
The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

author:The breeze blows the willows

In today's society, the pharmacy industry is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. With the change of consumer concepts and the progress of science and technology, how to gain a foothold in the fierce market competition of traditional pharmacies has become an important topic in front of industry practitioners.

The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

The picture comes from the Internet

In recent years, fluctuations in the global economic situation have directly affected consumers' purchasing power and spending habits. As a necessity of life, drugs should be a stable sales category in pharmacies, however, with the increase in people's price sensitivity, many consumers are more inclined to buy online, because buying drugs on online platforms can usually get greater discounts and convenience. This has created substantial competitive pressure on traditional pharmacies.

The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

The picture comes from the Internet

At the same time, consumers' requirements for service quality and shopping experience are gradually increasing. They want to be able to get professional health advice and personalized service at the same time as they buy medicines. Therefore, traditional pharmacies need to work services to improve consumer satisfaction and loyalty by providing professional health management advice and detailed explanations of drug interactions.

The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

The picture comes from the Internet

With the rapid development of the Internet and artificial intelligence technology, the pharmacy industry has also ushered in unprecedented opportunities for technological innovation and digital transformation. The application of new technologies such as smart medicine cabinets, online health consultation systems, and electronic prescription services has not only improved the operational efficiency of pharmacies, but also brought consumers a more convenient and safer drug purchase experience. This technology-driven innovation not only helps pharmacies improve their service levels, but also helps them expand into new market shares.

The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

The picture comes from the Internet

With the improvement of people's health awareness, the traditional treatment mode is changing to the direction of prevention and health management. Consumers are becoming more focused on preventing illness through health management, rather than waiting until the disease occurs before resorting to medical care. Therefore, successful pharmacies in the future need to not only provide drug sales, but also become an important player in consumer health management, providing a full range of health management services including health consultation, nutrition guidance, and regular physical examinations.

The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

The picture comes from the Internet

Despite the challenges, the pharmacy industry is still full of potential for the future. Driven by new technologies, traditional pharmacies can expand online sales channels through cooperation with e-commerce platforms; Through data analysis and artificial intelligence technology, improve the level of customer service personalization. In addition, it can actively respond to consumers' health management needs and develop more innovative products and services related to preventive health.

The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

The picture comes from the Internet

To sum up, the pharmacy industry is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. With a deep understanding of consumer demand changes and industry trends, pharmacies can stand out in the fierce market competition. The key is to seize the opportunity of technological innovation, optimize the service experience, and continuously improve its competitiveness. We look forward to seeing the industry meet new challenges and achieve more sustainable and healthy development in the future.

The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

The picture comes from the Internet

Netizens are hotly discussed

Netizens complained that it was too expensive to buy medicine in pharmacies:

"The pharmacy is a huge profit, the target is Zhongshan Dashenlin, I buy 10 grams of sour jujube kernels for 27 yuan...... It only costs 13 yuan to buy 500 grams online, so I was cheated once...... No looking back"

"When I buy eye drops in pharmacies, I introduce more than 20 or 30 yuan, and there are actually 1 to 2 yuan, and the effect is almost the same."

The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

The picture comes from the Internet

Some netizens complained that the profits of pharmacies are too tricky, several times more expensive than those on the Internet:

"Now the price of pharmacies is 30% more expensive than the Internet, and some are twice as expensive.

"You're mistaken. Pharmacies are at least 3 times more expensive. ”

The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

The picture comes from the Internet

"I have been taking high blood pressure medicine for a long time, and 618 Pharmacy did a discount to buy two boxes of 29.98. It was more than 2 yuan more expensive than usual, and I went to ask the clerk to answer that it was a price increase. After going home, I went to Jingdong to see if I had nothing to do, and all the products produced by the same manufacturer were the same, and the price of four boxes of medicine was 19.99. The profit of the pharmacy is too tricky! ”

"Only pharmacies that are suitable for the price of the people can last long"

The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

The picture comes from the Internet

Some netizens said that because physical stores are much more expensive than online, they tend to buy medicine online:

"Pharmacies are staggeringly profitable, much more expensive than online, and many people buy their medicines online"

"A blood glucose meter of the same model, pharmacy 288 online 70 or 80. fainted to death, and the pharmacy was not closed, which was intolerable. ”

"With the internet, brick-and-mortar stores are affected. The era of profiteering in pharmacies is coming to an end. ”

The business of the pharmacy industry plummeted, peers complained, netizens: I can't afford it at all, buy it online

The picture comes from the Internet

Will you choose to buy your medicine online or in a physical pharmacy? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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