expedition: Pride and Heroism"

Men's Basketball Expedition Ambition: Pride and Heroism

The blue sky is like a battle flag, and the men's basketball players are like a rock.

Thousands of miles to the machine, Top Gun in the clouds.

The iron-blooded pill heart reflects the sun, and vows to pass on the glory in his hands.

Kungang sharpens the sword and the light is cold, and the heroes gather to show their heroic faces.

Zhou Qi stood as proud as a pine, and Zhenlin was still unexpected.

Hu Mingxuan bravely braved the end of the world, and Xu Jie wisely broke through all difficulties.

The young heroes worked hard and vowed to cut through the thorns and open a new chapter.

In front of Cheng Shuaipeng's leaders, Yu Jiahao pulled out the mountain.

Du Runwang's arrows rained down urgently, and Zhu Junlong's dragon soared all over the world.

Zhu Mingzhen is a mixed-race heroic, and mixed-race can also shine in China.

Zhao Jiayi and Yang Hansen, rising stars show their edge.

The expedition to Australia is a long way, and the strong enemy is surrounded by He Zudao.

The Australian army is as fierce as a wolf, and my generation is basil grass.

See the real chapter on the court, and sweat creates a heroic dream.

Every ball and every point is a man's blood testimony.

Although Yao Ming did not come to the side in person, he had high hopes in his heart.

The glory of the past is still there, and the spiritual leader lives on.

The webcast was broadcast all over the world, and the fans gathered together.

Although they are thousands of miles apart, they are close to each other, and they are all leading for Chinese basketball.

Victory and defeat are in the past, only hard work will never be forgotten.

The blood of youth is sprinkled on the field, and it does not seek fame and fame.

But seek to be worthy of the will and win glory and fame for the country.

The men's basketball team has a long journey and is full of ambition.

On the day of triumphant return, drink wine and celebrate the glory.

May my Chinese men be brave and write a chapter on the basketball court.

Inherit the quintessence of the country and promote its prestige, and the world basketball world will be new.

This article "Men's Basketball Expedition: Pride and Heroism" expresses the deep expectations and high respect for the Chinese men's basketball team's expedition to Australia with the rhyme of ancient poetry. The poem depicts the heroic images of the players, shows their firm belief and tenacious fighting spirit in the face of strong opponents, and also expresses the good wishes and deep expectations of the fans for the future of the team. May the Chinese men's basketball team move forward bravely and achieve better results in every challenge!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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