
Crisis! The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

author:Science is a small world


"The door can be full of birds" instantly turned into "cold", the pharmacy business plummeted, and the store was in a hurry, promoting the sense of mission of "pharmacy medicine to cure the disease".

The business of pharmacies has always been very good, why did it suddenly plummet this year?

Peers complained, why did the pharmacy business plummet?

In the past few days, pharmacies of many medical and health institutions have said that their business has declined to a certain extent, which has brought a certain impact to the entire pharmacy industry.

For a while, many pharmacies have said that their business has declined to a certain extent, which makes many people feel a certain surprise, after all, the business of these pharmacies in front of them has always been very good, how can it have undergone earth-shaking changes in just a few days?

In fact, the reason for the decline in business is still relatively easy to understand, the country has been vigorously promoting the new model of Internet + in recent years, and the previous pharmacy industry has not let go.

Opening a pharmacy has always been a very sought-after position, because we all have diseases all our lives, not to mention adults, even kindergarten children may suffer from some infectious diseases, which has increased the business of pharmacies by a large part.

Crisis! The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

However, with the development of the Internet, many things can be ordered online and enjoy more discounts, which has caused a huge impact on the business of brick-and-mortar pharmacies.

Because the price of drugs online will be much better than before, and there are many preferential activities, which are not available in physical stores, so more and more people are going to buy drugs online.

In addition, people's living standards are constantly improving, and their purchasing power is also increasing, but in order to pursue greater profits, the price of medicines has also been rising.

This is really not easy for patients who have to worry about it every month.

Some people don't go to the doctor even if they find out that they are sick, and only think about whether they can survive on their own, which is very detrimental to the recovery of the body.

Therefore, the rise in drug prices for so many years has not only made it difficult for everyone to swallow, but also made many people feel the warmth and coldness of society.

Under these circumstances, the business of pharmacies in many regions has also experienced an unprecedented decline in the country.

In fact, there are huge business opportunities behind the decline in business, as long as businesses can find reasonable rules and change their business philosophy, then their business will soon be able to start again.

Crisis! The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

They have said that the activities are "not effective", but in fact, it is not a macroeconomic problem.

The pharmacy that has been doing well has changed from "door-to-door" to "cold" in just a few days.

And it's not something that one or two can ignore, but a trend.

Many pharmacies have said that their business is declining, and there are a lot of business opportunities behind it.

Traditional industries are facing unprecedented changes, which have to be said to be the trend of the times, and no one can stop.

The old set of proven methods will hardly change anything other than to improve the quality of service.

Now it's different, opportunities and challenges coexist.

Many industries are also suffering from similar shocks, for example, the development of e-commerce, which has caused many traditional retail industries to encounter great difficulties.

Shops in the market are no longer easy to find, on the contrary, people are re-examining their consumption behavior in order to avoid the disadvantages.

This time, the affected industries have suffered a "butterfly effect", and in such an environment, any pharmacy can suffer such a blow.

Crisis! The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

It's not a macroeconomic issue, it's a matter of the details.

If the pharmacy does not have its own characteristics, the service quality is very average, and the price is relatively high, then the decline in business of such a pharmacy is relatively easy to understand.

Crisis! The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

What should I do if I have a problem?

What should I do if my pharmacy suddenly sees a downturn?

This requires pharmacies to find their own problems and change their business models.

In fact, there are huge business opportunities behind the decline in business, and this business opportunity is not achieved overnight, and businesses can find a lot of reasonable rules from this matter.

Crisis! The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

It's not easy to survive in today's money-conscious society.

Therefore, when business is declining, you should put yourself out, observe the surrounding environment, and find your own advantages and methods.

In the context of such an era, the decline in business is an irreversible trend, and it can only be said to be a trend.

Crisis! The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

This requires everyone to unify and use the "Internet +" method to learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses to meet challenges like other industries.

At the same time, we also need to see this opportunity for change, as long as we find the right way and means, then we can definitely find a new breakthrough here.

The business world is like a battlefield, and when it is time to move forward, it is necessary to seize the opportunity, and when it is time to retreat, it must not only focus on its own interests.

Therefore, in the face of business downturn, we should not complain about it, but should make adjustments and changes.

The choice adapts to the new model of the new era, conforms to the trend of the times, and is proactive to provide customers with better services.

Customers are the bloodline, no matter what era it is, you can't afford to lose.

Moreover, the needs of the market are also diverse, and we must be guided by customer needs to promote the development of business.

Therefore, it is also necessary to find new business models and find new development fulcrums, only in this way can we promote the rapid development of enterprises.


The decline in business can be understood as a business opportunity, but it can also be understood as a trend.

An industry like medicine, which is important to everyone's quality of life, should not be changed by numbers, let alone become a tool for anyone's personal gain.

Instead, it should be based on the principle of "patient-centered" to bring hope and warmth to more people.

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