
Wheat "soared" overnight! The price of wheat has risen sharply, and the price has completely reversed! July 2 wheat offer

author:Information Kan

The market changes behind the surge in wheat prices

A tumultuous wheat price market

Looking back on the market performance of wheat this year, it can be described as ups and downs and magnificent waves. From the downturn and pessimism when I first got involved in the market, to the later reversal, the ups and downs of wheat prices have aroused widespread concern in the industry.

At the beginning of this year's new wheat grain market, the market was full of pessimism. Many people even predict that wheat prices will continue to fall, even approaching a low level of 1.1 yuan. However, since China Grain Reserves began to increase wheat reserves, the entire market situation has undergone earth-shaking changes. This turning point also made the market realize that wheat, an important food crop, is optimistic about sentiment in the short term, and policy-oriented in the long term.

After a brief downward correction, wheat prices began to reverse and rise. Flour enterprises in Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Anhui and other places have stopped falling and started a new round of price increases. The general wheat and high-quality wheat of flour enterprises showed a simultaneous rise in the market, and enterprises in some areas also showed rapid rise and make up for the rise.

Industry insiders are not surprised by the reversal of this wave of wheat prices. They had long anticipated such market movements. The previous decline was only a temporary correction, and the general trend of the upside has not changed. And now the rapid rebound in wheat prices has also verified this judgment.

What are the factors driving this reversal in wheat prices? And why is the price fluctuating so much? What is the logic behind it?

Policy regulation has become a key driving force

As an important food crop, the price trend of wheat is often closely related to the government's regulatory policies. From the initial rise to the later decline, and then to the current reversal and rise, policy factors have undoubtedly played an important role behind the changes in wheat prices.

At the beginning of this year's new wheat grain market, the market was generally bearish, and the price fell all the way. But at this time, China Grain Reserves began to purchase wheat on a large scale to increase reserves, a move that quickly changed the overall pattern of the market.

The increase in grain storage in China has undoubtedly increased market demand, thus driving the rebound of wheat prices. This also confirms the judgment of industry insiders, that is, the long-term trend of important agricultural products such as wheat depends more on the regulation and control at the policy level.

In addition, with the introduction of a series of subsequent regulatory policies, the trend of wheat prices has become clearer. The government has effectively guided the direction of the wheat market by strengthening purchases, controlling exports, and curbing speculation.

It can be said that policy regulation has become a key force to promote the reversal of wheat prices. With the support of the policy, wheat prices have been able to get rid of the influence of short-term sentiment factors and return to a reasonable range. This also reaffirms that a stable policy environment is often more important than short-term market fluctuations for important agricultural products.

Deepening supply-side reform promotes change

In addition to policy control factors, the price storm in the wheat market also reflects the gradual deepening of supply-side structural reform in the agricultural sector.

In recent years, under the guidance of the strategy of "storing grain in the ground and storing grain in technology", the mainland's wheat production has made great progress. The planting area of wheat has been expanding, the yield level has continued to increase, and the output has increased steadily. This not only ensures the adequacy of domestic wheat supply, but also provides a solid foundation for the government to regulate prices.

At the same time, the circulation link of the wheat market has also shown new changes. On the one hand, with the continuous improvement of the grain procurement system, the role of large-scale grain storage entities such as China Grain Storage has become more prominent. On the other hand, flour millers are becoming increasingly important in their market position, becoming a key hub connecting farmers and consumers.

These changes driven by supply-side reforms have made the supply and demand pattern of the wheat market clearer, and the price formation mechanism has become more and more perfect. This will not only help the government to better play its role in regulation and control, but also provide a more transparent and stable business environment for market players.

It can be said that the continuous deepening of supply-side reform has laid a solid foundation for the stable operation of wheat prices. In this context, the benign interaction between policy regulation and market mechanism has promoted drastic and rational changes in wheat prices.

The reversal of psychological expectations

Wheat "soared" overnight! The price of wheat has risen sharply, and the price has completely reversed! July 2 wheat offer

In addition to the two "hard powers" of policy regulation and supply-side reform, the fluctuation of wheat prices is also closely related to the psychological expectations of market players.

