
Why did the U.S. lose? Singaporean scholar: Kissinger told me why

author:Wisdom Focus Circle

The United States regards China as a "systemic threat" and regards it as the "most threatening adversary" in history, and has imposed a series of containment and containment measures against China.

However, a well-known scholar has raised profound doubts about this, believing that there is a major misunderstanding in this series of US practices.

Why did the U.S. lose? Singaporean scholar: Kissinger told me why

According to the Observer, Singapore's former deputy foreign minister and well-known scholar Ma Kaishuo gave an in-depth analysis of the game between China and the United States in an important speech in the United Arab Emirates.

He made it clear that the United States believes that it has about a decade to prevent China from becoming the world's leading country, but unfortunately, the end result is likely to be that "the United States is still unable to stop China's rise."

This view is not only based on an in-depth analysis of the current international situation, but also reflects a deep understanding of China's development potential.

In his speech, he cited a number of strong arguments to support his views.

These reasons include not only the problems of the United States itself, such as the rigidity of the political system and the imbalance of the economic structure, but also China's counterattack strategy, such as the acceleration of scientific and technological innovation and the increase of international influence.

However, he believes that the most critical factor is that the United States has launched a challenge to China without a clear strategy.

Such actions without strategic guidance will not only fail to effectively contain China's rise, but may instead trigger more international conflicts and instability.

Ma Kaishuo further revealed that this profound insight was actually put forward by Kissinger when he communicated with him during his lifetime.

At a private dinner, Kissinger, a legend in the US diplomatic circles, frankly admitted that the US government and Congress have reached a bipartisan consensus on the "need to contain China," but regrettably the United States lacks a basic strategy on this matter.

In his opinion, this is the biggest strategic mistake ever made by the United States. Kissinger's views undoubtedly added more authority and persuasiveness to Marker's speech.

Why did the U.S. lose? Singaporean scholar: Kissinger told me why

In his speech, Ma stressed that the outside world only knows that the United States is "confronting China," but does not know anything about "what the United States ultimately wants to achieve."

This vague strategic goal not only confuses and unsettles America's allies, but also makes the international community more questioning and worried about the behavior of the United States.

Is it to contain China's economic development, or to create color revolutions in China, or to isolate China from the international community? None of these questions have clear answers.

Later facts also proved that Kissinger's fears were not groundless, because no one knew what the conditions for victory were in the "great power game" launched by the United States against China.

As a prominent figure in the US diplomatic circles, Kissinger's views undoubtedly have far-reaching influence.

In fact, the mistake he pointed out is not the first time that the United States has made it. A case in point is the war in Afghanistan.

After 9/11, the U.S. military marched into Afghanistan in a rage, and at first it was thought that it was a simple "war of revenge", but it soon became clear that Washington had too many geopolitical agendas involved.

Especially after the killing of Osama bin Laden, the reasons why the US military remained in Afghanistan became increasingly ambiguous.

This lack of clear strategic guidance ultimately led to the defeat and hasty withdrawal of US troops.

Today, the United States faces the same problem with its plan to contain China.

Why did the U.S. lose? Singaporean scholar: Kissinger told me why

The allies only know that the United States wants to contain China, but they know nothing about the conditions for ultimate victory.

This vague strategic goal not only confuses and unnerves allies, but also deprives the United States of a clear direction and momentum for action.

This question has been raised before, that China is the type of adversary that the United States has never faced, and Washington does not know how to deal with it.

The only way they can do that is to challenge themselves in every area they can think of and see what they can do.

However, such blind and chaotic actions will not only fail to effectively contain China's rise, but may instead plunge the United States into a deeper predicament.

What the world has seen is a scene in which the United States has struck a chaotic and disorderly combination against China, completely losing the rules and regulations of the Soviet Union.

This lack of strategic guidance and clear goals has not only seriously damaged the international image of the United States, but also caused more doubts and concerns among its allies and the international community.

Even when the United States tries to persuade its allies to join its camp, it hesitates because everyone fears that the United States will eventually provoke a "world war." This arrogant mentality based on hegemony is undoubtedly a major problem for the United States.

It has not only caused the United States to lose more support and trust in the international community, but also plunged it into deeper isolation and predicament.

Why did the U.S. lose? Singaporean scholar: Kissinger told me why

The United States has always been creating all kinds of troubles for itself, and China is just another trouble it has brought on itself.

This arrogant mentality based on hegemony has not only caused the United States to lose more support and trust in the international community, but also plunged it into deeper isolation and predicament.

Perhaps Washington should heed Mr. Marker's advice and abandon its containment strategy against China. Such a strategy will not only fail to effectively contain China's rise, but may plunge the United States into deeper predicament and conflict.

Instead, the United States should adopt a more rational and pragmatic approach to China's rise.

It should recognize that China's development is an irreversible trend, and that the interest of the United States is not to contain China's rise, but to establish a peaceful, stable, and cooperative relationship with China.

Through this relationship, the United States can work with China to address global challenges and issues, such as climate change and non-traditional security, so as to achieve mutual development and prosperity.

At the same time, the United States should also seriously reflect on its role and position in the international community.

Why did the U.S. lose? Singaporean scholar: Kissinger told me why

It should realize that as a global power, the responsibility of the United States is not only to safeguard its own interests and status, but to promote global peace, stability, and development.

In order to achieve this goal, the United States needs to establish a relationship of equality, mutual trust, and cooperation with other major powers to jointly address global challenges and problems.

In short, the U.S. containment strategy against China is a wrong choice based on hegemony.

Not only will it fail to effectively contain China's rise, but it may plunge the United States into deeper predicament and conflict.

On the contrary, the United States should adopt a more rational and pragmatic attitude to face China's rise, establish a peaceful, stable and cooperative relationship with China, and jointly address global challenges and problems.

Only in this way can the United States truly realize its own interests and enhance its status, and can also make greater contributions to global peace, stability, and development.

At the same time, it will also be an important way for the United States to regain support and trust in the international community.

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