
French parliamentary elections: the rise of the national coalition, the challenge of Macron's authorities

author:Mystic sky


Recently, a high-profile election is in full swing in France, that is, the French parliamentary elections, which have attracted global attention. As an important member of the European countries, France's every move has attracted the attention of the world. And this parliamentary election is even more watching, because it is not only a domestic election, but also a major event related to the European landscape. In this election, Macron's presidential regime will face a severe test, and nationalist forces have also emerged in this election and have attracted much attention.

French parliamentary elections: the rise of the national coalition, the challenge of Macron's authorities

1. Election results

According to preliminary data released by the French Ministry of the Interior, Marine Le Pen's party was in the lead in the first round of the French parliamentary elections, receiving 33% of the vote, becoming the winner of this election. The Left New Popular Front coalition received 28.5 per cent of the vote, while the United Republican Presidential Coalition received 22 per cent of the vote. It can be said that the release of the election results has made the already questionable Macron administration even worse, and the rise of nationalist forces has also raised many concerns about the future of France.

French parliamentary elections: the rise of the national coalition, the challenge of Macron's authorities

Second, the rise of the national alliance

As the biggest winner of this election, Marine Le Pen's national alliance can be said to be the most prominent and has become the focus of attention. Previously, the National Alliance had become a prominent force in the European Parliament elections. In this French parliamentary election, the national alliance shined and successfully stood out as a high-profile force.

It can be said that the reason why the National Alliance was able to achieve such excellent results in this election is inseparable from its unique stance and accurate grasp of the people's voice. In today's European society, nationalist sentiment is on the rise, and the "France First" policy advocated by the National Alliance has appealed to the voice of the general public and won their recognition and support. In this election, more and more voters are choosing to support the National Alliance, hoping that through their rise, they will open a brighter path for the future of France.

French parliamentary elections: the rise of the national coalition, the challenge of Macron's authorities

3. The challenge of the Macron authorities

In contrast, Macron's presidential regime faced a huge challenge in this election and was also considered a "miserable defeat". Previously, in order to save the decline, Macron has repeatedly adjusted the cabinet members, hoping to win the support of the people through such measures. And he deliberately dissolved parliament and held early elections, hoping to "polish the eyes" of his own authorities through such a move.

Contrary to expectations, the results of this election made the face of the Macron authorities gloomy, and it was also considered a "complete failure". In this election, both the presidential authorities and the united republican presidential coalition suffered a painful defeat, adding to the already questionable Macron's regime. It can be said that the release of the election results is undoubtedly a "warning" to the Macron authorities, and it also makes him deeply aware that the people have become extremely dissatisfied with his authorities, which needs to be taken seriously and actively promote policy reforms to respond to the demands of the people.

French parliamentary elections: the rise of the national coalition, the challenge of Macron's authorities

4. Conjectures and prospects

In the face of the results of this election, we can't help but wonder why the Macron government suffered such a big setback in this election. What are the underlying reasons behind this? The defeat of Macron's government in this election is inseparable from the negative impact of some of its policy measures. For example, in the process of dealing with the new crown epidemic, some of Macron's policy measures have been questioned, which has also greatly damaged his image in the hearts of the people.

In addition, the Macron authorities have repeatedly introduced some reform measures, such as labor reform and retirement system reform, which have undoubtedly had a huge impact on the general population and aroused their strong discontent. In this election, more and more voters have chosen to boycott Macron's government, hoping to express their dissatisfaction and make the authorities realize that the policies they have introduced are not acceptable to the general public.

French parliamentary elections: the rise of the national coalition, the challenge of Macron's authorities

The release of the election results has also sounded the alarm for the Macron authorities, making them realize that they should humbly accept the people's criticism and suggestions, carefully evaluate their own policies and measures, and actively adjust the direction of reform, so as to win the trust and support of the people. For the general public, they should also realize that elections are only a part of democracy, and that no matter which party is in power, it will face a variety of challenges and difficulties, and it will take time and effort to achieve substantial change.

Looking to the future, both the Macron administration and the National Alliance should put the interests of the people first, listen to their voices with an open mind, strengthen communication and cooperation with all walks of life, and jointly promote the development and progress of the country. The international community should also give understanding and support to all parties in France, and I believe that with the joint efforts of all of us, France will be able to overcome the difficulties at hand and usher in a better tomorrow.

French parliamentary elections: the rise of the national coalition, the challenge of Macron's authorities


An election can change the fate of an entire country, and it may also affect the pattern of the entire world. Regardless of whether they are the winners or losers of the election, they should face the results of the election with an open mind, humbly absorb the opinions and suggestions of all parties, and contribute to the future development of the country. I believe that through the joint efforts of everyone, both France and the whole of Europe can usher in a prosperous and prosperous tomorrow.

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