
Shen Teng Ma Li's "Catching the Doll": The fairy fight in the comedy world, laughing until his stomach hurts on July 16!

author:Really Justis 7L4


Shen Teng Ma Li's new film "Catching Dolls" pre-sale opens

Shen Teng and Ma Li's new film "Catching the Doll" has opened pre-sale, and this film is the third part of Yan Fei and Peng Damo's Xihong City universe. In the movie, the characters played by Shen Teng and Ma Li finally ushered in the stage of raising a baby, which made many fans feel both surprised and expectant. As soon as the news of the movie's release came out, it immediately caused heated discussions on social media, and many netizens said that they couldn't wait to see the new performance of the comedy duo on the screen.

Shen Teng Ma Li's "Catching the Doll": The fairy fight in the comedy world, laughing until his stomach hurts on July 16!

In the movie, the character played by Shen Teng confidently declares that he is his son's most solid backing, but he frequently makes mistakes at critical moments, such as when Pony Jiye slid backwards in a wheelchair and shouted Dad, Shen Teng's character didn't look back once, only replied three times "Hey! This kind of contrasting and cute performance makes people laugh. Ma Li's character Chunlan called "Hey Uncle You", which instantly pushed the comedy atmosphere to a climax. This kind of light-hearted and witty plot design will undoubtedly make the audience laugh again and again in the theater.

The funny plot of the whole family pretending to be sick and pretending to be poor


In "Catching the Doll", in order to let the children experience the difficulty of life, the characters of Shen Teng and Ma Li pretended to be sick and poor, and let the children pick up bottles to subsidize the family. The design of this plot is full of comedy, and one can't help but imagine how Shen Teng and Ma Li interpret this absurd and warm family life in the movie. This passage in the film is expected to become a hot topic of discussion among the audience, and netizens have begun to speculate on social media about how the plot will develop and how Shen Teng and Ma Li will push the plot to a climax through their performances.

Shen Teng Ma Li's "Catching the Doll": The fairy fight in the comedy world, laughing until his stomach hurts on July 16!

In the trailer of the movie, Shen Teng and Ma Li's performances have made people laugh, especially Shen Teng's character when facing the scene of family pretending to be poor, the helpless and funny expression is impressive. Ma Li's role cooperates with Shen Teng on the side, and the tacit cooperation between the two is undoubtedly a highlight of the movie. This kind of family comedy setting not only makes people look forward to the final presentation of the movie, but also makes the audience full of expectations for Shen Teng and Ma Li's acting skills.

Expectations and controversies raised to July 16


"Catching the Doll" was moved to July 16, a news that excited many fans, but also caused some controversy. On the one hand, fans are very happy to see Shen Teng and Ma Li's new works in advance, and they have expressed their anticipation and support for the film on social media. On the other hand, some viewers expressed concerns about the film's file increase, worried that the file increase may affect the film's production quality or publicity effect.

Shen Teng Ma Li's "Catching the Doll": The fairy fight in the comedy world, laughing until his stomach hurts on July 16!

Despite the controversy, the promotion of "Catching the Doll" has undoubtedly increased the topicality of the movie and made more people pay attention to this work. Netizens are also discussing more and more on social media, some people say that they can't wait to see Shen Teng and Ma Li's performance in the movie, and some people are worried about the promotion of the movie, worrying that this may affect the overall quality of the movie. This kind of controversial discussion will undoubtedly increase the exposure of the film and make the audience full of expectations for the final presentation of the movie.

Shen Teng Ma Li's "Catching the Doll": The fairy fight in the comedy world, laughing until his stomach hurts on July 16!

The launch and pre-sale of Shen Teng Ma Li's new film "Catching the Doll" undoubtedly added more topics and expectations to the film. Whether it is the comedy plot in the movie, or the performances of Shen Teng and Ma Li, it is full of expectations. Although there are some controversies, this will undoubtedly increase the discussion of the film and make more people pay attention to this work.

Shen Teng Ma Li's "Catching the Doll": The fairy fight in the comedy world, laughing until his stomach hurts on July 16!

On July 16th, let's walk into the theater together to see how funny Shen Teng and Ma Li can be, and let's look forward to what kind of surprises "Catching Dolls" can bring us.

Shen Teng Ma Li's "Catching the Doll": The fairy fight in the comedy world, laughing until his stomach hurts on July 16!

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