
More than just music: the 'culture clashes' behind the NMIXX album incident

author:Really Justis 7L4


Indecent behavior in the record store

In a lively record store, a male college student is seen performing inappropriate acts on an album by the Korean girl group NMIXX. According to witnesses at the scene, the man not only picked up the album and rubbed his nakedness, but also kissed it. The scene was inadvertently filmed by his friend and uploaded to social media.

More than just music: the 'culture clashes' behind the NMIXX album incident

The video quickly caused an uproar on the Internet, with netizens expressing shock and dissatisfaction with the behavior. Someone commented: "Is this a desecration of art, or is it disrespectful to idols?" Another joked: "It seems that this brother's love for music has reached a new level." ”

A tough response from the Big Five


Faced with this incident, the big five record companies reacted quickly. In their statement, they made it clear that if the man involved did not contact the company within seven days, legal action would be taken against him.

More than just music: the 'culture clashes' behind the NMIXX album incident

This statement not only shows the company's determination to maintain the image of the artist and the dignity of the work, but also sends a strong message to the public: any disrespect for the artwork will be severely punished by the law. Netizens reacted enthusiastically, with some supporting the company's approach, saying that "it is a sign of respect for all artists", while others joked: "It seems that this brother is going to pay for his 'love'." ”

Male college student's apology and reconciliation


Under pressure from the big five record companies, the male college student involved finally released a handwritten apology letter expressing his remorse. In the letter, he admitted his mistake and asked for forgiveness from the public and NMIXX members. The decision of the Big Five record companies to pursue the matter after receiving an apology shows that the companies are willing to give young people the opportunity to correct their mistakes.

More than just music: the 'culture clashes' behind the NMIXX album incident

This shift has sparked different voices on the Internet, with some arguing that "it is inevitable for young people to make mistakes, and it is important to recognize and correct them", while others questioning: "Can such behavior really be easily forgiven?" ”

The musical charm of NMIXX


Despite such unpleasant events, NMIXX's music still attracts the attention of a large number of fans. Their song "DICE", with its unique MIX style, has successfully brainwashed countless listeners. Many netizens said that even after such a turmoil, they still couldn't resist the musical charm of NMIXX.

More than just music: the 'culture clashes' behind the NMIXX album incident

Someone commented: "The music is innocent, and the talent of NMIXX should not be overshadowed by such an incident." Someone else joked, "It seems that the magic of DISH can't stop even indecent behavior." ”

More than just music: the 'culture clashes' behind the NMIXX album incident

This series of events not only sparked a discussion about artistic respect and legal responsibility, but also reflected the public's complex emotions towards idols and works of art in the age of social media.

More than just music: the 'culture clashes' behind the NMIXX album incident

On the one hand, there is a strong demand for the dignity of works of art to be protected; On the other hand, society has a certain tolerance towards the mistakes that young people may make in the process of growing up. This ambivalent attitude has formed a heated discussion on the Internet, where everyone is interpreting the event in their own way, and NMIXX's music has become an integral part of this discussion.

More than just music: the 'culture clashes' behind the NMIXX album incident

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