
Something is wrong! The Israeli military camp was blown up in a mushroom cloud! Israel suffered a heavy blow and began compulsory conscription

author:Whatever you want

Hey, friends, let's talk about a major event that shocked the world today - in the Middle East, an Israeli military camp suddenly became the focus of the world, not because of any celebration, but because of a rocket that fell from the sky.


Rocket raid, barracks turned into a "battlefield"

Here's the thing, the friends of Allah in Lebanon have been quite angry these days, directly firing a 333 mm heavy rocket, aimed directly at an Israeli military camp.

This shot was terrible, there was a loud bang, the fire was soaring, the smoke was billowing out, and the scene was like a post-apocalyptic blockbuster in a movie.

The power of the explosion was so great that it not only frightened the nearby residents, but also "planted" an ominous mushroom cloud under the blue sky, which made people sweat.

Something is wrong! The Israeli military camp was blown up in a mushroom cloud! Israel suffered a heavy blow and began compulsory conscription

Under the heavy blow, Israel was anxious

This bombing is no joke for Israel.

The damage in the barracks aside, the point is that the explosion is a wake-up call for Israel, suggesting that security threats have arrived at the doorstep, and the severity of casualties and damage to facilities can be imagined.

When the Israeli government sees this situation, how can it sit still? As soon as the emergency meeting was held, it was decided to take a big move -- compulsory conscription, and send all eligible young men and women to the army, and it seemed that they were ready for all-round war.

No, since June, Israel itself has not stopped, and the sound of bombing has been repeated one after another, and this time it has directly escalated.

Something is wrong! The Israeli military camp was blown up in a mushroom cloud! Israel suffered a heavy blow and began compulsory conscription

The United States has withdrawn, and the situation in the Middle East has become more uncertain

Speaking of which, the big brother of the Middle East, the United States, has also made frequent moves this year, vigorously withdrawing people from that hot land.

Everyone knows the meaning behind this, and without the direct intervention of Lao Mei, the chess game in the Middle East has become more confusing.

Israel is being hit hard by this kind of blow, I wonder if I feel a little more worried in my heart?

Something is wrong! The Israeli military camp was blown up in a mushroom cloud! Israel suffered a heavy blow and began compulsory conscription

The conscription was blocked, and the domestic turmoil arose

What makes Israel even more troublesome is that after the conscription order, the country is not monolithic.

Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jewish boys, all dressed in black robes and bowler hats, who were supposed to study the scriptures in the library or in the church, now gathered in the streets of Jerusalem because they did not want to take up guns, and confronted the police uncles.

This picture is completely different from the tranquility on weekdays, clashes, protests, slogans, slogans, chaos, at night, it is full of gunpowder, the police are injured, the protesters are arrested, this matter can be big or small!

Something is wrong! The Israeli military camp was blown up in a mushroom cloud! Israel suffered a heavy blow and began compulsory conscription


Friends, seeing this, are you like me, with mixed feelings? The shadow of war once again looms over the Middle East, and innocent people always bear the brunt of it.

Is Israel's forced conscription a move of desperation or forced by circumstances? And how can the voices of those protesters who insist on peace be heard?

Something is wrong! The Israeli military camp was blown up in a mushroom cloud! Israel suffered a heavy blow and began compulsory conscription

In the midst of all this chaos and challenges, we may not be able to directly influence the course of events, but at least we can do one thing: stay focused, voice of reason, and pray for peace.

After all, peace is the most precious treasure in the Middle East and anywhere in the world, isn't it?

What do you think about this incident? Feel free to leave a comment to share your thoughts.

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