
The wife dreamed that the python was wrapped around her waist and gave birth on ten days of pregnancy, and the Taoist priest knelt on the ground and bowed when she saw it

author:Lin Fatzi tells the story

It is said that in that far southern water town, there is a place called Qingshi Town. This town is not big, but the scenery is beautiful, the products are abundant, especially the small river at the edge of the town, the water is clear to the bottom, and the fish swim so freely. Most of the people in the town live by fishing, and although they are not rich, they live a stable life.

There is an old man surnamed Li in our town, who is nearly sixty years old, with a skinny body and a strong spirit. His eyes, yo, seem to be able to see through people's hearts. The old man rowed a small boat early in the morning, facing the rising sun, and went to the river to fish. He has a rule, don't catch small fish, don't be greedy, just have enough to eat. This rule made him quite respectable in the town.

The old man's family has a virtuous daughter-in-law named Ah Xiu. Ah Xiu is kind-hearted, hardworking and capable, and is well organized at home and outside, and often helps neighbors. The relationship between the two is very good, and they respect each other like guests.

The wife dreamed that the python was wrapped around her waist and gave birth on ten days of pregnancy, and the Taoist priest knelt on the ground and bowed when she saw it

One day, Ah Xiu had a dream in which she saw a big python, which was coiled around her body and scared her soul. I want to break free, but I can't move. Suddenly, she felt her stomach warm, and the python turned into a baby. Ah Xiu woke up in a cold sweat. Soon, she found out that she was really pregnant. This incident caused a sensation in the town, because Ah Xiu was almost forty years old and had never been pregnant.

Time flies, and ten months have passed in a flash. Early one morning, Ah Xiu's stomach hurt badly, and the old man hurriedly called the midwife. After some tossing, Ah Xiu gave birth to a white and chubby male baby. This baby is special, and her skin is crystal clear, like a piece of jade. What's even more strange is that there is a faint snake-shaped pattern on the waist, which seems to be related to Ah Xiu's dream.

The birth of the boy brought a lot of fun to the Li family and attracted curious eyes. The people in town wanted to come and see the baby. But at this moment, something strange happened. When the old man came back from fishing every day, he could always see a fish swimming beside his boat. The scales of the fish shone like a golden dragon. At first, the old man didn't care, but then every day, he felt that something was wrong. Talking to Ah Xiu, Ah Xiu also felt that this matter was not simple. She thought of her dream and her son's serpentine pattern, and her heart was a little hairy. So, the couple decided to go to the Taoist priest in the town to see if they could solve the mystery.

The wife dreamed that the python was wrapped around her waist and gave birth on ten days of pregnancy, and the Taoist priest knelt on the ground and bowed when she saw it

When Li Laohan and Ah Xiu heard this, their eyes were as wide as copper bells, how could they have thought that their son would have such a background. The Taoist priest also said that this kid will definitely be able to do great things in the future, but he must also be careful not to let outsiders know this secret, otherwise he will be in great trouble. When the couple heard this, they were both happy and afraid. They know that they have to face unknown storms. But for the sake of the children, they decided to give it up.

In this way, the Li family's secrets were tightly covered. But the good times didn't last long, the child grew bigger and bigger, and his special features became more and more obvious. The townspeople began to talk about it, and they were all guessing who the kid was. At this moment, the fish that was on the side of the boat that day suddenly disappeared. This change seems to indicate that something bad is about to happen......

The wife dreamed that the python was wrapped around her waist and gave birth on ten days of pregnancy, and the Taoist priest knelt on the ground and bowed when she saw it

When the couple was frowning, the sky suddenly became gloomy, thunder rumbled, and heavy rain fell. The rain was like pouring water, and the river rose in an instant. No one in the town dared to go out, but just then the golden fish appeared again, and it jumped out of the water, as if it had something to say. When Li Laohan saw it, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly put on his coat, put on a hat, and rowed a boat to find the fish. When the fish saw Li Laohan, he swam to his boat and gently rubbed his head against him. Li Laohan's heart was warm, knowing that this fish was here to help. He said to the fish, "Fish, if you can help me, take me to the Taoist priest." As soon as the words fell, the fish led the way and led Li Laohan to the mountain.

