
During the summer baby growth season, you should be willing to be hungry, especially at night! Sticking to two weeks is stronger than tens of thousands of supplements

author:Chinese medicine pediatric Ye Donglan

Hello everyone, I am Ye Donglan, a pediatric TCM practitioner.

When a child grows tall, he has to be willing to let him go hungry, especially at night! Staying hungry for two weeks is more useful than spending thousands of dollars on supplements!

When hungry, the child can grow taller

A parent in Xinzhou, Shanxi Province once asked me:

In fact, many times, children don't grow up, not because they don't eat enough, but because they eat too much.

During the summer baby growth season, you should be willing to be hungry, especially at night! Sticking to two weeks is stronger than tens of thousands of supplements

I asked the children when they would eat, and the parents said that lunch would be eaten at school, and that they would have to wait for their father to come back after school in the afternoon, about eight o'clock, which was a family meal.

I told her that the problem is here, no matter how nutritious you are, eat at 8 o'clock at night, children can't digest it before going to bed, and after a long time, the spleen and stomach will be damaged.

So how to arrange meals for the child to make him grow taller?

Here are three principles to keep in mind:

1. Dinner must be eaten before seven o'clock, don't eat too full, just seven or eight minutes full.

2. If the child doesn't want to eat, don't chase after feeding, when he is hungry, he will naturally eat the next meal.

3. Eat in measure, one bite of meat, two mouthfuls of food, don't just eat meat, if you feel uncomfortable and burp, don't eat again.

I asked her to do what I said, and then I looked at the child, and found that his tongue was thick and greasy, and his breath was heavy, which was a typical spleen deficiency and poor digestion.

Growing formula: cimicifuga, peony, licorice, kudzu, parsnip, bellflower, citrus aurantium, hawthorn

(For one person, the dosage must be adjusted according to the child's age, symptoms, and specific conditions)

This formula uses cimicifuga and kudzu as the main drugs to clear away heat and detoxify, and reconcile camp and guard. Peony can relieve heat in harmony, and licorice can benefit qi and detoxify. Platycodon is responsible for lifting, citrus aurantium is used for gas reduction, windbreak and decompression, and hawthorn is used for digestion. The whole group rises and falls, harmonizing qi and blood to help children grow taller.

During the summer baby growth season, you should be willing to be hungry, especially at night! Sticking to two weeks is stronger than tens of thousands of supplements

Sure enough, after half a month, the child's digestion improved, and the parents said that the child's appetite had become significantly stronger, and the stool was not difficult. After that, adjust it slightly, and then help your child adjust.

After three months, the parents were very happy to tell me that the child did not grow much before no matter how much he ate, but now he has grown 4.2 cm, and the gap between him and other children of the same age is getting smaller and smaller.

Seeing the children becoming more and more lively, I am happy in my heart and live up to the trust of their family. Therefore, when a child grows taller, it is not to see how much the child eats, but to see how much nutrients the child can absorb.

During the summer baby growth season, you should be willing to be hungry, especially at night! Sticking to two weeks is stronger than tens of thousands of supplements

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