At the beginning of the rally, there was widespread pessimism in the market, fearing that wheat prices would fall further. This negative expectation has undoubtedly exacerbated the downward trend in prices. However, when the government reversed the market trend by means such as increasing grain reserves in China, this psychological expectation also underwent a 180-degree change.

Once the market realized that the general trend of rising wheat prices would not change, everyone began to rush to buy in the hope of seizing the opportunity before the price continues to rise. The rapid spread of this "chasing up" mentality has undoubtedly contributed to the strong rebound in wheat prices.

It is worth mentioning that the pricing behavior of flour milling enterprises has also had a great impact on wheat prices. When companies find that prices are rising rapidly and falling slowly, they will speed up the pace of procurement and supplementary increases to ensure their own profits. This "front-running" mentality has further exacerbated the sharp fluctuations in wheat prices.

In general, the change in the psychological expectations of market players is one of the important drivers of the reversal of wheat prices. In the context of policy regulation and supply-side reform, this change in psychological factors has amplified the magnitude and rhythm of wheat price fluctuations.

New ideas for dealing with price fluctuations

In the face of this "stormy" wheat price, industry insiders have given some countermeasures.

First of all, it is necessary to establish long-term stable price expectations. For important agricultural products, short-term price fluctuations are often inevitable, and the key is to take a long-term view and seize the positive changes brought about by policies and supply-side reforms. Only in this way can we better avoid the disturbances caused by market sentiment.

Second, it is necessary to further improve the price formation mechanism

Improve the price formation mechanism and enhance the right to speak in market pricing

Continuing to improve the price formation mechanism of the wheat market is another important measure to cope with price fluctuations. On the one hand, it is necessary to give further play to the role of government regulation and control, guide market expectations through macroeconomic regulation and control policies, and maintain the basic stability of prices. On the other hand, it is also necessary to stimulate the pricing power of market players, so that prices truly reflect the relationship between supply and demand.

For flour milling enterprises, they should establish and improve the price transmission mechanism of the whole process of procurement and sales, and enhance their own pricing power. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen communication and coordination with upstream and downstream, fully understand the changes in market demand, and adjust procurement strategies in a timely manner, so as to gain the initiative in price fluctuations.

In addition, it is necessary to further promote information sharing and transparency in all links of the industrial chain, so that the price formation process is more open and fair. Only by realizing the linkage of upstream and downstream prices can the interests of stakeholders in all links be truly coordinated. Only in this way can wheat prices really stabilize and avoid sharp fluctuations.

Optimize coping strategies and enhance risk resistance

In the face of drastic changes in wheat prices, market players need to further optimize their coping strategies and enhance their ability to resist risks.

First of all, it is necessary to plan inventory management reasonably. It is necessary not only to appropriately increase reserves at low prices to lock in costs, but also to appropriately reduce reserves at high prices to obtain higher returns. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the research and judgment of price trends, flexibly adjust the pace of procurement and sales, and try to avoid risks.

Secondly, it is necessary to strengthen the optimization and upgrading of product structure. In price fluctuations, there are both high-quality and regular wheat, and there are differences in the price performance of different qualities. Therefore, according to the changes in market demand, it is necessary to accurately adjust the product structure, increase the sales proportion of high value-added products, and enhance the ability to resist risks.

Furthermore, it is necessary to improve the level of operation and management of enterprises. By strengthening the refined control of costs, inventory, market and other aspects, we will continuously optimize the internal operation mechanism and improve the efficiency of decision-making. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay close attention to policy trends, prepare in advance, and enhance the resilience of enterprises.

In general, only by continuously improving the price formation mechanism and optimizing their own coping strategies can market players maintain stable operation and achieve sustainable development in the changing wheat prices. This not only requires the efforts of the enterprises themselves, but also cannot be separated from the policy support of the government. Only by working together can the long-term health of the wheat market be ensured.