The mountain road is not easy to walk, and Li Laohan finally reached the top of the mountain after spending his old nose. There was a dilapidated Taoist temple on the top of the mountain, and the Taoist priest was standing at the door waiting for him. The Taoist priest took him into the Taoist temple, sat him down, and slowly revealed an astonishing secret. It turned out that this baby boy was really the reincarnation of a dragon, and the dragon scale patterns on his body and the golden fish were all signs of his identity. The Taoist priest told Li Laohan that this kid would definitely be able to do great things in the future, but he had to be careful not to let outsiders know. In order to protect him, the Taoist priest planned to take him away, cultivate on the mountain, and then let him go down the mountain to practice when he grew up. When Li Laohan heard this, he called it a mixed flavor in his heart, as if he had eaten Laotan sauerkraut. He was not only proud of his baby's unusual status, but also worried that this kid was going to run away from home. But he knew in his heart that this was for the sake of the baby's future, and he had to let it go. So, with tears in his eyes, Li Laohan handed over the baby to the Taoist priest. The Taoist priest hugged the baby, turned around and entered the depths of the Taoist temple. Li Laohan and his wife Ah Xiu stood at the door of the Taoist temple, watching them walk away until their figures disappeared into the clouds.

Since then, Li Laohan and Ah Xiu have lived a peaceful and stable life. They no longer went to the sea to fish, but opened a small teahouse and lived an ordinary life. Whenever a guest asked about their son, they always said happily, "That kid, go up the mountain to cultivate, and when he grows up, he will come back." "Time flies, and ten years have passed.

The wife dreamed that the python was wrapped around her waist and gave birth on ten days of pregnancy, and the Taoist priest knelt on the ground and bowed when she saw it

On this day, a group of bullies suddenly came to Qingshi Town, they were rampant, bullying the people, and making the town chickens and dogs jump. Li Laohan and Ah Xiu saw it in their eyes and were anxious, but they were old and didn't have any skills at hand, so they could only be anxious. Just then, a young man suddenly appeared in town. He was tall and mighty, handsome and dashing, and wore a glittering golden belt around his waist. As soon as he came to town, he heard about the bullies, and without saying a word, he rushed up to fight the bullies. That young man is very good at kung fu, and there is a dragon power between punches and kicks, which of those bullies are his opponents? After a while, he was beaten to the ground, and ran away crying and crying.

When the people of the town saw this, they gathered around, wondering who the young man was. The young man smiled slightly and said, "I am the son of the Li family, and I am back." When people heard this, they were so surprised that they couldn't keep their mouths shut. They didn't expect that the son of the Li family was not only so powerful, but also so handsome. So, everyone gathered around him and asked long and short questions. The young man was not bored and patiently answered people's questions. He also told everyone that he had cultivated in the mountains for ten years and learned a lot of skills, and now he came back to protect the people in the town. When the people of the town heard this, they were moved to tears. They all said that they would follow this young man to resist the oppression of those bullies.

So, under the leadership of the young man, the people of the town united to resist the oppression of those bullies. Not only did they defeat the bullies, but they also set up their own escort team to protect the peace of the town. Since then, Bluestone has not been harassed by bullies. The people lived in peace, and the young man became the hero of the town, and his story was told. As for the golden fish and the Taoist priests in the Taoist temple, they disappeared from people's sight as if they had never appeared. In our Bluestone Town, there is such a group of people, they are quietly guarding our place and guarding the young man. This young man is the kid of the Li family, known as the "dragon son", with the blood of the dragon flowing on his body, bringing peace to our town. It tells us that with faith and courage, we can overcome any difficulties, and our home can be defended.

