
Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

author:Lively mangoes


History is like a mirror, reflecting the ups and downs of the fate of countless individuals. The third emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Shunzhi (Fulin), in the long river of history, is not only the embodiment of a tragedy, but also the carrier of a legend. He ascended to the throne at the age of six and died in a hurry at the age of twenty-four. Is smallpox merciless?

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

Or is it the oppression of power struggles? Or is it his own choice? In this article, we will travel back in time to that turbulent era, and try to unravel the truth about the young emperor's early death through the control of Dorgon, the struggles of Shunzhi, and the ups and downs of the pro-government period. Let's walk into the life course of Emperor Shunzhi, revealing the secrets behind his fate and what this history has taught us.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

The battle for the throne

In 1643, Huang Taiji died, and the Qing Dynasty faced a huge power vacuum. The battle for the succession to the throne was on the horizon, and the participants included Emperor Taiji's eldest son, Hauge, and his younger brother Dorgon. In this game of thrones, the six-year-old Fulin (Emperor Shunzhi) becomes a crucial pawn.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

Dolgon, the founding father of the Qing Dynasty, used his enormous influence in the army and court to successfully put Fulin on the throne, while he himself held de facto power as regent. For the young Emperor Shunzhi, his accession to the throne was not a glorious coronation ceremony, but more like a rigged chess game.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

In the court at that time, although Emperor Shunzhi was nominally the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Dolgon was the one who was really in power. Shunzhi's fate, from the moment he ascended the throne, was destined to be spent in the shadow of Dolgon. His every move, word and deed was almost firmly controlled by Dolgon.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

As the regent, Dorgon not only firmly controlled the power of Emperor Shunzhi politically, but also exerted great influence on him in his life. Dolgon's strategy is to maintain his control by indulging Shunji in his indulgence in pleasure. This strategy not only prevented the young Emperor Shunzhi from gaining a deep understanding of the imperial government, but also made him increasingly dependent on Dolgon's power.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

At the same time, the relationship between Dolgon and the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang also became a hot topic of discussion both inside and outside the court. Rumors about their relationship remain a mystery in history to this day. Some people believe that there was a deep emotional connection between Dolgon and the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, which not only made Dolgon feel like a fish in water in the court, but also made him more comfortable in controlling the Shunzhi Emperor.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

These rumors and facts made Emperor Shunzhi seem more helpless and isolated under Dolgon's rule. Not only was he deprived of actual dominion, but he was also psychologically forced to rely on Dolgon. This dependence made it impossible for Emperor Shunzhi to truly show the majesty and decisiveness of an emperor during the period of Dolgon's regency.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

Under Dolgon's control, Emperor Shunzhi's life was full of helplessness and depression. Although he was a young man with the title and status of emperor on the surface, he was a puppet in real life. Almost every decision he made, every policy, had to be approved and approved by Dolgon.

In the face of this helpless situation, Emperor Shunzhi's inner dissatisfaction and struggle gradually emerged. Despite his young age, he had begun to realize the fact that he was firmly in Dorgon's control. Although he tried to gain more freedom and power through various means, these efforts pale and weak under Dorgon's strong control.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

Emperor Shunzhi's helplessness not only stemmed from his young ignorance, but also from the fact that he was facing an extremely powerful and shrewd opponent. Dolgon's control is not just political oppression, but psychological manipulation. Under this double pressure, Emperor Shunzhi gradually lost control of his own destiny, as well as hope and confidence in the future.

The awakening of the teenager Shunji

As he grew older, Emperor Shunzhi gradually woke up from the ignorance of his childhood. He begins to realize that although he is nominally the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, he is actually living in the shadow of Dolgon. This awakening of consciousness made Emperor Shunzhi ignite a strong desire to resist in the depths of his heart.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

Emperor Shunzhi was not willing to continue to be a puppet emperor, he was eager to hold real power, eager to become a monarch who could make decisions and rule independently. Under Dorgon's suppression, this desire seemed so far away. Emperor Shunzhi could only continue to accumulate strength in the depths of his heart, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack.

A turning point

In 1650, Dorgon's sudden death brought a huge turning point in the life of Emperor Shunzhi. Dolgon's death meant that Emperor Shunzhi had lost one of his biggest controllers and oppressors, and it also meant that he ushered in a new opportunity.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

Dolgon's death made Emperor Shunzhi feel an unprecedented freedom and relief. He can finally break free from Dolgon's shadow and begin to truly take control of his own destiny. This sense of freedom and relief greatly encouraged Emperor Shunzhi psychologically, and also rekindled his hope and confidence in the future in his heart.

After Dorgon's death, Emperor Shunzhi began to gradually regain power and began his path to pro-government. Although he was still immature in terms of political experience and ability, he was full of thirst for power and confidence in the future.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

In the process of pro-government, Emperor Shunzhi encountered many challenges and difficulties. He had to deal not only with power struggles and factional struggles within the imperial court, but also with external military threats and social unrest. Emperor Shunzhi was not intimidated by these difficulties, he continued to learn and grow, and gradually showed the determination and courage that an emperor should have.

