
After the scholar fell off the list, he was disgusted by his future father-in-law and married him with Yahuan, what did he do with it later?

author:Brother Rabbit talks about history

In the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, Huang Chongbang, a businessman with a solid family, married his daughter to a middle-aged poor talent Tao Shu in order to climb the high family. Unexpectedly, Tao Shu failed repeatedly, and Huang Chongbang once regretted his marriage. At this moment, the maid of the Huang family stood up and took the initiative to marry Tao Shu instead of Miss. Who would have thought that this decision to "transfer the bag" would change Tao Shu's life, from an unknown poor talent to a famous member of the Qing Dynasty? And Huang Chongbang, who married his daughter to a rich gentry, became a sinner through the ages because of this, and reaped the consequences. It seems that life is so ridiculous, a small decision can often determine a person's lifelong encounters, do you say coincidental?

After the scholar fell off the list, he was disgusted by his future father-in-law and married him with Yahuan, what did he do with it later?

When it comes to famous ministers in the late Qing Dynasty, many people will think of Tao Shu, Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang and other well-known officials. They used their wisdom and courage to open up a way out for the late Qing Dynasty, which was trying to save the country. Among them, Tao Shu was called "the first minister of the Huxiang Jingshi faction" by later generations.

After the scholar fell off the list, he was disgusted by his future father-in-law and married him with Yahuan, what did he do with it later?

But when he was young, Tao Shu, like his father, was a poor scholar with a family of four walls. They live by studying and teaching abroad, eating and drinking simply, but they are tireless on the road of fame. Tao Shu has been regarded by his father as a "Jackie Chan" since he was a child, carrying the hope of the whole family.

In 1797, Tao Shu was 18 years old and went to the exam with his 42-year-old father Tao Biquan, vowing to change his family's fortune with fame in the field. Luck did not favor them, and Tao Shu was 'eclipsed' for several years of scientific research. The family is already unable to make ends meet, and at this juncture, a rich man Huang Chongbang "favors" Tao Shu.

After the scholar fell off the list, he was disgusted by his future father-in-law and married him with Yahuan, what did he do with it later?

Huang Chongbang is a well-known and wealthy local businessman, who is uneducated but very good at investing. Seeing Tao Shu's profound knowledge and infinite potential, he decided to marry his daughter to him. Once Tao Shu is in high school, he is a relative of the official family, and he can take the opportunity to soar. So Huang Chongbang pursued the Tao family with all his might, and finally settled on the family matter.

In contrast, Tao Biquan has repeatedly failed due to poverty, and has long lost confidence in his career, and being able to marry his daughter to a rich family can be regarded as a wholehearted plan. So both father and son silently agreed.

After the scholar fell off the list, he was disgusted by his future father-in-law and married him with Yahuan, what did he do with it later?

However, the good times did not last long, and it didn't take long for Tao Shu to fall short again, seeing that his fame was hopeless, Huang Chongbang became uneasy, for fear that this family business would be a poor omen, and he would marry his daughter to a poor man for nothing. What's even more terrifying is that a rich gentleman actually fell in love with the daughter of the Huang family, and offered a heavy dowry to pry the corner of the wall!

Huang Chongbang made a difficulty, seeing that the future was immeasurable, and he was reluctant to get married. Just when he was in a dilemma, Huang Defen, the maid of the Huang family, stood up and took the initiative to marry Tao Shu instead of Miss. It sounds incredible, but Huang Defen has other plans - she has long fallen in love with the upright and promising Tao Shu, rather than being married to the rich gentleman, it is better to marry a poor scholar, at least in the future, she can get a free body.

After the scholar fell off the list, he was disgusted by his future father-in-law and married him with Yahuan, what did he do with it later?

So Huang Chongbang immediately "straightened" Huang Defen as a righteous daughter, named Huang Defen, declared that she was the second daughter, and then married Tao Shu without reservation. Tao Shu was deceived at first, but was soon moved by Huang Defen's sincerity and gladly accepted the bride of "Tanuki for Prince".

In this way, all the seemingly absurd beginnings turned out to be Tao Shu's life. With the great help of Huang Defen, Tao Shu's road to fame has been smooth since then. In 1800, he was promoted, and in 1802, he was even more out of the siege and became the first Jinshi in Anhua in the Qing Dynasty!

After the scholar fell off the list, he was disgusted by his future father-in-law and married him with Yahuan, what did he do with it later?

Later, with his extraordinary wisdom and ability, Tao Shu continued to rise through the ranks, and successively served as governors and governors of various provinces. The highest position is concurrently the governor of Liangjiang and the rank of secretary of the ministry, holding military and political power and far-reaching influence. In his later years, Tao Shu took the initiative to marry Zuo Zongtang and became his father-in-law, and instructed Zuo Zongtang: In the future, the position of the governor of Liangjiang will be yours. Although the words were exaggerated, they were fulfilled, and Zuo Zongtang later became a famous minister in the late Qing Dynasty.

And Huang Defen, who married Tao Shu, also won the title of Mrs. Yipin with the rise of her husband's prestige, and lived a glorious and wealthy life. Do you feel something about this? A decisive choice at the beginning has created such a different result!

After the scholar fell off the list, he was disgusted by his future father-in-law and married him with Yahuan, what did he do with it later?

As for the coveted Huang Chongbang, as well as the young lady who was favored by him, their ending was not so satisfying. Miss Huang was forced to marry the rich gentleman and began to live a life of fine clothes and food. But the groom had a very bad character, and was soon beaten to death, and the Huang family was beheaded all over the house, and the family was in the middle of the road. Later, Ms. Huang was displaced and had to go back to her parents' house to rent a house.

When Tao Shu flew to Huang Tengda and became a member of the feudal territory, Huang Chongbang was hit by this blow and died of anger. Before he died, he must have regretted that he had despised the poor Xiucai at the beginning. And Miss Huang was even more reluctant to go, she couldn't see Tao Shu's abundant appearance, and finally chose to become a nun.

After the scholar fell off the list, he was disgusted by his future father-in-law and married him with Yahuan, what did he do with it later?

Tao Shu's life is legendary. From a humble scholar, he overcame the obstacles of a poor family all the way, and finally became a feudal official in the world. The key turning point was in the "marriage cheating turmoil". If it weren't for Huang Defen's extraordinary courage and unswerving character, Tao Shu's life would seem so ridiculous, a small decision can often determine a person's lifelong experience. #头条首发大赛#

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