
CCTV host Shen Xuhua pushed open a door by mistake, and his life has been fixed at the age of 33 since then

author:Let's talk about the past and the present
CCTV host Shen Xuhua pushed open a door by mistake, and his life has been fixed at the age of 33 since then
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CCTV host Shen Xuhua pushed open a door by mistake, and his life has been fixed at the age of 33 since then

On August 1, 2002, in the Zhejiang Building on the bank of the West Lake in Hangzhou, laughter and laughter came one after another. Shen Xuhua, a well-known CCTV host, is gathering with a group of close friends in the radio music industry.

This warm summer night should have been another beautiful moment in memory. However, fate weaves a cruel web in silence.

At around 9 o'clock that night, an ordinary phone call, an act of finding a quiet place to answer, led 33-year-old Shen Xuhua to a seemingly ordinary fire escape door.

She stretched out her hand to push away, but she didn't know that this simple action would become the end of her life. Behind the door, it was not the quiet space as expected, but a dark abyss four meters deep.

CCTV host Shen Xuhua pushed open a door by mistake, and his life has been fixed at the age of 33 since then

With an exclamation and a fall, Shen Xuhua's brilliant life came to an abrupt end. How did this heartbreaking accident happen? Let's get closer to this talented presenter and unveil the veil of this tragedy.

In 1969, Shen Xuhua was born in the picturesque Hangzhou. Since she was a child, she has shown extraordinary talent, her big smart eyes are shining with wisdom, and her small mouth can be eloquent, which makes people can't help but love.

Although she was born in an ordinary working family, her parents poured all their love into this only daughter. "Xuhua", a name full of hope, carries her parents' expectations for her to shine like the rising sun.

As a young man, Shen Xuhua was fascinated by the voice of the announcer on the radio, and often held the radio all day long. Thanks to his mother being an announcer, Shen Xuhua became interested in broadcasting and hosting.

CCTV host Shen Xuhua pushed open a door by mistake, and his life has been fixed at the age of 33 since then

Her parents supported her to participate in related interest classes, and the teachers were amazed by her talent, saying that she was a natural host.

However, when the college entrance examination came, her parents did not approve of her choice of broadcasting and hosting out of consideration for the future. The sensible Shen Xuhua chose to be obedient, but the seeds of chasing dreams have quietly taken root in his heart.

During her college years, she squeezed out every spare time to teach herself hosting skills, actively participated in various campus activities and commercial performances, and worked hard to gain experience. Her roommates affectionately nicknamed her "Broadcasting Fans".

On the occasion of graduation, Shen Xuhua made up his mind and mustered up the courage to express to his parents his strong desire to engage in a hosting career. Faced with their daughter's determined eyes, her parents finally chose to support her in chasing her dreams.

CCTV host Shen Xuhua pushed open a door by mistake, and his life has been fixed at the age of 33 since then

With her outstanding performance, she successfully passed the recruitment of Hangzhou TV Station and officially embarked on the road of hosting. With talent and hard work, she soon won the crown of "first-class announcer".

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. Shen Xuhua participated in the "Royalstar" host competition jointly organized by Zhejiang TV and CCTV, and successfully ranked among the top 50 with his solid skills and dignified and beautiful image.

The competition catapulted her, and the producers of major TV shows extended olive branches to her.

In this way, the Hangzhou girl with a dream finally stepped into the door of CCTV. When he first joined CCTV, Shen Xuhua attracted attention with his unique temperament. Her eyebrows are somewhat similar to the famous host Ni Ping, so she is affectionately called "Little Ni Ping".

CCTV host Shen Xuhua pushed open a door by mistake, and his life has been fixed at the age of 33 since then

The audience was quickly attracted by this gentle and witty newcomer host.

CCTV had high hopes for Shen Xuhua and handed over the newly opened "Sunset Red" column to her. The show, which focuses on the elderly, quickly gained critical acclaim under her auspices.

Shen Xuhua used her warm voice and sincere emotions to bring joy and care to the elderly audience. At the same time, she also served as the host of the Spring Festival Gala many times, conquering the national audience with a steady and generous typhoon.

From Hangzhou to CCTV, from obscurity to "national idol", Shen Xuhua used his talent and hard work to compose a moving song of chasing dreams. However, just as her career is booming, fate is secretly brewing a ruthless turn.

CCTV host Shen Xuhua pushed open a door by mistake, and his life has been fixed at the age of 33 since then

After entering CCTV, Shen Xuhua's talent is like a blooming peony, beautiful and dazzling. Her gentle and witty image quickly captured the hearts of the audience.

People affectionately call her "Little Ni Ping", not only because of her resemblance to the famous host's eyebrows, but also because of the professionalism and affinity she shows.

CCTV has high hopes for this rookie and handed over the newly opened "Sunset Red" column to her to host. This program, which focuses on the elderly, has quickly become a favorite brand of the audience under Shen Xuhua's careful creation.

With her warm voice and sincere emotions, she brought joy and care to the elderly audience. In each episode of the program, Shen Xuhua devotes all his efforts to in-depth research on the needs of the elderly and carefully designs every link.

CCTV host Shen Xuhua pushed open a door by mistake, and his life has been fixed at the age of 33 since then

Her efforts have paid off, and the ratings of "Sunset Red" have been climbing and have become a bright business card of CCTV.

At the same time, Shen Xuhua has also served as the host of the Spring Festival Gala many times. On this stage that attracts national attention, she has won unanimous praise from audiences across the country with her steady and generous typhoon and smart and smooth hosting.

Every year on Chinese New Year's Eve, when Shen Xuhua appears on the screen, it seems to bring New Year's wishes to the national audience.

