
Laughing crazy! The 10 yuan coffee aunt responded to the explosion, Nestle officially responded, and netizens said that they were ready to open a store

author:That Man in Oman
Laughing crazy! The 10 yuan coffee aunt responded to the explosion, Nestle officially responded, and netizens said that they were ready to open a store
Laughing crazy! The 10 yuan coffee aunt responded to the explosion, Nestle officially responded, and netizens said that they were ready to open a store
Laughing crazy! The 10 yuan coffee aunt responded to the explosion, Nestle officially responded, and netizens said that they were ready to open a store
Laughing crazy! The 10 yuan coffee aunt responded to the explosion, Nestle officially responded, and netizens said that they were ready to open a store
Laughing crazy! The 10 yuan coffee aunt responded to the explosion, Nestle officially responded, and netizens said that they were ready to open a store
Laughing crazy! The 10 yuan coffee aunt responded to the explosion, Nestle officially responded, and netizens said that they were ready to open a store
Laughing crazy! The 10 yuan coffee aunt responded to the explosion, Nestle officially responded, and netizens said that they were ready to open a store
Laughing crazy! The 10 yuan coffee aunt responded to the explosion, Nestle officially responded, and netizens said that they were ready to open a store
Laughing crazy! The 10 yuan coffee aunt responded to the explosion, Nestle officially responded, and netizens said that they were ready to open a store
Laughing crazy! The 10 yuan coffee aunt responded to the explosion, Nestle officially responded, and netizens said that they were ready to open a store

Under the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, there are countless ordinary and extraordinary stories, including a legend about Li Xiaobai and "Ten Wenqian Coffee", although it does not really exist in the historical records of the Tang Dynasty, but with a kind of imagination across time and space, it shows the warmth, innovation and persistence in human nature, as well as the yearning and pursuit of a better life.

In the Tang Dynasty, an era of poetry and wine and cultural prosperity, Chang'an City, as the center of the world, gathered merchants and literati from all over the world. In this ancient and vibrant city, there is a young man named Li Xiaobai, who is not from a famous family and does not have a shocking talent, but he has a heart that loves life and has the courage to try.

Li Xiaobai originally helped in a small teahouse in the east of the city, making tea and greeting guests every day, although his life was dull but also stable. However, by chance, he learned about the magical drink of "coffee" from a Persian merchant who had traveled from afar. According to the businessman's description, the unique aroma of coffee, the bitter and sweet taste, and its refreshing effect made Li Xiaobai yearn for it.

"If this exotic thing can be introduced to Chang'an, it will definitely open everyone's eyes!" Li Xiaobai thought to himself in his heart. But then, he was poured cold water on reality - real coffee is expensive and beyond the reach of ordinary people. So, a bold idea came to his mind: why not try to make a "ten-penny coffee" that suits the taste of the Tang people and is affordable to the people?

At first, the idea was ridiculed by the teahouse owner and those around him. They think that coffee is a foreign product, how can it be changed at will? What's more, at the price of ten cents, you can't even buy a good cup of tea, how can you make decent coffee? But Li Xiaobai didn't give up, and he used his knowledge of herbs and tea to try to simulate the taste and aroma of coffee with various local materials.

After countless failures and attempts, Li Xiaobai finally discovered a "secret recipe" made from a mixture of fried black beans, cinnamon, cloves and a small amount of honey. Although this drink is far from real coffee, in the eyes of Chang'an people at that time, it has a unique flavor, especially its low price, which is irresistible.

As soon as "Shiwenqian Coffee" was launched, it quickly became popular in Chang'an City. People flocked to Li Xiaobai's teahouse just to taste this novel and affordable drink. As a result, the business of the teahouse has become extremely hot, and even Li Xiaobai himself has changed from an unknown young man to a hot figure in Chang'an City.

"Oh, Li Xiaobai, your coffee is amazing! It's fragrant, sweet, and refreshing, much better than those expensive imported products! One of the regulars was full of praise as he drank.

"Haha, thanks for the compliment. Actually, this coffee is full of our Datang treasures! Li Xiaobai replied with a smile, his heart full of a sense of accomplishment.

However, the good times did not last long, and the success of "Ten Pennies Coffee" also attracted many people who were red-eyed. Some people began to imitate his practices, and some even maliciously slandered him, saying that his coffee was "counterfeit". In the face of these challenges, Li Xiaobai did not choose to back down, he firmly believes that his products can stand the test, and he also believes that people's hearts have their own justice.

"Xiaobai, although your coffee is good, you have to be careful of those villains." The teahouse owner reminded worriedly.

"Don't worry, master. I will prove everything with facts. Moreover, I also want to bring this 'Datang Coffee' to more people. Li Xiaobai said with firm eyes.

In order to expand the influence of "Ten Cents Coffee", Li Xiaobai began to go out of the teahouse and promote it in all corners of Chang'an City. Not only did he set up a stall in the market to sell it, but he also taught interested people how to make this simple coffee. Gradually, "ten-cent coffee" has become a cultural phenomenon in Chang'an City, which is not only a drink, but also a symbol of an optimistic and innovative attitude towards life.

Just when "Ten Wenqian Coffee" was popular in Chang'an, an unexpected news came - Nestle, a coffee giant from the distant future, actually "traveled" to the Tang Dynasty through some mysterious way and learned the story of Li Xiaobai.

"It's incredible! This Mr. Li Xiaobai actually created such a unique coffee culture in the Tang Dynasty. The head of Nestlé exclaimed.

As a result, Nestlé decided to pay tribute to Li Xiaobai and announced that it would set up a "Li Xiaobai Innovation Award" in the future world to encourage innovators who have made outstanding contributions to the coffee field. At the same time, they also promised to pass on the story of "Ten Cents Coffee" as part of the brand culture.

When the news reached the Tang Dynasty, Li Xiaobai was both surprised and excited. He didn't expect that his small attempt could cross time and space and get such a high level of recognition.

"It seems that no matter what era it is, innovation and persistence are the most valuable assets!" Li Xiaobai looked into the distance, his heart was full of emotion.

And the people of Chang'an City have also said that they want to open a real "café" for Li Xiaobai, so that this coffee culture from Datang will be passed on forever.

So, in the afterglow of the Tang Dynasty, a shop called "Datang Coffee House" was quietly born. It is not only the place where Li Xiaobai's dream is realized, but also the witness of the Tang Dynasty people's pursuit and yearning for a better life. Here, every cup of coffee carries a story, and every sip is unforgettable. And Li Xiaobai has also grown from an ordinary young man

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