The tenacity and courage shown by Emperor Shunzhi in the process of pro-government not only won him more support and respect inside and outside the court, but also allowed him to gradually gain a firm foothold in politics. The difficult process of pro-government also put Emperor Shunzhi under great pressure and burden, both physically and psychologically.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

Inner struggles and self-orientation

Although Emperor Shunzhi showed a strong side in the process of pro-government, his inner struggle and confusion never stopped. In the process of pursuing power and realizing his ideals, he constantly thinks and reflects on his own positioning and mission.

Emperor Shunzhi was not only a young emperor, but also a man who constantly searched for himself in the midst of complex power struggles. He aspires to be a great monarch and to contribute to the country and its people, but he is also constantly questioning and reflecting on his own abilities and values.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

This kind of inner struggle and self-positioning made Emperor Shunzhi bear huge pressure and burden psychologically. Not only does he have to face external challenges and threats, but he also has to constantly struggle with his inner doubts and contradictions. This kind of pressure from inside and outside made Emperor Shunzhi experience countless pains and tests in the process of pro-government.

After the death of Dolgon, Emperor Shunzhi began to govern himself and assumed the heavy responsibility of governing the country. Although he appeared immature in his political experience, he showed great diligence and determination. He studied and worked hard every day, hoping to lead the country to prosperity and stability through his own efforts.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

Emperor Shunzhi's diligence and hard work allowed him to win widespread respect and support both inside and outside the imperial court in a short period of time. He not only actively handled the affairs of the DPRK, but also devoted himself to promoting a series of reforms and policies. This overwork and stress also had a great impact on his physical health.

In the process of pro-government, Emperor Shunzhi often forgot to sleep and eat, and devoted almost all his time and energy to work. This overwork caused his body to gradually become problematic, and it also laid a hidden danger for his later illness.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

The complexity and indulgence of harem life

In the life of Emperor Shunzhi, the complicated relationship of the harem and the indulgence in pleasure were also one of the important reasons for his early death. Although he showed great diligence and hard work in court politics, he seemed to be somewhat indulgent and addicted in harem life.

Emperor Shunzhi had a large harem with a large number of concubines, and life was full of luxury and pleasure. Although this lifestyle was not uncommon among the emperors of the time, for Emperor Shunzhi, this excessive pleasure and indulgence undoubtedly had a great negative impact on his physical health.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

Emperor Shunzhi's indulgence in the harem not only made his body gradually weaker, but also put him under great pressure and burden psychologically. Under the dual pressure of pleasure and work, he gradually lost his attention to his body and health, which was also an important reason for his early death.

The smallpox epidemic and Shunzhi's death

In 1661, Emperor Shunzhi contracted smallpox, which was extremely deadly at the time. The disease was almost incurable at the time, and once infected, both commoners and nobles were almost incurable. Although Emperor Shunzhi enjoyed the best medical conditions at the time, he was also powerless in the face of the relentless invasion of smallpox.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

Emperor Shunzhi's condition deteriorated rapidly in a short period of time, and his body gradually became weak and exhausted. After a short and painful struggle, Emperor Shunzhi finally left this world at the age of 24.

The death of Emperor Shunzhi not only deprived the Qing Dynasty of a young monarch, but also plunged the entire country into deep mourning and grief. His early death was not only a tragedy of personal fate, but also a microcosm of the political and social environment of that era.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old


Emperor Shunzhi's life was short and brilliant, full of power struggles, inner struggles, and the impermanence of fate. Although his early death was largely due to the ruthlessness of smallpox, the deeper reason was determined by the lifestyle of his life and the circumstances of the power struggle in which he lived.

In just 24 years, Emperor Shunzhi experienced a difficult journey from being manipulated as a child to being pro-government, and he showed strength and courage in the process of pursuing power and realizing his ideals. In the process, he gradually lost his attention to his body and health, and finally left this world under the invasion of disease.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

The early death of Emperor Shunzhi has brought us profound enlightenment. In a complex political environment, an individual's lifestyle and health status have a profound impact on a person's destiny. Whether as an ordinary person or as a ruler, it is crucial to pay attention to your health and maintain physical and mental balance.

In the long river of history, although Emperor Shunzhi is only a flash of light, his life has left us with endless thoughts and inspirations. His story makes us deeply realize that power and status are not a substitute for health and happiness, and that balance and harmony in life are the true wealth and value of a person.

Why did Emperor Shunzhi only live to be 24 years old? Looking at his state of life, it is a miracle that he can live to be 24 years old

Dear readers, does the life of Emperor Shunzhi make you feel the weight of history and the impermanence of fate? How do you feel about Emperor Shunzhi's short life? How do you think we should balance work and life in modern society? Feel free to share your views and opinions in the comment section, and let's explore this thought-provoking historical story together.

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