
Taiwanese F-16 female pilot, openly debuted in the United States! changed his casual clothes and went on camera in full costume

author:Cat legs talk about things
The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

Taiwan's F-16 female pilots are "fully armed" on the official website of the US military, causing heated discussions.

The focus of public discussion is not why Taiwanese pilots appear on the official website of the US military, after all, it is nothing new for Taiwanese pilots to go to the United States for training.

It's strange that this pilot appeared on the official website of the US military, and he was still "fully armed" in military uniform and rank to participate in the shooting.

Taiwanese F-16 female pilot, openly debuted in the United States! changed his casual clothes and went on camera in full costume

This photo is from the graduation group photo of the international flight safety officer class, and the Taiwanese female pilot in the photo is Captain Chang Yongxuan.

In the past, the official website of the US military did not pay much attention to the Taiwan personnel who went to the United States for training, and never let them wear military uniforms and military ranks to participate in taking photos and hang them on the official website.

According to relevant media reports, Captain Zhang Yongxuan served in the 27th Combat Team of the 5th Wing of the Taiwan Air Force.

Taiwanese F-16 female pilot, openly debuted in the United States! changed his casual clothes and went on camera in full costume

We cannot deny Captain Chang Yongxuan's excellence, but we also dare not agree with the US approach, and that little bit of caution is about to be put on the table.

In recent years, Sino-US relations have not been harmonious, and there have been some relaxations during this period, but on the whole they are still relatively stiff.

In June 2018, Trump launched a list of tariffs on the mainland, which had a significant impact on China, which imposed 25 percent tariffs on nearly $50 billion of goods, making it much more difficult for Chinese goods to enter the U.S. market.

Taiwanese F-16 female pilot, openly debuted in the United States! changed his casual clothes and went on camera in full costume

In the face of the US tariff hike, the mainland also quickly took countermeasures, and since then, Sino-US trade has entered a vicious interaction, and Sino-US relations have been stiff again and again.

By the beginning of 2023, the high-level officials of the two countries have almost reached the point of zero exchanges, and there is no exchange between the two countries, and the relationship between the two countries in other fields such as economy and trade is naturally impossible to be harmonious.

Taiwanese F-16 female pilot, openly debuted in the United States! changed his casual clothes and went on camera in full costume

At this time, the relationship between the two countries was at its most stiff, and there were even many rumors that both countries were preparing military weapons to deal with an armed conflict that could arise at any time.

China and the United States are both one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, their military strength and economic level should not be underestimated, and they both have nuclear strike capabilities.

The top leaders of the two countries are also clearly aware that no communication will not solve the problem, but on the contrary, it will cause problems to accumulate and cause irreversible consequences.

As a result, under the joint promotion of the two countries, the heads of state of China and the United States met in Bali, Indonesia on November 14, 2024, and after the meeting, the relationship between the two countries gradually eased, but it is definitely not friendly.

Taiwanese F-16 female pilot, openly debuted in the United States! changed his casual clothes and went on camera in full costume

Although the meeting in Bali, Indonesia was held during the Biden administration, Biden's attitude towards China is not relaxed, and even on June 5, 2024, Biden is still making inappropriate remarks about Taiwan.

Biden said that if the mainland wants to change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait by using force, then the US military will help defend the Taiwan authorities.

You must know that Biden repeatedly said at the Sino-US summit in San Francisco that he did not support the "Taiwan independence" forces, nor did he want China and the United States to enter a new Cold War, but he slapped himself in the face after saying this for a long time, or rather, the fox's tail could not be hidden, and sooner or later there would be a day when "stuffing will be exposed".

Taiwanese F-16 female pilot, openly debuted in the United States! changed his casual clothes and went on camera in full costume

And I don't know what position Biden stands on to say such a thing, Taiwan is part of China's territory, and the one-China principle brooks no provocation. How China changes the status quo in the Taiwan Strait is a "family matter" that the United States should meddle in.

Today's China is no longer the China of a hundred years ago, where it was left to the ears of others, and the Taiwan issue is no longer the trump card of the United States in trying to interfere in China's internal affairs. What the United States is doing today cannot do us any real harm, it is just a means to "disgust" people.

There is no reason for the stiffness in Sino-US relations, one of the reasons is that China has risen too fast, threatening US hegemony.

In the early years, when the Soviet Union had not yet collapsed, it could still balance the United States, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States became the "world policeman", and this taste of being the boss was addictive, how could the boss want to be taken by others.

Taiwanese F-16 female pilot, openly debuted in the United States! changed his casual clothes and went on camera in full costume

When the difference in strength between the two sides is very large, and no matter how hard one party tries, it is impossible for the other side to pose a threat, the superior is naturally willing to use lenient means, and even give some benefits to show his benevolence, so that the people below will respect him as a big brother with sincerity.

But once the lower ones have the ability to pull the superior off the horse, the superior will naturally be on guard and cannot be unguarded. According to the simplest way of thinking, we can also know that in the face of such a situation, it is a way to seriously injure the capable people below so that they are no longer capable of fighting.

Taiwanese F-16 female pilot, openly debuted in the United States! changed his casual clothes and went on camera in full costume

Therefore, the United States wants to limit our development in every possible way, either because of a trade war, or a war of public opinion, or by restricting science and technology.

The second reason is that the ideology is different, China is the ideology of socialism, while the United States is the ideology of capitalism.

The United States likes to form constraints through checks and balances of power, such as the separation of powers, the separation of judicial, legislative and executive powers, and the two-party system.

Taiwanese F-16 female pilot, openly debuted in the United States! changed his casual clothes and went on camera in full costume

On the other hand, in China, the purpose of maintaining ideological unity through ethnic politics, whether it is the people's congress system, the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, or the system of regional ethnic autonomy, is the same, that is, to safeguard the unity and unity of the country and the progress and development of the nation.

The difference in ideology makes the two countries different at the thematic level. The United States focuses on government control with citizen participation, while China focuses on a combination of party leadership and mass participation.

Ideological differences make the two countries different at the diplomatic level. The United States likes to promote its own concepts, ideas and values throughout the country, while China pays attention to "harmony and harmony, seeking great harmony, and valuing harmony", so it has been striving to advocate the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Although the United States posted a photo of Taiwan's female F-16 pilots in military uniforms and military ranks on its official website as "Sima Zhao's heart is well known to passers-by", we are not afraid of such small means.

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