
Why is it no longer safe to speak Mandarin abroad? The handsome foreign guy said in Chinese that I didn't speak English well

author:Read the entertainment

Text|A reading of Feng Yu

Edit|Yiyue Fengyu

Why is it no longer safe to speak Mandarin abroad? The handsome foreign guy said in Chinese that I didn't speak English well

Good guy, Chinese is slowly losing its encryption function, and in the future, you really can't just spit in Mandarin abroad.

The whole world speaks Chinese, and when I meet a foreigner, I think he can't understand Chinese, but in fact, Chinese is a thief, and even some regional dialects are not a problem.

So stop being stupid and complaining about others in Mandarin in front of foreigners, otherwise you will make jokes.

From these, we can also feel the strength of the motherland, and this phenomenon is also brought about by China's development.

You just happened to go to a country with a lot of Chaoshan people

Why is it no longer safe to speak Mandarin abroad? The handsome foreign guy said in Chinese that I didn't speak English well

Black Guy: You really don't have a sense of borders

Why is it no longer safe to speak Mandarin abroad? The handsome foreign guy said in Chinese that I didn't speak English well

After listening to his authentic Chinese, I was even more confused

Why is it no longer safe to speak Mandarin abroad? The handsome foreign guy said in Chinese that I didn't speak English well

She just so happens she has a Tibetan codebook hahaha

Why is it no longer safe to speak Mandarin abroad? The handsome foreign guy said in Chinese that I didn't speak English well

Grandpa: Hey, no, I said where I got the orange juice

Why is it no longer safe to speak Mandarin abroad? The handsome foreign guy said in Chinese that I didn't speak English well

The two of them were directly dumbfounded hahaha

Why is it no longer safe to speak Mandarin abroad? The handsome foreign guy said in Chinese that I didn't speak English well

It's so embarrassing, they all understand it

Why is it no longer safe to speak Mandarin abroad? The handsome foreign guy said in Chinese that I didn't speak English well

Japanese cashier: It's too late to be happy

Why is it no longer safe to speak Mandarin abroad? The handsome foreign guy said in Chinese that I didn't speak English well

I'm laughing to death, little brother: this is not for you to be confused

Why is it no longer safe to speak Mandarin abroad? The handsome foreign guy said in Chinese that I didn't speak English well

He probably thinks that you think he's like a plank hahahahahaha

Why is it no longer safe to speak Mandarin abroad? The handsome foreign guy said in Chinese that I didn't speak English well

Isn't this a two-way street, foreigners: who is the foreigner?

Why is it no longer safe to speak Mandarin abroad? The handsome foreign guy said in Chinese that I didn't speak English well

You replied to Shuai Guo: You crossed the line

Why is it no longer safe to speak Mandarin abroad? The handsome foreign guy said in Chinese that I didn't speak English well

Finally, thank you for reading, I hope to get your likes, attention, comments!

Welcome all the little masters to pay attention, it will bring more joy to everyone~

Why is it no longer safe to speak Mandarin abroad? The handsome foreign guy said in Chinese that I didn't speak English well

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