With the increasing popularity, Shen Xuhua was gradually respected by the audience as a "national idol". However, success did not make her complacent. Before each recording show, she would study the script over and over again, figuring out every detail.

CCTV host Shen Xuhua pushed open a door by mistake, and his life has been fixed at the age of 33 since then

Even after becoming a star host, she still maintains a humble attitude and keeps learning to improve herself.

Shen Xuhua, who is glamorous in front of the camera, is also an approachable colleague in private. The staff all said that she never played big names and was polite to everyone.

She often said, "I just did what I loved, what is there to be proud of?" This humble attitude has made her more respected in the highly competitive CCTV.

Standing at the pinnacle of his career, 33-year-old Shen Xuhua seems to have everything. Her career is like a rising sun, radiating dazzling light.

CCTV host Shen Xuhua pushed open a door by mistake, and his life has been fixed at the age of 33 since then

However, the drama of life often plays out inadvertently. Just when everyone was expecting her to usher in a more brilliant future, fate ruthlessly pressed the pause button.

Who would have thought that this host, who is in her golden years, her brilliant life is about to come to an abrupt end.

While his career is booming, Shen Xuhua's personal life is also blooming with happiness. In 1997, she tied the knot with her boyfriend Yu Jianhua, who had been in love for many years.

On the day of the wedding, Shen Xuhua's face was filled with a smile that was brighter than any time in front of the camera, and his happiness was beyond words.

CCTV host Shen Xuhua pushed open a door by mistake, and his life has been fixed at the age of 33 since then

Yu Jianhua is a successful entrepreneur, but in front of his wife, he always behaves gently and considerately. He knew the hard work of Shen Xuhua and often took on most of the housework silently.

Whenever Shen Xuhua came back from work late at night, she could always see the hot supper that her husband had carefully prepared for her. This carefulness and thoughtfulness have become a strong backing for Shen Xuhua's workplace struggle.

Soon after marriage, the two ushered in the crystallization of love. When he picked up his child for the first time, Shen Xuhua's eyes flashed with tears of happiness. Despite her busy schedule, she struggles to balance her career and family, striving to be a competent wife and loving mother.

August 1, 2002, was supposed to be an ordinary summer night. Shen Xuhua and a group of friends from the radio music industry met at the Zhejiang Mansion on the banks of Hangzhou's West Lake.

CCTV host Shen Xuhua pushed open a door by mistake, and his life has been fixed at the age of 33 since then

In the midst of the staggering, laughter and laughter continued, and no one expected that this would be the last gathering of Shen Xuhua's life.

At around 9 o'clock in the evening, just as Shen Xuhua was chatting with friends, his mother called to ask for warmth. The environment in the restaurant was noisy, so in order not to affect the call, Shen Xuhua got up and looked for a quiet place.

She talked to her mother as she walked, and she stumbled upon the door of a fire escape.

Maybe it was instinct, or maybe it was just a random choice, Shen Xuhua pushed open this seemingly ordinary door. However, fate took a terrible turn at this moment.

CCTV host Shen Xuhua pushed open a door by mistake, and his life has been fixed at the age of 33 since then

Behind the door was not the quiet space she had imagined, but a dark abyss four meters deep. It turned out that repairs were being carried out here, and the staircase had been removed.

Shen Xuhua stepped into the air and fell unexpectedly. A brief scream pierced the night sky, followed by a terrifying crash. Her head slammed into the concrete floor, and she lost consciousness instantly.

The mother on the other end of the phone was anxious when she heard her daughter's exclamation, but she couldn't know her daughter's exact location. And the friends in the restaurant, in order not to disturb Shen Xuhua answering the phone, did not immediately go out to look for it.

In this way, the golden rescue time passed quietly.

CCTV host Shen Xuhua pushed open a door by mistake, and his life has been fixed at the age of 33 since then

When people finally found Shen Xuhua, she had fallen into a deep coma. The siren of an ambulance pierced the silence of the West Lake and rushed her to the hospital. However, fate seems to have written this sad ending long ago.

Doctors launched a 19-day rescue effort, but in the end they were unable to save the young life. On August 20, 2002, Shen Xuhua left this world forever at the age of 33.

In this way, a brilliant star, a happy wife, and a loving mother, in the most brilliant moment of her life, were forever fixed at the age of 33.

This sudden tragedy shocked the entire society. People can't believe that a young life so full of vitality and talent came to an abrupt end.

CCTV host Shen Xuhua pushed open a door by mistake, and his life has been fixed at the age of 33 since then

Shen Xuhua's family, colleagues, and countless viewers were immersed in great grief.

Shen Xuhua's departure also sounded a wake-up call to the society. People are beginning to reflect on the safety of public places and call for better safety management. However, for Shen Xuhua and her family, it was too late.

The fragility of life is most brutally illustrated in this tragedy.

Shen Xuhua's death is a heavy alarm bell for us. Life is so fragile that the unexpected can strike at any moment. Her story reminds us to cherish what is in front of us and be kind to everyone around us.

CCTV host Shen Xuhua pushed open a door by mistake, and his life has been fixed at the age of 33 since then

At the age of 33, he was in the golden years of his life, but it came to an abrupt end, which made people sigh.

The tragedy also highlights the importance of safe management in public places. Each of us should be safety conscious and vigilant in our daily lives. At the same time, the relevant departments need to strengthen safety management to prevent similar tragedies from happening again.

Let us remember Shen Xuhua, the brilliant yet life that died young. Use her story to remind everyone that life is precious and safety is paramount. May the departed rest in peace and the living cherish.

While commemorating her, we should cherish the present and be kind to life.

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