
Japan and the Philippines conspired to contain the Chinese side, and as soon as the words fell, Japan sent three messages in a row, and the Chinese fleet approached in 5 ways

author:Wisdom Focus Circle

One of Japan's moves inadvertently exposed its long-hidden ambitions, but as soon as this statement came out, the Japanese side realized the inappropriateness and sensitivity of the situation.

Recently, Japan's Joint Staff Supervision Department has released three pieces of news in a rare row, claiming that the Chinese Navy's ship formation is divided into five routes.

Japan and the Philippines conspired to contain the Chinese side, and as soon as the words fell, Japan sent three messages in a row, and the Chinese fleet approached in 5 ways

The presence of the five major straits of Osumi, Tsushima, Tsugaru, Miyako, and Soya has attracted widespread attention.

With the emergence of several batches of PLA fleets in the waters around Japan, the Japanese side may have felt deep worries and uneasiness.

The formation of this situation is undoubtedly a severe test for Japan.

However, the Japanese side can only say that it is reaping the consequences of this situation, because Japan has clearly exposed its ambitions and intentions recently.

In fact, on the same day that three pieces of news were sent in a row, another shocking piece of news came out in the Japanese media.

It is reported that the command of the Self-Defense Fleet of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force is actively studying the mechanism of creating a "sister force" with the Philippine Navy.

It also unabashedly claims that the move is aimed at curbing the rise and influence of the Chinese navy in the South China Sea.

The news has undoubtedly further aggravated the tension in the region.

In this case, it is not the Philippines or the United States, which is behind Japan-Philippines relations, but Japan itself, that really deserves our attention.

A common explanation for Japan's active cooperation with the U.S. strategy to contain China has long been Japan's close proximity to the United States and its status as an ally of the United States.

However, is this really the only reason?

If Japan is forced to get involved in an alliance to contain China simply because it is coerced by the United States, then the enthusiasm shown by the Japanese side should be limited.

Japan and the Philippines conspired to contain the Chinese side, and as soon as the words fell, Japan sent three messages in a row, and the Chinese fleet approached in 5 ways

However, the reality is that Japan has shown a higher level of enthusiasm and initiative than any other country.

The United States has not given much substantial support and assistance to the Philippines.

The United States only pays lip service to the solidity and importance of the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty, or holds symbolic activities such as joint military exercises with the Philippines, but substantive support and assistance do not actually exist.

As a result, in May, senior Philippine officials specifically called on the United States to help boost the Philippine economy to ease economic pressures at home.

Even in the recent Ren'ai Jiao incident, when the Philippines was helpless and in a difficult situation in the face of the Chinese coast guard, the US military withdrew the aircraft carrier "Roosevelt" overnight, a move that undoubtedly made the Philippines feel disappointed and helpless.

In contrast, the attitude of the Japanese side is much more generous.

Japan not only took the initiative to donate military equipment such as patrol boats to the Philippines, but also provided the Philippines with advanced equipment such as long-range surveillance radars.

These moves have undoubtedly strengthened the Philippines' military capabilities and influence in the South China Sea.

Even at a time when the United States is strategically moving away from China's southeast coast to avoid being attacked by Chinese missiles, Japan still insists on establishing a "sister force" mechanism with the Philippines.

This move has undoubtedly further aggravated the tension and complexity of the regional situation.

All indications show that Japan's active cooperation with the United States in its conspiracy to contain China is not just coerced or instigated by the United States, but that Japan itself has taken the initiative to join and actively participate in it. How so?

A more plausible explanation is that there are ulterior motives on the part of Japan.

For example, inciting the Philippines to cause trouble and create incidents in the South China Sea to divert China's energy and attention.

Or by strengthening military cooperation with the Philippines to enhance its regional influence and discourse.

It may even be paving the way for the occupation of Chinese territory such as the Diaoyu Islands.

Japan and the Philippines conspired to contain the Chinese side, and as soon as the words fell, Japan sent three messages in a row, and the Chinese fleet approached in 5 ways

More importantly, there is good reason to believe that Japan's ambitions are likely not limited to the Diaoyu Islands.

After all, during World War II, Japan invaded other Chinese islands and reefs, and brutally colonized and plundered these areas.

Although time has passed and history has been turned over, the Japanese side has not thoroughly reflected on and apologized for its past aggression.

On the contrary, in today's international situation, Japan is still constantly provoking neighboring countries and trying to expand its sphere of influence and influence.

For example, the dispute with Russia over the four northern islands, as well as China's provocation and containment in the South China Sea, have fully exposed Japan's ambitions and intentions.

However, as soon as the talk of Japan-Philippines collusion appeared, the Chinese fleet approached the waters around Japan in five directions.

This move is undoubtedly a warning and deterrent to the Japanese side.

It shows that China still maintains a high degree of vigilance and vigilance against Japan's ambitions and intentions.

At the same time, it also sends a clear signal to the outside world that China will not tolerate any country manipulating or sabotaging its territorial and sovereignty issues.

In addition, Russia is now preparing to take countermeasures against Japan in response to its provocative actions over the four northern islands.

What is foreseeable is that under the vigilance and pressure of many parties, Japan's ambitions are destined to be difficult to realize.

Because from both a historical and a practical point of view, any attempt to seek one's own interests by provoking and containing other countries is undesirable and doomed to failure.

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