
Why is it said that US hegemony will inevitably collapse and that Sino-US relations will be difficult to recover? The conditions in the United States are unacceptable

author:Wisdom Focus Circle

To explore the reasons for the inevitable decline of US global hegemony and the difficulty of recovering Sino-US relations, we have to deeply analyze an irreconcilable contradiction.

The United States has lost the ability to dominate the global market by controlling the world's largest industrial and productive countries, a fundamental shift that heralds the erosion of its global hegemony and the brink of collapse.

Why is it said that US hegemony will inevitably collapse and that Sino-US relations will be difficult to recover? The conditions in the United States are unacceptable

Looking back on the long history, China's main role in the global market was to produce low-end products such as clothing, furniture and household appliances with low technology content and low prices for the United States and the West.

In essence, we act as "sweatshops" of goods that are labor-intensive but marginal.

There were even extreme cases where hundreds of millions of pairs of socks were sold in exchange for a plane, a fact that highlighted the deep exploitation and ruthless oppression of us by the United States and the West at that time.

At that time, the United States and the West easily controlled us and the global market by virtue of their technological and financial advantages.

They don't have to work too hard to make huge profits, so they don't see us as a threat, but rather like to maintain friendly relations.

In their eyes, we are not a threat, and no amount of low-end manufacturing can dominate the global market.

On the contrary, our presence has provided the United States and the West with a large number of cheap goods, reduced their cost of living, curbed domestic inflation, and further improved the quality of life of the people.

Today, however, the situation has been completely reversed, and China's pillar industries have changed from low-end manufacturing such as clothing to high-end manufacturing and high-tech industries with advanced technology and lucrative profits.

The rise of new energy industries, such as new energy vehicles, lithium batteries and photovoltaics, marks a major breakthrough in China's high-tech field.

With its unremitting efforts and fighting spirit, China has become the world's largest industrial country and production capacity, and has an important voice and influence on the global market.

Why is it said that US hegemony will inevitably collapse and that Sino-US relations will be difficult to recover? The conditions in the United States are unacceptable

We have successfully shaken off the label of "sweatshop" and begun to seek common development with the United States and the West in the field of high-tech industries, which has undoubtedly touched the sensitive nerves of the United States and the West.

We take all current achievements as the result of hard work, as a matter of course and reasonable.

However, in the eyes of the United States and the West, our move has seriously affected their control of the global market and their ability to exploit other countries.

They fear that in the future, they will no longer be able to satisfy their greed by exploiting other countries, and that the days of easy profit will be over.

Naturally, this is a reality that the United States and the West cannot accept, so they are bound to completely turn their faces against us, so how can they still have good relations with us?

In fact, the United States and the West have also set conditions before.

Recently, they have successively adopted sanctions and tariffs to suppress China's new energy industry, and their intentions have been obvious.

They hope that we will abandon our high-tech industries, return to the previous economic model of low-end manufacturing and labor-intensive industries, and continue to serve as "slaves" serving the United States and the West.

In this way, they may consider resuming what appears to be a "friendly" relationship with us.

However, it is clear that such conditions are simply unacceptable to us and will not accede to.

We are well aware that only by insisting on independent innovation and developing high-tech industries can we achieve long-term peace and stability of the country and a happy life for the people.

At the heart of the U.S. and Western thinking lies in a zero-sum game mentality: if China's 1.4 billion people are living well, then they will not have a good life to live, because they will lose the object of exploitation.

This notion is clearly narrow and selfish. They do not want to see China rise and become stronger, let alone accept a big country that sits on their own side and shares global resources and markets.

Why is it said that US hegemony will inevitably collapse and that Sino-US relations will be difficult to recover? The conditions in the United States are unacceptable

Therefore, unless we are willing to give up future development opportunities and live the life we used to live willingly, fundamentally speaking, the attitude of the United States and the West towards us will not change, and they will only remain hostile to us.

In the face of such a reality, we must be soberly aware that the struggle is extremely cruel.

It is very naïve and naïve to hope that the fundamental contradictions between the two sides will be resolved through friendly relations.

At this point, the struggle and cooperation between China and the United States will become the norm in the future.

We must abandon all illusions and firmly safeguard our right to development and legitimate rights and interests.

With regard to the two seemingly common concepts of the right to subsistence and the right to development, our generation must shoulder the mission of our times and bravely stand up and fight.

Because these two rights are essential for a nation and a people.

They are not only a matter of course, but also a precious treasure that countless revolutionary martyrs have exchanged their lives and blood for.

Why is it said that US hegemony will inevitably collapse and that Sino-US relations will be difficult to recover? The conditions in the United States are unacceptable

Today, in order to defend our right to subsistence and development, and to make every Chinese live a better life, our generation must stand up and fight bravely.

We must be firm in our convictions, remain calm, and respond rationally to various challenges and difficulties.

At the same time, we should actively seek cooperation and win-win cooperation with other countries in the world, jointly promote the reform and improvement of the global governance system, and contribute to building a more just, reasonable and inclusive international order.

Only in this way can we truly realize the dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and let China shine more brightly on the world stage!

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