
After the tanker unloads the coal-to-liquid, the edible oil is shipped directly without cleaning, the driver: the open secret of the tanker industry

author:Chilled green peppers
After the tanker unloads the coal-to-liquid, the edible oil is shipped directly without cleaning, the driver: the open secret of the tanker industry

It is said that "food safety is greater than the sky", but this sentence seems to be just a slogan, and some food production companies do not take this sentence to heart!

Nowadays, many people don't dare to go directly to the food processed outside, because there are too many problems exposed! More and more people like to cook and eat at home, thinking that it is clean and hygienic! But will it really be clean and hygienic? I never thought that the cooking oil in the first step of stir-frying would also have problems!


(Video transferred from Beijing News, invaded and deleted)

In order to save costs, many factories do not bottle the oil directly after pressing it out, but transport it to other places for packaging, and some oils need to be reprocessed.

In the middle, the tanker truck played an important role, and the problem exposed by the reporter was also in the tanker!

After the tanker unloads the coal-to-liquid, the edible oil is shipped directly without cleaning, the driver: the open secret of the tanker industry

According to a report by the Beijing News, the reporter secretly visited the tanker transporting edible oil, but found a big problem! After arriving in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, a tanker transporting white oil (a type of coal-to-liquid) from Ningxia, it unloaded the oil and drove it into the production plant of Huiyu Grain and Oil Group in Sanhe City, Hebei Province, without any cleaning of the tank

After the tanker unloads the coal-to-liquid, the edible oil is shipped directly without cleaning, the driver: the open secret of the tanker industry

An hour later, the truck came out of the factory! According to the documents kept by the doorman, it can be seen that the truck has been loaded with a full tank of first-class soybean oil!

After the tanker unloads the coal-to-liquid, the edible oil is shipped directly without cleaning, the driver: the open secret of the tanker industry

After the reporter found a number of drivers to inquire about the situation, it turned out that many domestic general cargo tankers are not fixed for the liquids transported, not only one kind of liquid, but such as maple sugar, honey, edible oil and other liquids will be transported, and some will even transport chemical liquids such as coal-to-liquid!

According to reports, there are many canned trucks in the transport of coal-to-oil such a chemical liquid and transport edible soybean oil, when replaced with soybean oil, the tank is to be cleaned, clean before it can be transported, however, the cost of cleaning is four or five hundred yuan, many trucks in order to save costs and do not clean!

After the tanker unloads the coal-to-liquid, the edible oil is shipped directly without cleaning, the driver: the open secret of the tanker industry

Some truck drivers said: as long as the two mouths are wiped and the tailpipe is wiped clean with a rag, it is generally a small factory that does not care, and a large factory only manages.

There are also drivers who say: I don't look at big factories and small factories, you find a few clean photos, you give him a glance and it's over, whether it is today's photos or not.

After the tanker unloads the coal-to-liquid, the edible oil is shipped directly without cleaning, the driver: the open secret of the tanker industry

There are also tanker drivers who revealed: food liquids and chemical liquids are mixed and not cleaned, and you are an open secret in the tanker transportation industry.

After the tanker unloads the coal-to-liquid, the edible oil is shipped directly without cleaning, the driver: the open secret of the tanker industry

The reporter made an unannounced call to ask the sales manager of China Grain Storage (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.: We do not inspect the tank, and our normal requirement is a special tanker for edible oil, but in fact, we have no way to distinguish whether the car is dedicated or not.

After the tanker unloads the coal-to-liquid, the edible oil is shipped directly without cleaning, the driver: the open secret of the tanker industry

It can be said that many edible oil manufacturers do not follow the regulations to check whether the tank is clean.

After the tanker unloads the coal-to-liquid, the edible oil is shipped directly without cleaning, the driver: the open secret of the tanker industry

It's really a thousand calculations, I didn't expect that the edible oil we stir-fry would have this kind of problem, some netizens ridiculed, it turns out that the blended oil we usually buy refers to this?

After the tanker unloads the coal-to-liquid, the edible oil is shipped directly without cleaning, the driver: the open secret of the tanker industry

Many people say that it is no wonder that the oil used for stir-frying sometimes tastes weird, so the problem is here!

After the tanker unloads the coal-to-liquid, the edible oil is shipped directly without cleaning, the driver: the open secret of the tanker industry
After the tanker unloads the coal-to-liquid, the edible oil is shipped directly without cleaning, the driver: the open secret of the tanker industry

All walks of life are trying to kill me! It's not easy to be alive!

After the tanker unloads the coal-to-liquid, the edible oil is shipped directly without cleaning, the driver: the open secret of the tanker industry
After the tanker unloads the coal-to-liquid, the edible oil is shipped directly without cleaning, the driver: the open secret of the tanker industry

Is this what truck drivers say about driving a big car to make money? It's not easy to make money, but you can't tolerate such a lack of conscience, right?

After the tanker unloads the coal-to-liquid, the edible oil is shipped directly without cleaning, the driver: the open secret of the tanker industry

They think they can hang up if they don't eat it, right?

After the tanker unloads the coal-to-liquid, the edible oil is shipped directly without cleaning, the driver: the open secret of the tanker industry
After the tanker unloads the coal-to-liquid, the edible oil is shipped directly without cleaning, the driver: the open secret of the tanker industry

It is said that eating lard is unhealthy, but now I think that lard is the safest! What do you think?

Shouldn't edible oil need to be checked for quality inspection at all levels from transportation to canning? How did you pass the certification with so many links? And how does it get into the market? This is really a question worth pondering!

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