
Teary-eyed! The national feather won the championship, the coach took Zhang Zhijie's jersey to receive the award, the team members cried, and the commentator choked

author:Sports have something to say

Guoyu is really playing big this time! In the mixed team final of the Xiangchu Fengyun Asian Youth Badminton Championships, our friends not only won the championship, but also staged a tearful drama at the award ceremony.

Our coach was holding Zhang Zhijie's jersey in his hand, as if to say, "See, Zhijie, this is our victory!" And in the audience, the narrator's voice was also choked up for a while, making people want to take out a tissue when they heard it.

Speaking of which, this game was really hearty and sparkling.

Teary-eyed! The national feather won the championship, the coach took Zhang Zhijie's jersey to receive the award, the team members cried, and the commentator choked

The first to bear the brunt is the men's doubles, the pair of Hu Keyuan and Lin Xiangyi, facing the Korean team's Lee Hyung-woo and Lee Jong-min, that is called a god brave! The two young men came up with a fierce attack, and they were dazzled by each other, and the scores of 21-14 and 21-19 were simply dazzling.

followed by the women's singles, although Xu Wenjing once fell into a hard battle, her opponent Jin Minxuan was superior and dragged the game into the deciding game.

Teary-eyed! The national feather won the championship, the coach took Zhang Zhijie's jersey to receive the award, the team members cried, and the commentator choked

But our female generals are not vegetarians, although they lost 21-7, 19-21, 21-14 in the end, but that fighting spirit and tenacity can simply knock out the copper wall and iron wall!

In the men's singles, Wang Zijun's performance is even more strong, in the face of South Korea's Li Qizhen, this young man came up with a fierce smash like a tiger, and the opponent didn't even have time to react, 21-13, 21-8 scores, this is the so-called "one ride in the dust"!

Teary-eyed! The national feather won the championship, the coach took Zhang Zhijie's jersey to receive the award, the team members cried, and the commentator choked

In the women's doubles, Chen Fan Shuyan and Liu Jiayue did not show weakness, and in the match against Kim Minzhi and Yeon Shuyan, the two girls showed super tacit understanding and perseverance, 21-16, 22-20, this score is written as tense and exciting, and it is heart-pounding.

In the end, the Chinese team defeated the South Korean team with an aggregate score of 3-1 and won the championship trophy. Sixteen players and coaches stood on the podium together, and each one of them had an unmistakable pride written on their faces.

Teary-eyed! The national feather won the championship, the coach took Zhang Zhijie's jersey to receive the award, the team members cried, and the commentator choked

And the coach holding Zhang Zhijie's jersey made this moment full of incomparable emotional weight.

This victory is not only a recognition of technology, but also a tribute to team spirit and perseverance.

Teary-eyed! The national feather won the championship, the coach took Zhang Zhijie's jersey to receive the award, the team members cried, and the commentator choked

Every time you jump up and smash, every time you fight to block the net, it is the best interpretation of "never give up".

Although there were fierce confrontations in the competition, it was more about showing the style of the athletes, as well as their love for the game and their desire to win.

Teary-eyed! The national feather won the championship, the coach took Zhang Zhijie's jersey to receive the award, the team members cried, and the commentator choked

Although Zhang Zhijie was unable to participate in person, his spirit and dream are undoubtedly with every member of the team.

Commemorating and comforting a soul who loves badminton in this way is undoubtedly the most affectionate confession.

Teary-eyed! The national feather won the championship, the coach took Zhang Zhijie's jersey to receive the award, the team members cried, and the commentator choked

At the end of the game, the scene was full of joy and sorrow, which not only touched everyone at the scene, but also made every audience watching the live broadcast feel the charm of sports and the true feelings of athletes.

In the future, we expect the national feather to continue to maintain this state and spirit and create more brilliance in the world badminton arena.

Teary-eyed! The national feather won the championship, the coach took Zhang Zhijie's jersey to receive the award, the team members cried, and the commentator choked

And for Zhang Zhijie's mourning, let us also remember that every swing is the best memorial to him.

This is not only a victory in a game, but also a spiritual inheritance and a profound tribute to the meaning of life.

Teary-eyed! The national feather won the championship, the coach took Zhang Zhijie's jersey to receive the award, the team members cried, and the commentator choked

Following the enthusiasm above, the performance of our national feather friends in the Xiangchu Fengyun Asian Youth Badminton Championships is really eye-catching! Every smash is like saying to your opponent, "You're not welcome here, boy!" "And this victory is not just a victory in points, it's a big victory in spirit, isn't it?

Speaking of which, I have to mention our Zhang Zhijie, although he didn't get on the field in person, his jersey is there, as if his spirit is also fighting with his teammates on the field! This feeling, you know, is like an old friend who is not by your side, but the thoughts are always there.

Teary-eyed! The national feather won the championship, the coach took Zhang Zhijie's jersey to receive the award, the team members cried, and the commentator choked

Moreover, if you look at our Hu Keyuan and Lin Xiangyi, the performance of this pair in the men's doubles is like a cannon fire, which makes people addicted to watch.

You say, isn't this like watching a wonderful blockbuster, where the protagonist always turns the tables at the last minute, which is exciting?

Teary-eyed! The national feather won the championship, the coach took Zhang Zhijie's jersey to receive the award, the team members cried, and the commentator choked

A netizen commented: "Really, when I saw the match between Hu Keyuan and Lin Xiangyi, I was about to squirt out the drink in my hand!" The two of them are on the stage as the 'Double Heroes', and the momentum is like a rainbow, and I can see that the tears of an old audience are about to fall.

That kind of spirit, that kind of momentum, is simply a fighter on the badminton court! ”

Teary-eyed! The national feather won the championship, the coach took Zhang Zhijie's jersey to receive the award, the team members cried, and the commentator choked

In the women's singles, although Xu Wenjing lost, her persistence and fighting spirit won everyone's respect.

Every time she chases the ball on the field, it is like saying to the difficulty: "You can't trouble me!" Is this spirit of not admitting defeat also infected with Zhang Zhijie's perseverance?

Teary-eyed! The national feather won the championship, the coach took Zhang Zhijie's jersey to receive the award, the team members cried, and the commentator choked

Some netizens said: "Although Xu Wenjing didn't win this game, she won the hearts of the audience."

Every moment of trying to chase the ball is touching.

Every minute and every second she is on the field conveys a belief: even if she fails, she must fail beautifully! ”

Next, let's talk about our Wang Zijun, his performance in the men's singles is simply lightning on the badminton court, the perfect combination of speed and strength, making the opponent lose his sense of direction in an instant.

This kind of performance, you say, isn't it like a superhero showing off his superpowers in front of his enemies?

A netizen sighed: "Wang Zijun, this young man, is really amazing, every time I watch him play, I feel that this game is simply not a fight, it is a game of speed and passion!" His speed, which was so dazzling that he was so powerful that he could bend the racket, made my heart flutter! ”

In the women's doubles, the cooperation between Chen Fan Shuyan and Liu Jiayue is also wonderful, their tacit understanding and persistence on the court seem to tell us that badminton is not only a sport, but also a spiritual exchange and cooperation.

It's like saying that as long as there is a heart-to-heart connection, then no matter how big the difficulties, can be overcome together.

Therefore, this competition is not only a sports competition, but also a spiritual collision and a spiritual exchange.

Every stride, every swing, is a hymn to vitality and the pursuit of dreams.

In short, the performance of the national feather not only let us see the victory, but also made us feel the charm of sports and the perseverance and perseverance behind the athletes.

This spirit, this power, is difficult to express in any words, and can only be felt with the heart.

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