The wife dreamed that the python was wrapped around her waist and gave birth on ten days of pregnancy, and the Taoist priest knelt on the ground and bowed when she saw it

But after a long time, Longzi found that the real tough battle had just begun. Those bullies who were beaten away by us are just a piece of cake, and there are bigger black hands behind them. They are jealous of the treasures of our Qingshi Town and want to take them for themselves. How could Long Zi agree, he knew how heavy the burden was on his shoulders. He gathered the men of the town in one voice, pulled up a team, and prepared to meet the battle.

That night, the wind and rain were heavy, and the black forces finally made a move. They rushed over like a wave, trying to take our Bluestone Town in one fell swoop. But Longzi was prepared, he led the team and fought the enemy. The battle was a tragic battle, but the dragons relied on their faith and martial arts to defeat the enemy again and again. But the enemy was outnumbered, and the dragons were gradually struggling. At this juncture, a golden light from the sky smashed down and landed on the battlefield. As soon as the golden light dispersed, the golden fish reappeared, circling the dragon, as if to cheer him up. Ryuko felt the power of the fish, and a warm current welled up in his heart. He took a deep breath, roared, and rushed at the enemy leader. The two swords clashed, and the clanging sounded. After a fierce battle, Ryuko finally knocked the enemy leader down. He waved his sword and shouted: "Bluestone Town is our home, and we must defend it even if we die!" With the shouts of the dragon, the townsfolk also picked up the guys and joined the battle. Under the leadership of Ryuko, he finally drove all the enemies away.

After the battle, Ryuko stood on the ruins, looking at the mess and exhausted warriors in one place, and his heart was mixed. He knew that this victory was not easy to come by, and it was fought by everyone with blood and sweat. But he also knows that as long as everyone thinks in one place and works hard in one place, nothing can stand in our way. Since then, Bluestone has flourished. Long Zi led the group to repair the homes destroyed by the war, and their lives were rebuilt. They also set up a support guard and were ready to defend their homeland. In our northeast Gada, there is a golden fish, it is not simple, and it has become the patron saint of our bluestone town. This fish is always swimming around the town, looking at our land and our people. If there is any trouble, it will be the first to emerge, bringing good luck and peace to our town.

The wife dreamed that the python was wrapped around her waist and gave birth on ten days of pregnancy, and the Taoist priest knelt on the ground and bowed when she saw it

Li Laohan and Ah Xiu watched their son become a big hero in the town, and they called it a beautiful one in their hearts, not to mention how proud they were. They knew that when their son grew up, he would be able to hold up a piece of heaven and bring light and hope to the town. But our dragon son, he is not satisfied, he knows that the world is big, and there are still many places waiting for him to save and change.

So, he said goodbye to his parents and the townsfolk and embarked on a new journey. He traveled from south to north, over mountains and mountains, and experienced countless hardships and obstacles. He used his ingenuity and courage to help many people and bring them hope and warmth. His fame spread further and further, and he became a true legend.

But no matter where he goes, he always thinks about Qingshi Town and the villagers there. He would come back from time to time to visit, chatting with his parents and fellow villagers, and sharing what he had seen and heard. He also used his strength and resources to bring more development and opportunities to the town.

The wife dreamed that the python was wrapped around her waist and gave birth on ten days of pregnancy, and the Taoist priest knelt on the ground and bowed when she saw it

In Bluestone Town, everyone remembers that brave and intelligent dragon. They regard him as their pride, as an example to learn from, and to inherit his spirit and qualities. The golden fish has also become a symbol of the town and a guardian saint, forever guarding our land and our people.

This is the story of our Bluestone Town, a story full of legends and mysteries. It tells us that as long as we have faith and courage, we can overcome any difficulty; With love and responsibility, we can bring light and hope to this world. And that brave and fearless and extremely intelligent dragon will live forever in our hearts and become an immortal legend.

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